E-Publish提前打印 http://n.首页neurology.org 首页神经病学RSS提要,E-Publish提前打印 1526 - 632 x 首页 0028 - 3878 首页 http://n.首页neurology.org/icons/banner/title.gifhttp://n.首页neurology.org < ![CDATA[改变目光控制在肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症患者情感面临勘探]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207214v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景:< /圣> < p > 50%的肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化(ALS)患者存在认知障碍和行为障碍包括人脸识别呈现不同的情绪。我们调查是否受损的处理与异常相关的情感面临在视觉扫描路径探索。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >认知没有抑制als患者(n = 45)和匹配的健康对照组(n = 37)进行神经心理评估和视频眼睛跟踪。眼动记录而参与者视觉探索面临表达不同的情绪(中性、厌恶、快乐、恐惧、悲伤)和房屋模仿的面孔。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p >控制相比,抑制als患者固定大大延长non-emotional-relevant地区当面临表示恐惧(p = 0.007)和厌恶(p = 0.006)而面临表达厌恶的眼睛受到的关注相对较少(p = 0.041)。固定时间在任何感兴趣的领域没有明显与认知状态或疾病的临床症状严重程度。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结论:< /圣> < p >在认知正常抑制als患者,凝视模式而改变视觉探索表达不同的情绪可能面临来自受损自上而下注意控制阈下额颞叶区域参与的可能性。这可能解释模糊情感识别在先前的研究报告,作为隐特征检索更多的关注相比,突出的地区。目前的发现可能表明不同的情感处理障碍的ALS-pathology可能不同于如执行功能障碍。< / p > < /秒> 南宁、F。Braune, K。Uttner,我。Ludolph, a . C。峡谷,M。Lule D。 2023 - 03 - 30 - t12:45:15 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207214 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207214 美国神经病学学会首页 临床神经学检查,肌首页萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症,视觉处理 改变目光控制情绪在肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症患者面临勘探 2023-03-30 临床/科学报告 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207214v1 < ![CDATA[共识能力全球神经病学的研究生奖学金培训]]>首页 http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207184v1?rss=1 Objective:

Use a modified Delphi approach to develop competencies for neurologists completing >1 year of advanced global neurology training.


An expert panel of 19 US-based neurologists involved in global health was recruited from the American Academy of Neurology Global Health Section and the American Neurological Association International Outreach Committee. An extensive list of global health competencies was generated from review of global health curricula and adapted for global neurology training. Using a modified Delphi method, US-based neurologists participated in three rounds of voting on a survey with potential competencies rated on a 4-point Likert scale. A final group discussion was held to reach consensus. Proposed competencies were then subjected to a formal review from a group of seven neurologists from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) with experience working with neurology trainees from high-income countries (HICs) who commented on potential gaps, feasibility, and local implementation challenges of the proposed competencies. This feedback was used to modify and finalize competencies.


Three rounds of surveys, a conference call with US-based experts, and a semi-structured questionnaire and focus group discussion with LMIC experts were utilized to discuss and reach consensus on the final competencies. This resulted in a competency framework consisting of 47 competencies across eight domains: (1) Cultural Context, Social Determinants of Health and Access to Care; (2) Clinical and Teaching Skills and Neurological Medical Knowledge; (3) Team-Based Practice; (4) Developing Global Neurology Partnerships; (5) Ethics; (6) Approach to Clinical Care; (7) Community Neurological Health; (8) Health Care Systems and Multinational Health Care Organizations.


These proposed competencies can serve as a foundation on which future global neurology training programs can be built and trainees evaluated. It may also serve as a model for global health training programs in other medical specialties as well as a framework to expand the number of neurologists from HICs trained in global neurology.

Schiess, N。Kulo, V。Anand, P。、Bearden d R。干,a . L。Birbeck, g . L。Cervantes-Arslanian,。陈,P。、Chishimba l . C。周润发,f . C。Elicer,我。百合花纹的,。Kinikar,。Kvalsund, M。、Mateen f·J。Mbonde, A。迈耶,A.-C。l, O'Carroll, C. B., Ogunniyi, A., Patel, A. A., Rubenstein, M., Siddiqi, O. K., Spudich, S., Tackett, S. A., Thakur, K. T., Vora, N., Zunt, J., Saylor, D. R. 2023 - 03 - 30 - t12:45:15 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207184 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207184 美国神经病学学会首页 所有全球神经病学、Tr首页aining-international跨文化护理,所有教育 共识在全球神经学研究生奖学金培训能力首页 2023-03-30 当代问题在实践中,教育,和amp;研究 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207184v1
< ![CDATA[使用灌注成像在血管内血栓切除术病人选择迟到时间窗?这个问题]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207357v1?rss=1 Katsanos, a . H。Catanese, L。Shoamanesh,。 2023 - 03 - 29 - t12:45:38 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207357 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207357 美国神经病学学会首页 所有脑血管疾病/中风 使用灌注成像在血管内血栓切除术病人选择迟到时间窗?这是个问题 2023-03-29 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207357v1 < ![CDATA[临床推理:一个82岁的女人和亚急性Ophthalmoparesis共济失调]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207246v1?rss=1 < p >我们现在的一个82岁的女性与亚急性改变精神状态,眼球运动的干扰,共济失调。在考试,她表现出双边下垂,完成水平眼肌麻痹和有限的垂直眼球运动期间upgaze与著名的躯干的运动失调有关。脑MRI显示轻微hyperintensity T2和液体衰减反转恢复序列后脑干扩展到上面的颈线,没有钆增强。临床和放射学特征提出一种脑脊髓炎与突出的脑干的参与。我们总结了全面的鉴别诊断患者亚急性脑干脑炎、包括传染病、多种症状和炎症性疾病。这种情况下强调执行广泛的相关性,有条不紊的恶性肿瘤筛查-初始检查。< / p > Rodrigo-Gisbert, M。Llaurado,。Baucells,。钻,C。冈萨雷斯,V。 2023 - 03 - 29 - t12:45:38 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207246 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207246 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振,副肿瘤综合征 临床推理:一位82岁的老太太亚急性Ophthalmoparesis和共济失调 2023-03-29 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207246v1 < ![CDATA[珍珠和Oy-sters:出血性骨髓炎后SARS-CoV-2感染]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207213v1?rss=1 < p >出血脊髓炎的设置是在临床实践中很少见到。我们报告三个系列26岁女性,43岁,44岁,4周内出现急性出血性脊髓炎SARS-CoV-2感染。两个需要重症监护,一个曾与多器官衰竭严重疾病。串行脊柱的磁共振成像(MRI)显示t2加权与t1 hyperintensity post-contrast增强髓质和颈椎(病人1),和胸椎(病人2和3)。出血被确认在造影t1,磁化率加权和梯度回波序列。不同于典型的炎症或脱髓鞘脊髓炎临床恢复很穷在所有情况下,残余四肢瘫痪或截瘫,尽管免疫抑制。这些情况下强调尽管出血性脊髓炎是罕见的,它可以发生在一篇/ para-infectious SARS-CoV-2感染并发症。< / p > Toljan, K。Mahadeen,。阿明,M。Rensel, M。琼斯,s E。Ontaneda D。Kunchok, a . C。 2023 - 03 - 29 - t12:45:38 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207213 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207213 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振,横向脊髓炎、脊髓感染,COVID-19,横向脊髓炎 珍珠和Oy-sters:出血性脊髓炎SARS-CoV-2后感染 2023-03-29 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207213v1 < ![CDATA[这都是关于时间:生理因素丛集性头痛和偏头痛]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207329v1?rss=1 萨瑟兰,H。格里菲思,L。 2023 - 03 - 29 - t12:45:38 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207329 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207329 美国神经病学学会首页 偏头痛、丛集性头痛、昼夜节律睡眠障碍,基因表达研究,协会在遗传学研究 这都是关于时间:生理因素在丛集性头痛和偏头痛 2023-03-29 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207329v1 < ![CDATA[丛集性头痛和偏头痛的生理特性:系统回顾,分析,和遗传分析]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207240v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >丛集性头痛和偏头痛有生理特性在不同层次(细胞、系统和行为)。全面了解他们的生理特性通知他们的病理生理学。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >图书管理员创建搜索标准在Medline奥维德,Embase, PsycINFO, Web的科学和Cochrane图书馆。两个医生独立完成剩余的系统回顾/荟萃分析使用棱镜的指导方针。独立于系统审查/荟萃分析我们进行了遗传分析基因表达的昼夜模式(时钟控制基因或20)交叉引用全基因组关联研究(GWAS)头痛、非人类的灵长类动物研究在20多种组织,和最近的评论相关的大脑区域在头痛疾患。完全,这允许我们的目录生理特性在行为层面(昼夜时间,时间,时间,时间类型),系统层面(相关的大脑区域在20是活跃的,褪黑激素和类固醇水平),和细胞水平(核心生理基因和20)。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p >系统回顾和荟萃分析,1513年的研究发现,72遇到入选标准;遗传分析我们发现16 GWAS, 1非人类的灵长类动物的研究中,与16成像检查。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>丛集性头痛:< /圣> < p >行为,荟萃分析显示昼夜模式的攻击在70.5%(3490/4953)的16个研究参与者之间有明显的昼夜峰21:00-03:00 circannual山峰在春天和秋天。时间类型高度在研究变量。在系统层面,降低褪黑激素和皮质醇水平更高的报道。 At the cellular level, cluster headache was associated with core circadian genes CLOCK and REV-ERBα, and five of the nine cluster headache susceptibility genes were CCGs.


Behaviorally, meta-analyses showed a circadian pattern of attacks in 50.1% (2698/5385) of participants across eight studies, with a clear circadian trough between 23:00-07:00 and a broad circannual peak between April-October. Chronotype was highly variable across studies. At the systems level, urinary melatonin levels were lower in migraine participants and even lower during an attack. At the cellular level, migraine was associated with core circadian genes CK1 and RORα, and 110 of the 168 migraine susceptibility genes were CCGs.


Cluster headache and migraine are highly circadian at multiple levels, reinforcing the importance of the hypothalamus. This review provides a pathophysiological foundation for circadian-targeted research into these disorders.

Trial Registration Information:

The study was registered with PROSPERO (registration number CRD42021234238).

Benkli B。金,美国Y。小池百合子,N。,汉族,C。Tran C。席尔瓦,E。燕,Y。Yagita, K。陈,Z。Yoo工程学系。Burish, m . J。 2023 - 03 - 29 - t12:45:38 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207240 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207240 美国神经病学学会首页 偏头痛、丛集性头痛、昼夜节律睡眠障碍,基因表达研究,协会在遗传学研究 丛集性头痛和偏头痛的生理特性:系统回顾、分析和遗传分析 2023-03-29 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207240v1
< ![CDATA[发作负担和神经结果后新生儿脑病]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207202v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >癫痫发作期间常见的新生儿脑病,但发作的贡献负担的结果仍然是有争议的。本研究旨在考察电记录的发作负担和神经之间的关系结果后新生儿脑病。


This prospective cohort study recruited newborns ≥36 weeks PMA around 6 hours of life between August 2014 to November 2019 from a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Participants underwent continuous electroencephalography for at least 48 hours, brain MRI within 3-5 days of life, and structured follow-up at 18 months. Electrographic seizures were identified by board-certified neurophysiologists, and quantified as total seizure burden and maximum hourly seizure burden. A medication exposure score was calculated based on all anti-seizure medications given during NICU admission. Brain MRI injury severity was classified based on basal ganglia and watershed scores. Developmental outcomes were measured using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, 3rd Edition. Multivariable regression analyses were performed, adjusting for significant potential confounders.


Of 108 enrolled subjects, 98 subjects had cEEG and MRI data collected, of which 5 were lost to follow-up, and 6 died before age 18 months. All subjects with moderate-severe encephalopathy completed therapeutic hypothermia. cEEG-confirmed neonatal seizures occurred in 21(24%) newborns, with a total seizure burden mean of 12.5 ± 36.4 minutes, and a maximum hourly seizure burden mean of 4 ± 10 min/hr. After adjusting for MRI brain injury severity and medication exposure, total seizure burden was significantly associated with lower cognitive (-0.21, 95%CI -0.33 – -0.08, p=0.002) and language (-0.25, 95%CI -0.39 – -0.11, p=0.001) scores at 18 months. Total seizure burden of 60 minutes was associated with 15-point decline in language scores, and 70 minutes for cognitive scores. However, seizure burden was not significantly associated with epilepsy, neuromotor score, or cerebral palsy (p>0.1).


Higher seizure burden during neonatal encephalopathy was independently associated with worse cognitive and language scores at 18 months, even after adjusting for exposure to anti-seizure medications and severity of brain injury. These observations support the hypothesis that neonatal seizures occurring during neonatal encephalopathy independently contribute to long-term outcomes.

Alharbi, h . M。Pinchefsky, e . F。Tran M.-A。萨拉查Cerda先生,c。I。、Varghese j . P。Kamino D。Widjaja E。Mamak E。Ly, L。Nevalainen, P。哈恩,c, D。Tam, e . w . Y。 2023 - 03 - 29 - t12:45:38 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207202 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207202 美国神经病学学会首页 预后,脑电图;看到癫痫/发作,新生儿,抗癫痫药物,新生儿癫痫发作 新生儿脑病后发作负担和神经系统的结果 2023-03-29 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207202v1
< ![CDATA[珍珠和Oy-sters:二尖瓣环钙化是缺血性中风的一个原因:病例报告]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207248v1?rss=1 < p >评估中风的病因是中风的一个重要方面影响二级预防保健措施。尽管最近的进步诊断检测,确定中风病因可能仍然是一个挑战性的任务特别是减少中风的常见原因如二尖瓣环钙化。这种情况下将审查组织病理学的好处血栓评估血栓切除术后确定栓塞性中风的常见原因变更管理。< / p > 史,R。阿明,M。Cierny, M。棕褐色,C。Buletko, a B。 2023 - 03 - 29 - t12:45:38 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207248 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207248 美国神经病学学会首页 所有脑血管疾病/中风、心脏、栓塞 珍珠和Oy-sters:二尖瓣环钙化是缺血性中风的一个原因:一个案例报告 2023-03-29 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207248v1 < ![CDATA[国家趋势的脑静脉窦支架植入治疗特发性颅内高血压]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207245v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景:< /圣> < p >脑静脉窦支架(VSS)已经成为一个新的手术治疗严重颅内高压症,和它的受欢迎程度一直在上升。本研究探讨了最近的时间趋势的VSS和其他手术颅内高压症治疗在美国。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >成人颅内高压症患者确定2016 - 20的全国住院病人样本数据库,和手术记录和医院特点。时间趋势VSS的过程数据,脑脊液(CSF)分流术,视神经鞘来袭(ONSF)进行评估和比较。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p > 46065(95%置信区间:44710 - 47420)颅内高压症患者,其中7535名患者(95%置信区间:6982 - 8088)接受手术治疗颅内高压症。VSS procedures increased 80% (150 [95%CI: 55-245] to 270 [95%CI: 162-378] per year, p<0.001). Concurrently, the number of CSF shunts decreased by 19% (1365 [95%CI: 1,126-1,604] to 1105 [95%CI: 900-1,310] per year, p<0.001), and ONSF procedures decreased by 54% (65 [95%CI: 20-110] to 30 [95%CI: 6-54] per year, p<0.001).


Practice patterns for surgical IIH treatment in the United States are rapidly evolving, and VSS is becoming increasingly common. These findings highlight the urgency of randomized controlled trials to investigate the comparative effectiveness and safety of VSS, CSF shunts, ONSF, and standard medical treatments.

Khunte, M。陈,H。Colasurdo, M。查图尔维迪,S。Malhotra,,。甘地,D。 2023 - 03 - 29 - t12:45:38 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207245 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207245 美国神经病学学会首页 特发性颅内高血压,其他脑血管疾病/中风 国家趋势的脑静脉窦支架植入治疗特发性颅内高血压 2023-03-29 临床/科学报告 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207245v1
< ![CDATA [CT灌注vs 41 CT对窗口中风后期血栓切除术:系统回顾和荟萃分析]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207262v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景:< /圣> < p > (AIS)治疗急性缺血性中风患者血管内血栓切除术(EVT)在窗口(6日到24日小时)可以评估与ct灌注(CTP)或41计算机断层扫描(NCCT)。根据不同类型的成像结果是否选择是未知的。我们进行了一项系统回顾和荟萃分析比较结果CTP与NCCT EVT选择后期治疗窗口。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >本研究报告根据2020棱镜的指导方针。系统的文献综述进行了英语语言文学的科学使用Web, Embase,斯高帕斯,PubMed数据库。论文关注后期窗口AIS发生EVT通过CTP成像NCCT都包括在内。用一种随机影响模型数据池。感兴趣的主要结果是独立的功能,定义为改良Rankin规模(夫人)0 - 2。二次结果的兴趣包括成功的再灌注率,定义为在脑梗死溶栓(TICI) 2酮,死亡率和症状性颅内出血(西奇)。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p > 5研究3384名患者被包含在我们的分析。有类似的功能独立(或= 1.03,95% CI, 0.87 - -1.22;假定值= 0.71)和西奇(或= 1.09,95% CI, 0.58 - -2.04; P-value= 0.80) between the two groups. Patients imaged with CTP had higher rates of successful reperfusion (OR= 1.31, 95% CI, 1.05-1.64; P-value= 0.015) and lower rates of mortality (OR= 0.79, 95% CI, 0.65-0.96; P-value= 0.017).


Although recovery of functional independence after late window EVT was not more common in patients selected by CTP as compared to patients selected by NCCT only, patients selected by CTP had lower mortality.

Kobeissi, H。、Ghozy年代。Adusumilli, G。Bilgin C。Tolba, H。Amoukhteh, M。Kadirvel, R。Brinjikji, W。海特,J·J。Rabinstein, A。、Kallmes d F。 2023 - 03 - 29 - t12:45:37 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207262 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207262 美国神经病学学会首页 其他所有成像、CT脑血管疾病/中风,临床神经学检查首页 CT灌注vs 41 CT为窗口中风后期血栓切除术:系统回顾和荟萃分析 2023-03-29 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207262v1
< ![CDATA [CNS t细胞淋巴瘤多年后Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis]] > http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207244v1?rss=1 陆,L。朱,。伊藤,c . Y。科伯恩,r . P。穆斯塔法,R。 2023 - 03 - 28 - t12:45:19 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207244 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207244 美国神经病学学会首页 所有成像、核磁共振所有免疫学、肿瘤学 中枢神经系统淋巴瘤多年后Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis 2023-03-28 科学杂志 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207244v1 < ![CDATA[临床推理:女性急性双边眼肌麻痹]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207173v1?rss=1 < p >这是一个75岁的女性面对严重的头痛,左眼上睑下垂和双眼复视,发现有多个颅神经病变在考试。这种情况下评论多个颅神经病变的定位和工作,强调不过早地缩小鉴别诊断的重要性。< / p > Giacobbe,。Ravishankar, M。多尔蒂,L。 2023 - 03 - 28 - t12:45:19 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207173 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207173 美国神经病学学会首页 继发性头痛疾病,血管炎,本篇,眼睑,复视(复视) 临床推理:女性急性双边眼肌麻痹 2023-03-28 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207173v1 < ![CDATA [TIA的全省范围的筛选系统的影响:追求干预]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207201v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >背景紧急短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)管理以减少中风复发是具有挑战性的,尤其是在农村和偏远地区。In Alberta, Canada despite an organized stroke system, data from 1999—2000 suggested that stroke recurrence after TIA was as high as 9.5% at 90 days. Our objective was to determine if a multi-faceted population based intervention resulted in a reduction in recurrent stroke following TIA.


In this quasi-experimental health services research intervention study we implemented a TIA management algorithm across the entire province, centered around a 24-hour physician’s TIA Hotline as well as public and health provider education on TIA. From administrative databases we linked emergency department discharge abstracts to hospital discharge abstracts to identify incident TIAs and recurrent strokes at 90 days across a single payer system with validation of recurrent stroke events. The primary outcome was recurrent stroke; with a secondary composite outcome of recurrent stroke, acute coronary syndrome, and all cause death. We used an interrupted time series regression analysis of age and sex-adjusted stroke recurrence rates after TIA incorporating a two-year pre-implementation period (2007-2009), a 15 month implementation period, and a two-year post-implementation period (2010-2012). Logistic regression was used to examine outcomes that did not fit the time series model.


We assessed 6 715 patients pre- and 6 956 patients post-implementation. The 90-day stroke recurrence rate in the pre-ASPIRE period was 4.5% compared to 5.3% during the post-ASPIRE period. There was neither a step change (estimate 0.38; p=0.65) nor slope change (parameter estimate 0.30; p=0.12) in recurrent stroke rates associated with the ASPIRE intervention implementation period. Adjusted all-cause mortality (OR 0.71 95%CI [0.56, 0.89]) was significantly lower following the ASPIRE intervention.


The ASPIRE TIA triaging and management interventions did not further reduce stroke recurrence in the context of an organized stroke system. The apparent lower mortality post intervention may be related to improved surveillance following events identified as TIAs but secular trends cannot be excluded.

Jeerakathil, t·J。Xin Yu, a . Y。崔,p . M。方,S。Shuaib,。Majumdar, s R。Demchuk, a . M。屠夫,K。沃森,t·J。院长,N。,戈登,D。,希尔,m D。爱德蒙,C。Coutts, s . B。 2023 - 03 - 28 - t12:45:19 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207201 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207201 美国神经病学学会首页 所有卫生服务研究、中风预防、脑血管疾病/中风,第三类 蒂雅:影响全省范围的筛选系统追求干预 2023-03-28 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207201v1
< ![CDATA[大脑萎缩Anti -{β}淀粉样试验:老年痴呆症神经退化或Pseudo-atrophy ?]] > http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207268v1?rss=1 Barkhof F。、Knopman d S。 2023 - 03 - 27 - t12:45:21 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207268 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207268 美国神经病学学会首页 阿尔茨海默病 大脑萎缩Anti -{β}淀粉样试验:老年痴呆症神经退化或Pseudo-atrophy吗? 2023-03-27 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207268v1 < ![CDATA[加速脑容量损失引起的反-{β}淀粉样蛋白的药物:系统回顾和荟萃分析]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207156v1?rss=1 Objectives:

To evaluate brain volume changes caused by different sub-classes of anti-amyloid beta (Aβ) drugs trialled in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.


PubMed, Embase and Clinicaltrial.gov databases were searched for clinical trials of anti-Aβ drugs. This systematic review and meta-analysis included adults enrolled in randomized controlled trials of anti-Aβ drugs (n=8062 to 10279). The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) randomized controlled trials of patients treated with anti-Aβ drugs that have demonstrated to favourably change at least one biomarker of pathological Aβ; and (2) detailed MRI data sufficient to assess the volumetric changes in at least one brain region. MRI brain volumes were used as the primary outcome measure; brain regions commonly reported include the hippocampus, lateral ventricle and whole brain. Amyloid-Related Imaging Abnormalities (ARIA) were investigated when reported in clinical trials. Of the 145 trials reviewed, 31 were included in the final analyses.


A meta-analysis on the highest dose of each trial on hippocampus, ventricle, and whole brain revealed drug-induced acceleration of volume changes that varied by anti-Aβ drug class. Secretase inhibitors accelerated atrophy to the hippocampus (mean difference: -37.1 µL [-19.6% relative to change in placebo]; 95% confidence interval: -47.0 to -27.1) and whole brain (-3.3mL [-21.8% relative to change in placebo]; 95% confidence interval: -4.1 to 2.5). Conversely, ARIA-inducing monoclonal antibodies accelerated ventricular enlargement (mean difference: +2.1mL [+38.7% relative to change in placebo]; 95% confidence interval: 1.5 to 2.8) where a striking correlation between ventricular volume and ARIA frequency was observed (r=0.86, p=6.22x10-7). Mild Cognitively Impaired participants treated with anti-Aβ drugs were projected to have a material regression toward brain volumes typical of Alzheimer’s dementia ~8 months earlier than if they were untreated.


These findings reveal the potential for anti-Aβ therapies to compromise long-term brain health by accelerating brain atrophy, and provide new insight into the adverse impact of ARIA. Six recommendations emerge from these findings.

阿尔维斯,F。Kallinowski, P。、Ayton年代。 2023 - 03 - 27 - t12:45:21 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207156 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207156 美国神经病学学会首页 体积MRI,临床试验系统评价/ meta分析,老年痴呆症,MCI(轻度认知障碍) 加速脑容量损失引起的反-{β}淀粉样蛋白的药物:系统回顾和荟萃分析 2023-03-27 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207156v1
< ![CDATA[急性营养患者的临床表现和预后轴突神经病变]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207215v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >描述临床、微量营养素,电生理学的频谱和急性营养轴突神经病变患者的预后(安安)。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >安安患者的回顾性研究发现在1999年和2020年之间,肌电图数据库和电子健康记录,和分类的临床和电诊法的理由纯粹的感觉,感觉运动,或纯粹的电动机;和风险因素(酒精使用障碍,减肥手术,或厌食症)。实验室异常记录包括硫胺素,维生素B6, B12和维生素E,叶酸和铜。步和神经性疼痛状态跟踪记录。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p > 40安安患者,21个有酒精使用障碍,10个厌食症患者,9最近经历了减肥手术。他们的神经病变是纯粹的感官在14低硫胺素(7),在23个低硫胺素(8),感觉运动和纯电机3与低硫胺(1)。维生素B1是最常见的低(85%),其次是维生素B6(77%)和叶酸(50%)。风险因素和神经病变类型并不与特定微量营养素缺乏关联。37岁的患者在随访中,只有13(35%)独立行走,疼痛,只有8(22%)在最后的随访中自由的意思是22个月(范围:2 - 88个月)从发病。


The spectrum of ANAN is wide ranging from: 1) a pure sensory neuropathy with areflexia, limb and gait ataxia, neuropathic pain and unevocable sensory responses to 2) a motor axonal neuropathy with low-amplitude motor responses without conduction slowing, block, or dispersion, and 3) a mixed sensorimotor axonal polyneuropathy. Specific micronutrient deficiencies or risk factors do not predict neuropathy subtype. The sub-group of ANAN patients with documented thiamine deficiency also range from pure sensory to pure motor, and only a minority have Wernicke’s encephalopathy. We do not know whether co-existent micronutrient deficiencies may help explain the wide clinical spectrum of thiamine-deficient ANAN. The prognosis of ANAN is guarded due to residual neuropathic pain and slow recovery of independent ambulation. Therefore, early recognition of patients at risk is important.

哈默,j . I。Logigian, e . L。 2023 - 03 - 27 - t12:45:21 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207215 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207215 美国神经病学学会首页 营养、预后、周围神经病变、神经性疼痛、性别 临床表现和预后患者急性营养轴突神经病变 2023-03-27 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207215v1
< ![CDATA[桥接之前血管内溶栓治疗中风患者更快的核心增长]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207154v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >它仍然是不确定的,要直接血管内血栓切除术(EVT)会导致相同的结果作为过渡性静脉溶栓(溶)在急性缺血性患者。本研究旨在探讨缺血性核心增长率是否影响病人溶桥接后的结果与直接EVT。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >这是一个回顾性队列研究基于国际中风灌注成像注册(激励)。它选择接受灌注CT在4.5小时内急性缺血性中风患者中风的发病。直接去EVT的患者相比,那些接受了桥接治疗EVT之前的早期。缺血性急性缺血性核心核心增长率估计的体积在灌注CT除以时间从发病到灌注CT,基于假设缺血性的线性增长模式的核心。Core growth rate was stratified into fast (>15 mL/hour) and slow (≤15mL/hour), based on its interaction with bridging IVT in predicting the primary outcome. The primary outcome was modified Rankin Scale of 0-2 at 3 months. Secondary outcomes included successful thrombectomy reperfusion defined by modified Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction score of 2b-3, and time from groin puncture to reperfusion.


Of the 1221 EVT patients in INSPIRE, 323 patients were selected, of which 82 patients received direct EVT and 241 patients received bridging IVT. Bridging IVT was associated with a higher rate of good clinical outcome amongst patients with fast core growth (39% vs 7% for direct EVT, odds ratio=8.75 [1.96-39.1], p=0.005), but the difference was not significant for patients with slow core growth (55% vs 55% for direct EVT, odds ratio=1.00 [0.53-1.87], p=0.989). In patients with fast core growth, the bridging and direct EVT patients showed no difference in the reperfusion rate (80% vs. 76%, p=0.616). However, patients who received bridging IVT were more likely to achieve reperfusion earlier (the median groin to reperfusion time of 63.0 vs 94.0 minutes p=0.005).


Patients with fast core growth were more likely to benefit from bridging intravenous thrombolysis. This is likely because prior intravenous thrombolysis facilitates clot removal and thus reduces time to reperfusion.

林,L。张,H。刘,F。陈,C。陈,C。Bivard,。帕森斯,m . W。李,G。 2023 - 03 - 24 - t15:06:55 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207154 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207154 美国神经病学学会首页 所有成像、CT脑血管疾病/中风梗塞 桥接之前血管内溶栓治疗中风患者的核心增长更快 2023-03-24 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207154v1
< ![CDATA[协会长期抗癫痫药物的使用和事件的2型糖尿病]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207222v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >背景和目标< / p > < p >糖尿病(DM)很大程度上有助于代谢综合征和心血管事件,而且可能是癫痫的发病率。本研究的目的是调查是否长期使用抗癫痫药物(ASM)与2型糖尿病的风险。< / p > < p > < / p > < p >方法分析数据从长庚研究数据库。Patients aged ≥ 45 years who received ASM treatment from January 2001 to May 2019 were identified. Patients with DM-associated diseases and short-term ASM use were excluded. The patients were classified into non-enzyme interaction, enzyme-inducing, enzyme-inhibiting, and mixed ASM groups. The rate of incident diabetes associated with individual ASM was further analyzed. Propensity score weighting was performed to balance between-group differences. Analyses were conducted with Cox proportional regression models and stabilized inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW). Hazard ratios (HR) were calculated at 3, 4, 6 and 9 years after the index date and the end of follow-up.


A total of 5,103 patients were analyzed, of whom 474 took non-enzyme interaction ASMs, 1,156 took enzyme-inducing ASMs, 336 took enzyme-inhibiting ASMs, and 3,137 took mixed ASMs. During follow-up (39,248 person-years), 663 patients developed new-onset DM, and the prevalence was 13.0%. The incidence of DM plateaued at 6-9 years after ASM initiation. Enzyme-inhibiting ASMs were significantly associated with a higher HR starting at the 3rd year and then throughout the study period. The HRs were 1.93 (95% CI, 1.33-2.80), 1.85 (95% CI, 1.24-2.75), and 2.08 (95% CI, 1.43-3.03) in unadjusted, adjusted, and stabilized IPTW models, respectively, at the end of follow-up. The dosing of ASM did not increase the risk of DM, and none of the individual ASM analyses reached statistical significance.


The long-term use of enzyme-inhibiting ASMs was associated with an increased risk of incident DM, and the risk increased with the duration of treatment. These findings may guide the choice of drugs in those requiring long-term ASM therapy, particularly in high-risk individuals.

Classification of Evidence:

This study provides Class IV evidence that enzyme-inhibiting anti-seizure medications were associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus compared with non-enzyme interaction anti-seizure medications.

强尼曾,w。、常C.-W。、黄、js。,P.-C Ko。刘,C。-J., Lim, S.-N. 2023 - 03 - 24 - t15:06:55 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207222 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207222 美国神经病学学会首页 伤害/风险(分析)、内分泌、预后,四级,发病率研究,抗癫痫药物 长期使用抗癫痫药物协会和2型糖尿病 2023-03-24 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207222v1
< ![CDATA[颅内关联的头皮脑电图猝发的排放基于同步Stereo-EEG录音]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207135v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >是未知的猝发的头皮脑电图在多大程度上可以准确预测intra-cerebral癫痫发作的本地化耐药性癫痫的术前评估。在这项研究中,我们旨在定义均匀猝发的头皮脑电图(基于他们的第一次发作的异常)和评估他们使用同时记录头皮脑电图和Stereo-EEG本地化值。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >我们回顾包括连续耐药局灶性癫痫患者曾同时stereo-EEG和头皮脑电图记录至少一发作,在南希癫痫学单元中,法国。我们分析每个病人发作和层次聚类分析用于集团类似发作在头皮脑电图资料,然后进行了描述性分析的intra-cerebral关联。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p >我们招收了129名病人。层次聚类分析显示六概要头皮脑电图第一次修改。没有特定于单个intra-cerebral本地化。“正常脑电图”和“模糊脑电图”集群(早期肌肉工件)只包含五个病人,与没有优惠intra-cerebral本地化。“时间放电”集群(46例)表现为θ或δ排放于同侧前颞头皮电极和与中央的优惠时间intra-cerebral本地化。“后放电”集群(n = 42)同侧或对侧的特点是后节奏α排放或慢波头皮和对应优惠时间定位。然而,此概要统计最频繁的头皮脑电图关联的枕叶和顶叶癫痫发作。 The "diffuse suppression" cluster (n=9) was characterized by a bilateral and diffuse background activity suppression on scalp and corresponded to mesial, and particularly insulo-opercular, localization. Finally, the "frontal discharge" cluster (n=22) was characterized by bilateral frontal rhythmic fast activity or pre-ictal spike on scalp and corresponded to preferential ventrodorsal frontal intra-cerebral localizations.


Hierarchical cluster analysis identified six seizure profiles regarding the first abnormality on scalp EEG. None of them was specific of a single intra-cerebral localization. Nevertheless, the strong relationships between the "temporal", "frontal", "diffuse suppression" and "posterior" profiles and intra-cerebral discharges localizations may contribute to hierarchize hypotheses derived from ictal scalp EEG analysis regarding intra-cerebral seizure onset.

费朗德M。鲍曼,C。阿伦,O。、Vignal j。乔纳斯,J。Tyvaert, L。、Colnat-Coulbois年代。,Koessler医生,L。拉德,L。 2023 - 03 - 24 - t15:06:55 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207135 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207135 美国神经病学学会首页 颅内电极脑电图,病灶,皮质本地化 颅内的头皮脑电图发作的相关排放基于同步Stereo-EEG录音 2023-03-24 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207135v1
< ![CDATA[调查病灶定位的反问题:从同时脑电图和SEEG]] > http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207228v1?rss=1 麦克戈尼格尔,一个。 2023 - 03 - 24 - t15:06:55 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207228 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207228 美国神经病学学会首页 脑电图;看到癫痫和癫痫,癫痫监控、颅内电极,癫痫手术,病灶 调查病灶定位的反问题:从同时脑电图和SEEG见解 2023-03-24 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207228v1 < ![CDATA[桥逮捕梗塞增长:赢得时间通过更快的再灌注))> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207383v1?rss=1 林,m . P。,Anisetti B。 2023 - 03 - 24 - t15:06:54 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207383 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207383 美国神经病学学会首页 梗死 桥逮捕梗塞增长:通过更快的再灌注赢得时间 2023-03-24 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207383v1 < ![CDATA[结构神经影像与新诊断成人和青少年的局灶性癫痫:人类癫痫计划]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207229v1?rss=1 2023 - 03 - 24 - t15:06:54 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207229 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207229 美国神经病学学会首页 结构神经影像与新诊断成人和青少年的局灶性癫痫:人类癫痫项目 2023-03-24 修正 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207229v1 < ![CDATA[骨矿物质密度和老年痴呆症协会:鹿特丹研究]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207220v1?rss=1 Background

& Objective: Low bone mineral density and dementia commonly co-occur in the elderly, with bone loss accelerating in dementia patients due to physical inactivity and poor nutrition. However, uncertainty persists over the extent to which bone loss already exists prior to the onset of dementia. Therefore, we investigated how dementia risk was affected by bone mineral density at various skeletal regions in community-dwelling older adults.


In a prospective population-based cohort study, bone mineral density at the femoral neck, lumbar spine, and total body and the trabecular bone score were obtained using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in 3,651 participants free from dementia between 2002-2005. Persons at risk of dementia were followed up until 1 January 2020. For analyses of the association between bone mineral density at baseline and the risk of incident dementia, we used Cox proportional-hazards regression analyses, adjusting for age, sex, educational attainment, physical activity, smoking status, body mass index, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, cholesterol level, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, history of comorbidities (stroke and diabetes mellitus), and APOE genotype.


Among the 3,651 participants (median age 72.3±10.0 years, 57.9% women), 688 (18.8%) developed incident dementia during a median of 11.1 years, of whom 528 (76.7%) developed Alzheimer’s disease. During the whole follow-up, participants with lower bone mineral density at the femoral neck (per SD decrease) were more likely to develop all-cause dementia (Hazard ratio [HR] total follow-up: 1.12, 95% Confidential interval [CI]: 1.02-1.23) and Alzheimer’s disease (HR total follow-up: 1.14, 95% CI: 1.02-1.28). Within the first ten years following baseline, the risk of dementia was greatest for groups with the lowest tertile of bone mineral density (femoral neck bone mineral density, HR0-10years 2.03; 95% CI, 1.39–2.96; total body bone mineral density, HR0-10years 1.42; 95% CI, 1.01–2.02; trabecular bone score, HR0-10years 1.59; 95% CI, 1.11–2.28).


In conclusion, participants with low femoral neck and total body bone mineral density and low trabecular bone score were more likely to develop dementia. Further studies should focus on the predictive ability of bone mineral density for dementia.

肖,T。、Ghatan年代。、Mooldijk S。Trajanoska, K。Oei, L。戈麦斯,M . M。伊·m·K。Rivadeneira F。,伊·m·A。 2023 - 03 - 22 - t12:45:16 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207220 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207220 美国神经病学学会首页 所有成像,认知障碍/痴呆、阿尔茨海默氏病,所有流行病学队列研究 骨矿物质密度和老年痴呆症协会:鹿特丹学习 2023-03-22 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207220v1
< ![CDATA[创伤后癫痫协会与长期患有严重的创伤性脑损伤的功能结果]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207183v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>目的:< /圣> < p >近三分之一的严重创伤性脑损伤(TBI)患者出现创伤后癫痫(PTE)。PTE的关系和长期的结果是未知的。我们测试了,如果在控制了损伤严重程度和年龄,PTE是严重创伤性脑损伤后功能较差的结果。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >我们进行了回顾性分析潜在严重创伤性脑损伤患者的数据库从2002年到2018年在一个1级创伤中心。格拉斯哥预后量表(GOS)收集在3 - 6 - 12 -,具有抑制受损。延伸24个月我们使用重复测量逻辑回归预测率高,一分为二,有利(GOS 4 - 5)与不利(GOS 1 - 3),和一个单独的物流模型预测死亡率两年。我们使用国际任务定义的预测预后的临床试验和分析创伤性脑损伤(影响)基本模型(即。、年龄、瞳孔反应,GCS电动机分数),PTE的地位,和时间。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p > 392患者幸存下来放电,98(25%)发达PTE。患者有利的结果的比例不到那些没有差异,没有PTE(23%(95%可信区间[CI]: 15% - -34%)和32% (95% CI: 27% - -39%);p = 0.11),但显著降低在6 - 33% (95% CI: 23 - 44%)与46%;(95%置信区间CI: 39 - 52%] p = 0.03), 12(41%(95%置信区间CI: 30 - 52%)和54% (95% CI: 47 - 61%); p=0.03), and 24-months (40% [95% CI: 47-61%] vs. 55% [95% CI: 47-63%]; p=0.04). This was driven by higher rates of GOS 2 (vegetative) and 3 (severe disability) outcomes in the PTE group. By two years, the incidence of GOS 2 or 3 was double in the PTE group (46% [95% CI: 34-59%]) compared to non-PTE group (21% [95% CI: 16-28%]; p<0.001), while mortality was similar (14% [95% CI: 7-25%] vs. 23% [95% CI: 17-30%]; p=0.28). In multivariate analysis, patients with PTE had lower odds of favorable outcome (odds radio [OR] 0.1; 95% CI: 0.1-0.4; p<0.001), but not mortality (OR 0.9; 95% CI: 0.1-1.9; p=0.46).


Post-traumatic epilepsy is associated with impaired recovery from severe TBI and poor functional outcomes. Early screening and treatment of PTE may improve patient outcomes.

皮斯,M。Mallela, a . N。埃尔默,J。细语,d . O。快门,L。巴,N。Gonzalez-Martinez, J。可以见到效果,j·F。 2023 - 03 - 22 - t12:45:16 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207183 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207183 美国神经病学学会首页 预后,脑外伤,队列研究,所有的癫痫发作 创伤后癫痫协会与长期患有严重的创伤性脑损伤的功能结果 2023-03-22 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207183v1
< ![CDATA[过早死亡率和死亡原因中癫痫患者:一项全国性事件以人群为基础的队列研究]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207212v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >癫痫患者(PWE)有过早死亡的风险根据研究人口差异很大。我们旨在估计风险和死亡原因的PWE根据年龄、疾病严重程度、疾病,并发症和在韩国的社会经济地位。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >我们进行了一项全国性的以人群为基础的回顾性队列研究使用国家健康保险数据库与全国死亡登记。新治疗PWE从2008年到2016年被抗癫痫药物(ASM)确定处方和癫痫诊断代码/没收包括观察直到2017年。我们评估全因死亡率和特殊原油和标准化死亡率死因特异性)。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p > 138998 PWE,鉴定了20095人的死亡,平均随访期为4.79年。一是2.25在整个群PWE,更高的价值在年轻的年龄组诊断和诊断后较短的时间间隔。鼻中隔黏膜下切除术后的单药治疗组为1.56,而在组4或更多的asm 4.93。PWE没有任何鼻中隔黏膜下切除术后并发症有1.61。鼻中隔黏膜下切除术后PWE农村居民有较高的人比那些城市居民(分别为2.47和2.03)。 The causes of death among PWE were cerebrovascular disease (18.9%, SMR 4.50), malignant neoplasms outside the central nervous system (CNS) (15.7%, SMR 1.37), malignant neoplasms of the CNS (6.7%, SMR 46.95), pneumonia (6.0%, SMR 2.08), and external causes (7.2%, SMR 2.17), including suicide (2.6%, SMR 2.07). Epilepsy itself and status epilepticus accounted for 1.9% of the overall death. The excess mortality associated with pneumonia and external causes was persistently high, whereas the excess mortality associated with malignancy and cerebrovascular diseases tended to decrease with increasing time since diagnosis.


This study showed excess mortality in PWE, even in those without comorbidities and those receiving monotherapy. Regional disparities and sustained risks of deaths from external causes over ten years imply potential points of intervention. In addition to active control of seizures, education about injury prevention, monitoring for suicidal ideation and efforts to improve accessibility to epilepsy care are all required to reduce mortality.

月亮,周宏儒。李,H。Yoon D。古,y。、胫骨J.-Y。、李S.-Y。 2023 - 03 - 22 - t12:45:16 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207212 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207212 美国神经病学学会首页 疾病负担,自然历史研究(预测),所有的癫痫发作 过早死亡率和死亡原因中癫痫患者:一个全国性的以人群为基础的队列研究 2023-03-22 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207212v1
< ![CDATA[冷漠脑淀粉样血管病患者:一个多通道神经成像研究]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207200v1?rss=1 < p > < / p > < p >客观分析冷漠的患病率和相关的临床特点零星脑淀粉样血管病和调查冷漠是否与疾病负担和奖励的关键结构电路的断开连接通过一个结构和功能综合神经影像学方法。


Thirty-seven probable sporadic cerebral amyloid angiopathy participants without symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage or dementia (mean age, 73.3 ± 7.2, % male = 59.5%) underwent a detailed neuropsychological evaluation, including measures of apathy and depression, and a multimodal MR neuroimaging study. A multiple linear regression analysis was used to assess the association of apathy with conventional small vessel disease neuroimaging markers. A voxel-based morphometry with a small volume correction within regions previously associated with apathy and a whole-brain tract-based spatial statistics were done to identify differences in the gray matter and white matter between the apathetic and the non-apathetic groups. Gray matter regions significantly associated with apathy were further evaluated for their functional alterations as seeds in the seed-based resting-state functional connectivity analysis. Potential confounders, namely, age, gender, and measures of depression were entered as covariates in all analyses.


A higher composite small vessel disease marker score (CAA-SVD) was associated with a higher degree of apathy (standardized coefficient = 1.35 (0.07 – 2.62), adjusted R2 = 27.90, p = 0.04). Lower gray matter volume of the bilateral orbitofrontal cortices was observed in the apathetic group than the non-apathetic group (F = 13.20, family-wise error corrected p = 0.028). The apathetic group demonstrated a widespread decrease in white matter microstructural integrity compared to the non-apathetic group. These tracts connect key regions within and between related reward circuits. Finally, there was no significant functional alterations between the apathetic and the non-apathetic groups.


Our findings revealed the orbitofrontal cortex as a key region in the reward circuit associated with apathy in sporadic cerebral amyloid angiopathy, independent from depression. Apathy was shown to be associated with a higher CAA-SVD score and an extensive disruption of white matter tracts, which suggested that a higher burden of CAA pathology and the disruption in large-scale white matter networks may underlie manifestations of apathy.

Chokesuwattanaskul,。,Zanon Zotin, m . C。舒梅克,D。Sveikata, L。、Gurol m E。格林伯格,s M。Viswanathan,。 2023 - 03 - 20 - t12:45:26 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207200 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207200 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振成像,功能磁共振成像,所有神经心理学/行为,所有脑血管疾病/中风,血管性痴呆 脑淀粉样血管病患者冷漠:多通道神经成像研究 2023-03-20 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207200v1
< ![CDATA [Tirofiban协会与功能结果在急性缺血性中风血栓切除术后由于颅内动脉粥样硬化疾病]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207194v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>目的:< /圣> < p >调查静脉输注的疗效和安全性tirofiban前血管内血栓切除术患者大血管闭塞由于颅内动脉粥样硬化性疾病。次要目标是识别潜在的介质tirofiban的临床效果。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >事后的探索性分析血管内治疗和没有Tirofiban中风患者大血管闭塞(救援BT)试验,随机,双盲,安慰剂对照试验在55中心从2018年10月至2021年10月在中国。闭塞患者颈内动脉或大脑中动脉由于颅内动脉粥样硬化是包括在内。主要功效的结果是病人的比例实现独立功能(0 - 2)定义为改良Rankin规模在90天。二元逻辑回归和因果中介分析被用来估计tirofiban的治疗效果和潜在的介质。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p >这个研究包括了435名患者,其中71.5%是男性。The median age was 65 (interquartile range, 56–72) years, median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale of 14 (interquartile range, 10–19). Patients in the tirofiban group had higher rates of functional independence at 90 days than patients in the placebo group (adjusted odds ratio, 1.68; 95% confidence interval, 1.11–2.56, P = 0.02) without increased risk of mortality or symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage. Tirofiban was associated with fewer thrombectomy passes (median [interquartile range], 1 [1–2] vs 1 [1–2], P = 0.004), which was an independent predictor of functional independence. Mediation analysis showed tirofiban-reduced thrombectomy passes explained 20.0% (95% confidence interval, 4.1%–76.0%) of the effect of tirofiban on functional independence.


In this post hoc analysis of the RESCUE BT trial, tirofiban was an effective and well-tolerated adjuvant medication of endovascular thrombectomy for patients with large vessel occlusion due to intracranial atherosclerosis. These findings need to be confirmed in future trials.

唱着歌,H。谢,D。田,Y。阮,t . N。储蓄者,j·L。、Nogueira r G。吴,J。长,C。田,Z。,胡锦涛,Z。王,T。李,R。柯,Y。、朱、X。彭,D。常,M。李,L。, Ruan, J., Wu, D., Zi, W., Yang, Q., Li, F., Qiu, Z. 2023 - 03 - 20 - t12:45:26 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207194 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207194 美国神经病学学会首页 二类,梗塞 Tirofiban协会与功能结果在急性缺血性中风血栓切除术后由于颅内动脉粥样硬化性疾病 2023-03-20 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207194v1
< ![CDATA[认知和临床特征的边缘主要与年龄相关的TDP-43脑病患者]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207159v1?rss=1 Background and Objectives:

Limbic predominant age related TDP-43 (LATE) impacts similar neuroanatomical networks as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and is often comorbid with AD, though frequently missed in clinical diagnosis. The primary aim of this study was to elucidate the clinical and cognitive differences at baseline between patients with autopsy confirmed LATE, compared to patients with AD and comorbid LATE+AD.


Clinical and neuropathological datasets were requested from the National Alzheimer’s Coordination Center (NACC). Baseline data from individuals 75+ years at time of death without neuropathological indication of frontotemporal lobar degeneration were included in analyses. Pathologically defined groups reflecting LATE, AD, and comorbid LATE+AD were identified. Group differences in clinical characteristics and cognition were explored through analysis of variance and chi-square using measures from the Uniform Data Set measures.


Pathology groups included 31 individuals with LATE (Mage: 80.6±5.4), 393 with AD (Mage: 77.8±6.4), and 262 with LATE+AD (Mage: 77.8±6.6) without significant differences in sex, education, or race. Compared to participants with AD and LATE+AD pathology, participants with LATE pathology lived significantly longer (Mvisits: LATE=7.3±3.7; AD=5.8±3.0; LATE+AD=5.8±3.0; F(2,683)=3.7, p<.05), reported later onset of cognitive decline (Monset: LATE=78.8±5.7; AD=72.5±7.0; LATE+AD=72.9±7.0; F(2,516)=6.2, p<.01), and were more likely to be diagnosed as cognitively normal at baseline (LATE=41.9%; AD=25.4%; LATE+AD=12%; 2=38.7, p<.001). Individuals with LATE (45.2%) also reported fewer memory complaints than those with AD (74.4%) or LATE+AD (66.4%; 2=13.3, p=.001) and were less likely to be classified as Impaired on the Mini Mental State Exam (LATE=6.5%; AD=24.2%; LATE+AD=40.1%; 2=29.20, p<.001). Across all neuropsychological measures, participants with LATE+AD pathology performed significantly worse than the AD and LATE groups.


Those with LATE pathology were older when cognitive symptoms began and lived longer than participants with AD or LATE+AD pathology. Participants with LATE pathology were also more likely to be classified as "cognitively normal" based on objective screening and self-report measures, and they had higher scores on neuropsychological testing. Consistent with prior literature, comorbid pathologies led to more significant cognitive and functional impairment. Early disease characteristics based on clinical presentation alone were insufficient for differentiating LATE from AD, reiterating the need for a validated biomarker.

巴特勒Pagnotti, r . M。Pudumjee, s . B。、交叉PStat C-MDI (R), c . L。米勒ABPP-CN, j·B。 2023 - 03 - 20 - t12:45:26 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207159 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207159 美国神经病学学会首页 所有的神经心理学/行为,阿尔茨海默氏症、痴呆、认知神经心理学评估认知障碍或痴呆 认知和临床特征的边缘主要与年龄相关的TDP-43脑病患者 2023-03-20 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207159v1
< ![CDATA[雷轰和Oy-sters:纯合子的补充因素我不足提出重型复发Complement-Mediated中枢神经系统血管炎]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207079v1?rss=1 < p >一个36岁的男子提出多次发烧、头痛、精神状态的改变,局部神经赤字。MRI显示广泛的白质病变,部分情节之间的逆转。检查显示持续补充因素C3低、因子B,和补体旁路缺席活动。活组织检查显示中性血管炎。基因测试显示一个纯合突变补充因素我(CFI),被认为是致病性。CFI调节补体介导的炎症,缺乏这个因素会导致无节制的替代途径活性和C3和因子B通过减少消费。The patient has remained stable since starting IL-1β inhibition. Complement factor I is a rare disorder that should be considered in patients with atypical relapsing neurological disease associated with neutrophilic pleocytosis.

Levit E。莱昂,J。,林肯,M。 2023 - 03 - 20 - t12:45:26 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207079 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207079 美国神经病学学会首页 血管炎、脑炎、遗传学 一连串& Oy-sters:纯合子的补充因素我不足提出重型复发Complement-Mediated中枢神经系统血管炎 2023-03-20 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207079v1
< ![CDATA[与Val122Ile相关的表型、Leu58His和晚发性Val30Met变异遗传转体基因淀粉样变患者]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207158v1?rss=1 < p >背景和目标:hATTR是一种罕见的常染色体显性系统性疾病与可变外显率和异构的临床表现。一些有效的治疗可以减少死亡和残疾,虽然诊断仍然是具有挑战性的,尤其是在我们在疾病非。我们的目标是描述常见的神经和心脏特征我们ATTR变异V122I, L58H和晚发性V30M演示。< / p > <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >我们进行了一项回顾性病例系列的新诊断患者ATTRv 2008年1月至2020年1月的描述特征突出我们变异体神经(考试、肌电图、皮肤活检),心脏(回声)和实验室评估(proBNP可逆神经病变屏幕)。


56 patients with treatment-naïve ATTRv with symptoms/signs of peripheral neuropathy or cardiomyopathy and confirmatory genetic testing presenting with Val122Ile (N=31), late-onset Val30Met (N=12) and Leu58His ATTRv (N=13) were included. The age at onset and gender distributions were similar (V122I: 71.5±8.0, V30M: 64.8±2.6, L58H: 62.4±9.8years; 26, 25, 31% female).

Only 10% of patients with V122I and 17% of patients with V30M were aware of an ATTRv family history, while 69% of patients with L58H were. Peripheral neuropathy was present in all three variants at diagnosis (90, 100, 100%) though neurological impairment scores differed: V122I: 22±16, V30M: 61±31 and L58H: 57±25. Most points (deficits) were attributed to loss of strength. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and a positive Romberg sign were common across all groups (V122I: 97%, 39%; V30M: 58%, 58%; L58H: 77%, 77%).

ProBNP levels and interventricular septum thickness were highest among patients with V122I (5939±962pg/mL, 1.70±0.29cm) followed by V30M (796±970pg/mL, 1.42±0.38cm) and L58H (404±677pg/mL, 1.23±0.36cm). Atrial fibrillation was present among 39% of V122I cases and only 8% of V30M and L58H cases. Gastrointestinal symptoms were rare (6%) among patients with V122I and common in patients with V30M (42%) and L58H (54%).


Important clinical differences exist between ATTRv genotypes. While V122I is perceived to be a cardiac disease, peripheral neuropathy is common and clinically relevant. Most patients with V30M and V122I were diagnosed de-novo and therefore require clinical suspicion for diagnosis.A history of CTS and a positive Romberg sign are helpful diagnostic clues.

Zampino, S。谢赫,f . H。Vaishnav, J。、法官、D。锅,B。丹尼尔,。、棕色、E。埃比尼泽,G。Polydefkis, M。 2023 - 03 - 20 - t12:45:26 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207158 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207158 美国神经病学学会首页 自主神经疾病、周围神经病变、队列研究,其他神经皮肤疾病 表型与Val122Ile、Leu58His和晚发性Val30Met变异遗传转体基因淀粉样变患者 2023-03-20 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207158v1
< ![CDATA[我们应该期望对真实世界的结果脑深部刺激丘脑前核的癫痫?]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000201455v1?rss=1 Lundstrom, b . N。,葛雷格:M。 2023 - 03 - 20 - t12:45:26 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000201455 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000201455 美国神经病学学会首页 脑电图;看到癫痫发作、癫痫发作、颅内电极脑电图 我们应该期待什么实际结果的脑深部刺激丘脑前核的癫痫? 2023-03-20 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000201455v1 < ![CDATA[错误折叠的{α}-核蛋白评估在皮肤和CSF RT-QuIC孤立的REM睡眠行为障碍]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207147v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标。

Real-time quaking-induced conversion (RT-QuIC) assay detects misfolded α-synuclein in the skin and CSF of patients with the synucleinopathies Parkinson disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. Isolated REM sleep behavior disorder (IRBD) constitutes the prodromal stage of these synucleinopathies. We aimed to compare the ability of RT-QuIC to identify misfolded α-synuclein in the skin and CSF of IRBD patients.


Cross-sectional study where consecutive patients with polysomnographic-confirmed IRBD and age-matched controls without RBD underwent skin biopsy and lumbar puncture the same day. 3-mm skin punch biopsies were obtained bilaterally in cervical region from dorsal C7 and C8 dermatomes, and in distal legs. RT-QuIC assessed misfolded α-synuclein in these six skin sites and CSF.


We recruited 91 IRBD patients and 41 controls. In skin, sensitivity to detect misfolded α-synuclein was 76.9% (95%CI 66.9–85.1), specificity 97.6% (95%CI 87.1–99.9) positive predictive value 98.6% (95%CI 91.0-99.8), negative predictive value 65.6% (95%CI 56.6-73.6) and accuracy 83.3% (95%CI 75.9–89.3). In CSF, sensitivity was 75.0% (95% CI 64.6–83.6), specificity 97.5% (95%CI 86.8–99.9) positive predictive value 98.5% (95%CI 90.5-99.8), negative predictive value 63.9% (95%CI 55.2-71.9) and accuracy 82.0% (95%CI 74.3–88.3). Results in skin and CSF samples showed 99.2% agreement. Compared with negative patients, RT-QuIC α-synuclein positive patients had higher likelihood ratio of prodromal Parkinson disease (p<0.001) and showed more frequently hyposmia (p<0.001), DAT-SPECT deficit (p=0.002) and orthostatic hypotension (p=0.014). No severe or moderate adverse effects were reported. There was no difference between percentage of participants reporting mild adverse events secondary to skin biopsy or lumbar puncture (9.1% versus 17.2%; p=0.053).83% participants stated they would accept to undergo again skin biopsy and 80% lumbar puncture, for research purposes.


Our study in IRBD shows that 1) RT-QuIC detects misfolded α-synuclein in skin and CSF with similar high sensitivity, specificity, and agreement, 2) α-synuclein RT-QuIC positivity is associated with supportive features and biomarkers of synucleinopathy, and 3) skin punch biopsy and lumbar puncture have comparable mild adverse effects, tolerance, and acceptance. α-synuclein RT-QuIC in skin or CSF might represent a patient selection strategy for future neuroprotective trials targeting α-synuclein in IRBD.

Classification of Evidence:

This study provides Class III evidence that RT-QuIC detected misfolded α-synuclein in the skin and CSF distinguishes patients with IRBD from controls.

Iranzo,。Mammana,。Munoz-Lopetegi,。、Dellavalle年代。玛雅,G。罗西,M。Serradell, M。、Baiardi年代。Arqueros,。Quadalti C。Perissinotti,。最近,E。卡诺,j·S。Gaig C。Parchi, P。 2023 - 03 - 17 - t12:45:14 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207147 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207147 美国神经病学学会首页 异态睡眠,第三类 错误折叠的{α}-核蛋白评估在皮肤和CSF RT-QuIC在孤立的REM睡眠行为障碍 2023-03-17 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207147v1
< ![CDATA[协会的线粒体DNA拷贝数与脑MRI标记和认知功能:一个荟萃分析的以社区为基础的军团]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207157v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >先前的研究表明,线粒体DNA (mtDNA)低拷贝数(CN)与神经退行性疾病有关。However, whether mtDNA CN in whole blood is related to endophenotypes of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and AD related dementia (AD/ADRD) needs further investigation. We assessed the association of mtDNA CN with cognitive function and MRI measures in community-based samples of middle-aged to older adults.


We included dementia-free participants from nine diverse community-based cohorts with whole-genome sequencing in the Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) program. Circulating mtDNA CN was estimated as twice the ratio of the average coverage of mtDNA to nuclear DNA. Brain MRI markers included total brain, hippocampal, and white matter hyperintensity volumes. General cognitive function was derived from distinct cognitive domains. We performed cohort-specific association analyses of mtDNA CN with AD/ADRD endophenotypes assessed within ±5 years (i.e., cross-sectional analyses) or 5 to 20 years after blood draw (i.e., prospective analyses) adjusting for potential confounders. We further explored associations stratified by sex and age (<60 vs. ≥60 years). Fixed-effects or sample size-weighted meta-analyses were performed to combine results. Finally, we performed Mendelian randomization (MR) analyses to assess causality.


We included up to 19,152 participants (mean age 59 years, 57% women). Higher mtDNA CN was cross-sectionally associated with better general cognitive function (Beta=0.04; 95% CI 0.02, 0.06) independent of age, sex, batch effects, race/ethnicity, time between blood draw and cognitive evaluation, cohort-specific variables, and education. Additional adjustment for blood cell counts or cardiometabolic traits led to slightly attenuated results. We observed similar significant associations with cognition in prospective analyses, although of reduced magnitude. We found no significant associations between mtDNA CN and brain MRI measures in meta-analyses. MR analyses did not reveal a causal relation between mtDNA CN in blood and cognition.


Higher mtDNA CN in blood is associated with better current and future general cognitive function in large and diverse communities across the US. Although MR analyses did not support a causal role, additional research is needed to assess causality. Circulating mtDNA CN could serve nevertheless as a biomarker of current and future cognitive function in the community.

张,Y。刘,X。韦根,k . L。Kurniansyah, N。郭,X。罗德里格,a . L。赵,W。Yanek, l·R。属于防守型中锋,s M。Pitsillides,。,Aguirre Patino, j·S。开发,T。发出火花的,d, E。、奥斯汀、t·R。Beiser, a。Blangero, J。Boerwinkle E。布瑞斯勒,J。, Curran, J. E., Hou, L., Hughes, T. M., Kardia, S. L., Launer, L., Levy, D., Mosley, T. H., Nasrallah, I. M., Rich, S. S., Rotter, J. I., Seshadri, S., Tarraf, W., Gonzalez, K. A., Ramachandran, V., Yaffe, K., Nyquist, P. A., Psaty, B. M., DeCarli, C. S., Smith, J. A., Glahn, D. C., Gonzalez, H. M., Bis, J. C., Fornage, M., Heckbert, S. R., Fitzpatrick, A. L., Liu, C., Satizabal, C. L. 2023 - 03 - 16 - t12:45:19 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207157 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207157 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振,认知老化,队列研究,风险因素在流行病学、遗传学 协会的线粒体DNA拷贝数与脑MRI标记和认知功能:一个荟萃分析的以社区为基础的人群 2023-03-16 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207157v1
< ![CDATA[系统评估的成本效益分析外科和神经刺激治疗耐药性癫痫成人]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207137v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >外科和神经治疗能有效地降低在选定的个人生活与耐药性癫痫发作负担(DRE)。我们旨在确定和关键决定因素模型存在这些干预措施的成本效益,而医疗管理,协助决定资源分配。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >系统文献检索是6月1日进行的,2022年,利用Medline、Embase,国民经济评价数据库,数据库和成本效益分析。包括经济评价研究成人DRE军团;比较手术和神经治疗(迷走神经刺激(VNS),响应神经刺激(RNS)和脑深部刺激(DBS))和医疗管理;和报告的成本效益分析、成本效用或成本效益。排除标准与儿科人群研究和发表在英语以外的其他语言。三个独立评论员筛选、提取和评估数据与巩固卫生经济评价报告标准(欢呼)检查表,和第四个审稿人裁决差异。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p >十研究符合纳入标准。七个研究评价癫痫手术,和三个评估神经刺激治疗。所有相关研究证实癫痫手术相比,具有成本效益的干预医疗管理,至于质量调整生命年(提升),和没收的自由在2 - 5年。 All relevant studies found neurostimulator treatments to be potentially cost-effective. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER), with lower ICER indicating greater cost-effectiveness, was reported for nine studies, and varied between GBP £3,013 and US $61,333. Cost adaptation revealed ICERs from US $170 to US $121,726. Key model determinants included, but were not limited to, improved surgical outcomes and quality of life, reduced surgical and presurgical evaluation costs, higher rates of surgical eligibility after referral and evaluation, epilepsy subtype, less expensive neurostimulator devices with improved longevity, and cost analysis strategy used in the analysis.


There is consistent evidence that epilepsy surgery is a cost-effective treatment for eligible candidates with DRE. Limited evidence suggests that VNS, RNS, and DBS may be cost-effective therapies for DRE, although more health economic evaluations alongside prospective clinical trials are needed to validate these findings.

凯:N。福斯特E。Marquina C。棕褐色,。庞,s . s . T。O ' brien, t·J。关颖珊,P。杰克逊,G。陈,Z。、Ademi Z。 2023 - 03 - 16 - t12:45:19 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207137 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207137 美国神经病学学会首页 迷走神经刺激,所有癫痫/癫痫,癫痫手术 系统综述的成本效益分析成人癫痫外科和神经刺激治疗耐药 2023-03-16 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207137v1
< ![CDATA[描述和预测短期的结果在内存中颞叶切除术后癫痫患儿]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207143v1?rss=1 Objectives:

To (1) characterize short-term outcomes in episodic memory, as assessed by the Children’s Memory Scale (CMS), following temporal lobe resection in children with epilepsy using empirical methods for assessing cognitive change (i.e., reliable change indices: RCIs and standardized regression-based change scores: SRBs) and (2) develop and internally validate clinically-applicable models to predict postoperative memory decline.


This retrospective cohort study included children aged 6-16 years who underwent resective epilepsy surgery that included the temporal lobe (temporal-only: "temporal" and multilobar: "temporal-plus") and who completed pre- and postoperative neuropsychological assessments including the CMS. Change scores on CMS delayed memory subtests (Faces, Stories, and Word Pairs) were classified as decline, no change, or improvement using epilepsy-specific RCIs and SRBs. Logistic regression models for predicting postoperative memory decline were developed and internally validated with bootstrapping.


Of the 126 children included, most demonstrated either no significant RCI change (54-69%) or improvement (8-14%) in memory performance on individual measures a median of 7 months after surgery. A subset of children (23-33%) showed postoperative declines. Change distributions obtained using RCIs and SRBs were not statistically significantly different from each other. Preoperative memory test score, surgery side, surgery extent, and preoperative full scale IQ were predictors of memory decline. Prediction models for memory decline included subsets of these variables with bias-corrected concordance (c) statistics ranging from 0.70-0.75. The models were well calibrated although slightly overestimated the probability of verbal memory decline in high risk patients.


This study used empiric methodology to characterize memory outcome in children following temporal lobe resection. Provided online calculator and nomograms may be used by clinicians to estimate the risk of postoperative memory decline for individual patients prior to surgery.

考尔,N。Nowacki, a。、Lachhwani d K。Berl, M . M。Hamberger, m . J。克洛斯,P。,Bingaman W。布施,r . M。 2023 - 03 - 16 - t12:45:19 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207143 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207143 美国神经病学学会首页 描述和预测短期的结果在内存中儿童癫痫中颞叶切除术 2023-03-16 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207143v1
< ![CDATA[功能结果和死亡率在密集的医疗和手术后颅内出血患者支持]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207132v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >尽管几十年的日益复杂的neurocritical护理,患者自发性脑出血后的结果(我)仍然低迷。这是否反映了治疗虚无主义,或者主要损伤的影响已经受到了质疑。在这个当代队列中,我们确定了30 -和90天的死亡率、死因别死亡率、功能结果和手术治疗的效果在一个积极的医疗和手术支持的文化。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >这是一个连续的回顾性队列研究成年患者自发我承认叔neurocritical病房。患者二次我和那些limitation-of-care之前72 -小时被排除在外。对于每一个我的分数,30 - 90天的死亡率,改良Rankin规模(夫人)检查。The effect of craniotomy/craniectomy ± hematoma evacuation on the outcome of supratentorial ICH was determined using propensity score matching. Median patient follow-up after discharge was 2.2 [IQR, 0.4-4.4] years.


Among 319 patients with spontaneous ICH (median age was 69 [IQR, 60-77] years, 60% male), 30- and 90-day mortality were 16% and 22%, respectively, and unfavorable functional outcome (mRS 4-6) was 50% at a median 3.1-months after ICH. Admission predictors of mortality mirrored those of the original ICH score. Unfavorable outcomes for ICH score 3 and 4 were 73% and 86%, respectively. The most common adjudicated primary causes of mortality were direct effect or progression of the ICH (54%), refractory cerebral edema (21%), and medical complications (11%). In matched analyses, lifesaving surgery for supratentorial ICH did not significantly alter mortality or unfavorable functional outcome in patients overall. In subgroup analyses restricted to (1) surgery with hematoma evacuation, and (2) ICH score 3 and 4 patients, the odds of 30-day mortality were reduced by 71% (OR, 0.29, 95% CI, 0.09-0.9, p=0.032) and 80% (OR, 0.2, 95% CI, 0.04-0.91, p=0.038), respectively, but no difference was observed for 90-day mortality or unfavorable functional outcome.


This study demonstrates that poor outcomes after ICH prevail despite aggressive treatment. Unfavorable outcomes appear related to direct effects of the primary injury and not to premature care limitations. Lifesaving surgery for supratentorial lesions delayed mortality but did not alter functional outcomes.

Abulhasan, y . B。分类的,J。,Al-Ramadhani DABR-NR, K。莫里森AStat, k . T。角,m R。 2023 - 03 - 16 - t06:36:34 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207132 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207132 美国神经病学学会首页 预后,所有脑血管疾病/中风,急救护理,脑内出血 功能结果和死亡率在密集的医疗和手术后颅内出血患者的支持 2023-03-16 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207132v1
< ![CDATA[脑深部刺激丘脑前核的更多的多中心的耐药性癫痫患者注册]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206887v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >背景和目标< / p > < p >的功效脑深部刺激丘脑前核的蚂蚁(DBS)在癫痫耐药(DRE)患者是双盲的刺激了< / p > < p >的丘脑前核癫痫(健康)的随机对照试验。美敦力公司注册为癫痫(更多)旨在了解蚂蚁DBS疗法的安全性和长期有效性在日常临床实践。< / p > < p > < / p > < p >方法更多的是一个观察注册表收集前瞻性和回顾性的临床数据。参与者至少18岁,与焦DRE招募了来自13个国家的25个中心。至少2年随访的发作频率(SF)、<我>应答率(RR) < / I >,健康相关生活质量(生活质量在癫痫库存31日QOLIE-31),抑郁,和安全的结果。< / p > < p > < / p > < p >结果的191名患者招募了170名(意思是35.6(10.7)岁(SD), 43%女性)被植入DBS疗法和符合所有合格标准。在基线,38%的患者报告认知障碍。The median monthly SF decreased by 33.1% from 15.8 at baseline to 8.8 at 2 years (P<0.0001) with 32.3% RR. In the subgroup of 47 patients that completed 5 years of follow-up, the median monthly SF decreased by 55.1% from 16 at baseline to 7.9 at 5 years (P<0.0001) with 53.2% RR. Factors influencing SF reduction included number of implants per center. In patients with cognitive impairment, the reduction in median monthly seizure frequency was 26.0% by two years compared with 36.1% in patients without cognitive impairment. The most frequently reported adverse events were changes (e.g. increased frequency/severity) in seizure (16%), memory impairment (patient reported complaint, 15%), depressive mood (patient reported complaint, 13%) and epilepsy (12%). One definite Sudden Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) case was reported.


The MORE registry supports the effectiveness and safety of ANT-DBS therapy in a real-world setting in the 2-years following implantation.

Peltola, J。、结肠癌、a . J。皮门特尔,J。、Coenen诉。Gil-Nagel,。费雷拉,a G。, Lehtimäki, K., Ryvlin, P., Taylor, R. S., Ackermans, L., Ardesch, J., Bentes, C., Bosak, M., Burneo, J. G., Chamadoira, C., Elger, C. E., Eross, L., Fabo, D., Faulkner, H., Gawlowicz, J., Gharabaghi, A., Iacoangeli, M., Janszky, J., Järvenpää, S., Kaufmann, E., Kho, K. H., Kumlien, E., Laufs, H., Lettieri, C., Linhares, P., Noachtar, S., Parrent, A., Pataraia, E., Patel, N. K., Peralta, A. R., Racz, A., Campos, A. R., Rego, R., Ricciuti, R. A., Rona, S., Rouhl, R. P. W., Schulze-Bonhage, A., Schuurman, R., Sprengers, M., Sufianov, A., Temel, Y., Theys, T., Van Paesschen, W., Van Roost, D., Vaz, R., Vonck, K., Wagner, L., Zwemmer, J., Abouihia, A., Brionne, T. C., Gielen, F., Boon, P. A. J. M. 2023 - 03 - 16 - t06:36:34 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206887 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206887 美国神经病学学会首页 第四类,所有的癫痫发作 脑深部电刺激丘脑前核的更多的多中心的耐药性癫痫患者注册表 2023-03-16 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206887v1
< ![CDATA[最大脑出血后护理:给病人一个机会]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207206v1?rss=1 雅法,m . N。莫里斯,N。 2023 - 03 - 16 - t06:36:34 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207206 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207206 美国神经病学学会首页 结果研究、预后、脑血管疾病/中风,脑内出血 脑出血后的最大保健:给病人一个机会 2023-03-16 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207206v1 < ![CDATA[临床特征和生物标记来区分主要和肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症患者的上运动神经元综合症]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207223v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景:< /圣> < p >区分初级(PLS)和肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(ALS)需要对预后和管理相关后果但在早期阶段主要是不可靠的。这项研究的目标是:1)确定在发病特点,有助于区分请和肌萎缩性侧索硬化症;(二)评估一个集成的血清生物标志物的诊断性能面板;3)识别患者的预后因素上运动神经元(学院)综合症。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >我们选择和回顾性分析UMN-syndrome患者的临床资料。在第一次评估,可用时,血清生物标志物测定使用超灵敏单分子阵列。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p >研究人群包括55请和50 ALS患者。请病人提出了更长的时间来第一个神经系统评估(请:35.0个月,差:17.0 - -38.0;肌萎缩性侧索硬化症:12.5个月,差:7.0 - -21.3;p<0.01) and lower levels of neurofilament light chain (NfL) (PLS: 81.8 pg/mL, IQR: 38.4-111.1; ALS: 155.9 pg/mL, IQR: 85.1-366.4; p=0.01). Two PLS and three ALS patients carried the C9orf72 expansion. NfL resulted an independent predictor of final diagnosis (OR: 1.01, 95%CI: 1.00-1.02; p=0.04) and an independent prognostic factor (HR: 1.01, 95%CI: 1.00-1.01; p<0.01).


NfL might help to differentiate PLS from ALS patients and to predict prognosis in patients with an UMN-syndrome.

Schito, P。罗威,T。受,T。铜质把手,。波齐,L。德尔Carro U。卡雷拉,P。Agosta F。Quattrini,。可•福尔兰正,R。菲利皮主持,M。莉娃,N。 2023 - 03 - 16 - t06:36:34 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207223 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207223 美国神经病学学会首页 所有的神经肌肉疾病、肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症,肌电图 临床特征和生物标记来区分主要和肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症患者的上运动神经元综合症 2023-03-16 临床/科学报告 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207223v1
< ![CDATA[强行流离失所者的神经护理:新出现的问题在神经学]]>首页 http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206857v2?rss=1 < p >有越来越多的全球强行流离失所者(FDPs)。超过1亿人被迫流离失所的今天,迫切要求了解神经保健需求的人口和神经学家和其他卫生保健工作者如何最有效地提供护理。在新出现的问题在神经学的这篇文章中,我们尝试:(1)定首页义的范围提供FDPs神经护理的问题,(2)突出常见临床相关神经照顾FDPs挑战,和(3)提供有用的临床信息,神经学家和其他临床医师提供保健FDPs与神经系统的需要。We address the terminology of forcible displacement and how terms may differ across a person’s migration journey.

Common challenges encountered by FDPs with neurologic needs across settings include loss of support systems, loss of personal health information, language barriers and differing expression of symptoms, differing belief systems, epidemiological patterns of disease unfamiliar to the clinician, and patients’ fear and perceived risks of engaging with health systems. Practical approaches are shared for clinicians who encounter an FDP with a neurologic presentation. Finally, the article discusses many unmet neurologic needs of FDPs, which require significant investment. These include addressing lapses in neurologic care during displacement and understanding the effects of forcible displacement on people with chronic neurologic conditions. Future research and educational resources should focus on improving epidemiological intelligence for neurologic conditions across geographies, developing curricula for optimizing the neurological care of FDPs, and evaluating the most appropriate and effective uses of health technologies in humanitarian settings.

Mateen f·J。哈纳菲,我。Birbeck, g . L。,萨阿迪。Schmutzhard E。维尔姆赫斯特被,j . M。《反海外腐败法》,M。班尼特,一个。琼斯,l·K。 2023 - 03 - 09 - t11:34:31喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206857 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206857 美国神经病学学会首页 所有全球神经病学、获取首页卫生保健、Training-international缺医少药人群,跨文化护理 神经的强行流离失所者:新兴的神经学问题首页 2023-03-09 特殊的文章 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206857v2
< ![CDATA [Normobaric氧过多结合血管内治疗急性缺血性中风患者:一项随机对照临床试验]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207279v1?rss=1 2023 - 03 - 08 - t12:45:24喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207279 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207279 美国神经病学学会首页 Normobaric氧过多结合血管内治疗急性缺血性中风患者:一个随机对照临床试验 2023-03-08 修正 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207279v1 < ![CDATA[瞄准爆发抑制治疗难治性癫痫持续状态:可能不是]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207290v1?rss=1 年轻,g B。、Drislane f·W。 2023 - 03 - 08 - t12:45:24喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207290 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207290 美国神经病学学会首页 所有癫痫/癫痫,抗癫痫药物,脑电图癫痫监控 瞄准爆发抑制治疗难治性癫痫持续状态:大概不会 2023-03-08 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207290v1 < ![CDATA[诱导Burst-Suppression之间的联系和难治性癫痫持续状态患者的临床结果:九年制队列研究]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207129v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>目的:< /圣> < p >调查引起脑电图仪的频率(EEG) burst-suppression模式在连续静脉麻醉(IVAD)和相关结果在成人患者治疗难治性癫痫持续状态(交易所)。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >证交所患者接受麻醉剂在瑞士学术医疗中心从2011年到2019年被包括在内。临床数据和半定量的脑电图分析评估。Burst-suppression was categorized as incomplete burst-suppression (with ≥20% and <50% suppression proportion) or complete burst-suppression (with ≥50% suppression proportion). The frequency of induced burst-suppression, and association of burst-suppression with outcomes (persistent seizure termination, in-hospital survival, and return to premorbid neurologic function) were endpoints.


We identified 147 patients with RSE treated with IVAD. Among 102 patients without cerebral anoxia, incomplete burst-suppression was achieved in 14 (14%) with a median of 23 hours (interquartile range [IQR] 1-29) and complete burst-suppression was achieved in 21 (21%) with a median of 51 hours (IQR 16-104). Age, Charlson comorbidity Index, RSE with motor symptoms, and the Status Epilepticus Severity Score (STESS) were identified as potential confounders in univariable comparisons between patients with and without any burst-suppression. Multivariable analyses revealed no associations between any burst-suppression and the predefined endpoints. However, among 45 patients with cerebral anoxia, induced burst-suppression was associated with persistent seizure termination (72% without vs. 29% with burst-suppression, p=0.004) and survival (50% vs. 14% p=0.005).


In adult patients with RSE treated with IVAD, burst-suppression with ≥50% suppression proportion was achieved in every fifth patient and not associated with persistent seizure termination, in-hospital survival or return to premorbid neurologic function.

Fisch U。, Jünger, A. L., Baumann, S. M., Semmlack, S., De Marchis, G. M., Hunziker, S., RüeggFAES, S., Marsch, S., Sutter, R. 2023 - 03 - 08 - t12:45:24喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207129 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207129 美国神经病学学会首页 癫痫预后,急救护理,癫痫持续状态,监控 诱导Burst-Suppression之间的联系和难治性癫痫持续状态患者的临床结果:九年制队列研究 2023-03-08 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207129v1
< ![CDATA[评估代理神经发育语言表型和基因之间的关联的风险原发性进行性失语]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207136v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >原发性进行性失语(PPA)是一种神经退行性综合征进步语言的衰落。PPA有3个主要的亚型:logopenic,语义,agrammatic。观察性研究表明语言之间的关联相关的神经发育表型和PPA的风险增加。我们试图评估这种关系通过孟德尔随机化(MR)的方法,它可以显示潜在的因果关联。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >全基因组重要的单核苷酸多态性(snp)与阅读障碍(42个snp)联系在一起,发展语言障碍(SNPs) 29日和左撇子(41个snp),被用作基因风险代理。18/41单核苷酸多态性的左撇子与大脑皮层的结构不对称有关。GWAS摘要统计信息来源于公开数据库语义(308例/ 616控制)和agrammatic PPA(269例/ 538控制)。The logopenic PPA (324 cases/ 3444 controls) was approximated by proxy through the rubric of ‘clinically diagnosed Alzheimer’s disease with salient language impairment’. Inverse weighted variance MR was performed as the main analysis for testing the relationship between the exposures and outcomes. Sensitivity analyses were completed to test the robustness of the results.


Dyslexia, developmental speech disorders and left-handedness were not associated with any PPA subtype (P > 0.05). The genetic proxy of cortical asymmetry in left handedness was significantly associated with agrammatic PPA (beta = 4.3, P= 0.007), but not with other PPA subtypes. This association was driven by microtubule-related genes, primarily by a variant that is in complete linkage disequilibrium with MAPT gene. Sensitivity analyses were overall consistent with the primary analyses.


Our results do not support a causal association between dyslexia, developmental speech disorders, or handedness with any of the PPA subtypes. Our data suggests a complex association between cortical asymmetry genes and agrammatic PPA. Whether the additional association with left handedness is necessary remains to be determined but is unlikely given the absence of association between left handedness and PPA. Genetic proxy of brain asymmetry (regardless of handedness) was not tested as an exposure due to lack of suitable genetic proxy. Furthermore, the genes related to cortical asymmetry associated with agrammatic PPA are implicated in microtubule-related proteins (TUBA1B, TUBB, and MAPT), which is keeping with the association of tau-related neurodegeneration in this PPA variant.

Nassan, M。水虎鱼,i s。Rogalski E。Geula C。、Mesulam m m。eric reiman, M。 2023 - 03 - 08 - t12:45:24喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207136 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207136 美国神经病学学会首页 痴呆失语症,协会在遗传学研究 评估基因之间的联系代理神经发育语言表型和原发性进行性失语的风险 2023-03-08 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207136v1
< ![CDATA[抑郁症状和急性中风的风险:INTERSTROKE病例对照研究]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207093v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >背景和目标< / p > < p >抑郁报道急性中风的一个危险因素,主要基于研究在高收入国家。INTERSTROKE的研究中,我们探讨抑郁症状急性中风风险的贡献,个月结果世界各地区,在亚种群和中风类型< / p > < p > < / p > < p > INTERSTROKE方法是国际第一急性中风的危险因素的病例对照研究,在32个国家进行的。例患者CT或MRI证实事件急性中风住院,匹配和控制了年龄,性别,和在网站。标准化问题问及自我抑郁症状在过去12个月,使用规定的抗抑郁药物都被记录下来。多变量条件逻辑回归是用来确定协会pre-stroke抑郁症状与急性中风的风险。调整顺序逻辑回归被用来探索协会pre-stroke抑郁症状与中风后功能结果,测量modified-Rankin量表在中风后个月。


Of 26,877 participants, 40.4% were women, the mean age was 61.7 ± 13.4 years. The prevalence of depressive symptoms within the last 12 months was higher in cases compared to controls (18.3%vs.14.1%,p < 0.001) and differed by region (pinteraction < 0.001), with lowest prevalence in China (6.9% in controls) and highest in South America (32.2% of controls). In multivariable analyses pre-stroke depressive symptoms were associated with greater odds of acute stroke (OR 1.46, 95%CI 1.34–1.58), which was significant for both intracerebral hemorrhage (OR 1.56, 95%CI 1.28–1.91) and ischemic stroke (OR 1.44, 95%CI 1.31–1.58). A larger magnitude of association with stroke was seen in patients with a greater burden of depressive symptoms. While pre-admission depressive symptoms were not associated with a greater odds of worse baseline stroke severity (OR 1.02, 95%CI 0.94–1.10), they were associated with a greater odds of poor functional outcome at 1-month after acute stroke (OR 1.09, 95%CI 1.01–1.19).


In this global study we recorded that depressive symptoms are an important risk factor for acute stroke, including both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Pre-admission depressive symptoms were associated with poorer functional outcome, but not baseline stroke severity, suggesting an adverse role of depressive symptoms in post-stroke recovery.

墨菲,r . P。Reddin C。,工厂的。、法官、C。纸巾,g . J。弗格森,J。Alvarez-Iglesias,。、Oveisgharan年代。Wasay, M。麦克德莫特,C。球队,h·K。拉娜,F。AL-HUSSAIN F。Czlonkowska,。它,。Ogunniyi,。Damasceno,。泽维尔,D。Avezum,。王,X。, Langhorne, P., Yusuf, S., O'Donnell, M., for the INTERSTROKE investigators 2023 - 03 - 08 - t12:45:24喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207093 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207093 美国神经病学学会首页 所有脑血管疾病/中风、抑郁、缺医少药人群,包容、多样性、股本、反种族主义、和社会正义(想法),病例对照研究 抑郁症状和急性中风的风险:INTERSTROKE病例对照研究 2023-03-08 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207093v1
< ![CDATA[协会Mediterranean-DASH干预神经退行性延迟和地中海饮食与阿尔茨海默病病理]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207176v1?rss=1 Objective:

Diet may reduce Alzheimer’s dementia risk and slow cognitive decline, but the understanding of the relevant neuropathologic mechanisms remains limited. The association of dietary patterns with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathology has been suggested using neuroimaging biomarkers. This study examined the association of MIND and Mediterranean dietary patterns with beta-amyloid load, phosphorylated tau tangles, and global AD pathology in postmortem brain tissue of older adults.


Autopsied participants of the Rush Memory and Aging Project) with complete dietary information (collected through a validated food frequency questionnaire) and AD pathology data (beta-amyloid load, phosphorylated tau tangles, and global AD pathology [summarized neurofibrillary tangles, neuritic and diffuse plaques]) were included in this study. Linear regression models controlled for age at death, sex, education, APO-4 status, and total calories were used to investigate the dietary patterns (MIND and Mediterranean diet) and dietary components associated with AD pathology. Further effect modification was tested for APO-4 status and sex.


Among our study participants (N=581, age at death: 91.0 ± 6.3 years; mean age at first dietary assessment: 84.2 ±5.8; 73% female; 6.8 ± 3.9 years of follow-up) dietary patterns were associated with lower global AD pathology (MIND: β= -0.022, p=0.034, standardized β=-2.0; Mediterranean: β=-0.007, p=0.039, standardized β=-2.3) and specifically less beta-amyloid load (MIND: β=-0.068, p=0.050, standardized β=-2.0; Mediterranean: β=-0.040, p=0.004, standardized β=-2.9). The findings persisted when further adjusted for physical activity, smoking, and vascular disease burden. The associations were also retained when participants with mild cognitive impairment or dementia at the baseline dietary assessment were excluded. Those in the highest tertile of green leafy vegetables intake had less global AD pathology when compared to those in the lowest tertile (Tertile-3 vs. Tertile-1: β= -0.115, p=0.0038).


The MIND and Mediterranean diets are associated with less postmortem AD pathology, primarily beta-amyloid load. Among dietary components, green leafy vegetables inversely correlate with AD pathology.

阿加瓦尔,P。Leurgans, s E。、Agrawal年代。Aggarwal, N。Cherian, l。J。,詹姆斯,b D。Dhana, K。巴恩斯,L . L。班尼特,d。,施耐德,j .。 2023 - 03 - 08 - t12:45:23喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207176 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207176 美国神经病学学会首页 所有认知障碍/痴呆、阿尔茨海默氏症 协会Mediterranean-DASH干预神经退行性延迟和地中海饮食与阿尔茨海默病病理变化 2023-03-08 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207176v1
< ![CDATA [CSF炎症标记物之间的关联,白质病变,个人无痴呆和认知下降]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207113v1?rss=1 Background

and Objectives

Small vessel disease (SVD) and neuroinflammation both occur in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and other neurodegenerative diseases. It is unclear if these processes are related or independent mechanisms in AD, especially in the early stages of disease. We therefore investigated the association between white matter lesions (WML; the most common manifestation of SVD), and CSF biomarkers of neuroinflammation and their effects on cognition in a population without dementia.


Individuals without dementia from the Swedish BioFINDER study were included. CSF was analyzed for proinflammatory markers (interleukin [IL]–6, IL-8), cytokines (IL-7, IL-15, IL-16), chemokines (interferon-–induced protein 10 [IP-10], monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, markers of vascular injury (soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1, soluble vascular adhesion molecule 1), and markers of angiogenesis (placental growth factor [PlGF], soluble fms-related tyrosine kinase 1 [sFlt-1], vascular endothelial growth factors [VEGF-A, and VEFG-D]), and Aβ42, Aβ40 and P-tau 217. WML volumes were determined at baseline and longitudinally over six years. Cognition was measured at baseline and follow-up over eight years. Linear regression models were used to test associations.


495 cognitively unimpaired (CU) elderly and 247 patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) were included. There was significant worsening in cognition over time, measured by MMSE, CDR and mPACC in CU and MCI, with more rapid worsening in MCI for all cognitive tests. At baseline, higher levels of PlGF (β=0.156, p<0.001), lower levels of sFlt-1 (β=-0.086, p=0.003), and higher levels of IL-8 (β=0.07, p=0.030) were associated with more WML in CU. In MCI, higher levels of PlGF (β=0.172, p=0.001), IL-16 (β=0.125, p=0.001), IL-8 (β=0.096, p=0.013), IL-6 (β=0.088, p=0.023), VEGF-A (β=0.068, p=0.028), and VEGF-D (β=0.082, p=0.028) were associated with more WML. PlGF was the only biomarker that was associated with WML independent of Aβ status and cognitive impairment. Longitudinal analyses of cognition showed independent effects of CSF inflammatory markers and WML on longitudinal cognition, especially in people without cognitive impairment at baseline.


Most neuroinflammatory CSF biomarkers were associated with WML in individuals without dementia. Our findings especially highlight a role for PlGF, which was associated with WML independent of Aβ status and cognitive impairment.

Gertje, e . C。、Janelidze年代。范·西数,D。卡伦,N。Stomrud E。、Palmqvist年代。汉森,O。Mattsson-Carlgren, N。 2023 - 03 - 07 - t12:45:12喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207113 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207113 美国神经病学学会首页 MRI,脑血管疾病/中风、老年痴呆症,脑脊髓液 脑脊液之间的关联标记的炎症,白质病变,个人无痴呆和认知下降 2023-03-07 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207113v1
< ![CDATA[教学实验:葡萄糖基基底gangliaGanglia Hhypermetabolism:果断果断线索线索诊断诊断一个不同寻常的不寻常antiAnti-LGI1 encephalitisEncephalitis]] > http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207131v1?rss=1 金,y E。Lim, js。李,Y。、李黄永发。 2023 - 03 - 06 - t12:45:30喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207131 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207131 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振、宠物、脑炎、所有认知障碍/痴呆 教学实验:葡萄糖基基底gangliaGanglia Hhypermetabolism:果断果断线索的线索的诊断诊断一个不同寻常的不寻常antiAnti-LGI1 encephalitisEncephalitis 2023-03-06 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207131v1 < ![CDATA [Tenecteplase安全性和有效性和溶栓串联病变患者中风:EXTEND-IA秋明石油公司的因果分析试验]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207138v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>的背景和目的:< /圣> < p >的安全性和有效性tenecteplase串联病变患者中风是未知的。我们进行了比较分析tenecteplase和串联病变患者溶栓。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >我们首先比较tenecteplase的治疗效果和患者的溶栓串联使用个别患者病变EXTEND-IA秋明石油公司的数据试验。我们在初始评估颅内再灌注血管造影评估和90天的夫人序数物流和弗斯回归模型。因为两个关键结果,死亡率和症状性颅内出血,很少在收到那些溶栓EXTEND-IA秋明石油公司试验,我们生成的混合估计这些结果通过补充试验数据估计入射通过荟萃分析研究确定在系统回顾。然后计算未经调整的风险差异比较集中发病率估计对于那些接受溶栓试验中观察到的那些接收tenecteplase。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p >七十一的483名患者(15%)EXTEND-IA秋明石油公司试验具有串联病变。病变患者,观察颅内再灌注在11/56(20%)的tenecteplase治疗患者与1/15(7%)患者溶栓治疗(优势比:2.19;95%置信区间:0.28—-17.29)。观察无显著差异在90天的夫人(常见或调整:1.48;95%置信区间:0.44—-5.00)。 A pooled study-level proportion of alteplase associated mortality and symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage was 0.14 (95% CI: 0.08-0.21) and 0.09 (95% CI: 0.04-0.16), respectively. Compared to a mortality rate of 0.09 (95% CI: 0.03-0.20) and a symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage rate of 0.07 (95% CI: 0.02-0.17) in tenecteplase treated patients, no significant difference was observed.


Functional outcomes, mortality, and symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage did not significantly differ between tenecteplase and alteplase treated tandem lesion patients.

Classification of Evidence:

This study provides Class III evidence that tenecteplase is associated with similar rates of intracranial reperfusion, functional outcome, mortality, and symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage compared with alteplase, in patients with acute stroke due to tandem lesions. However, the confidence intervals do not rule out clinically important differences.

Yogendrakumar, V。Churilov, L。米切尔,p . J。Kleinig, t·J。Yassi, N。Thijs, V。吴,T。沙,D。贝利,P。杜威,h . M。崔,p . M。马,。韦杰,T。Garcia-Esperon C。、云、G。钱德拉,r . V。、Cordato d J。,燕DMedSc B。沙玛,G。德斯蒙德,p . M。帕森斯,m . W。唐南,g。戴维斯分校s M。公元前,坎贝尔,V。 2023 - 03 - 06 - t12:45:29喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207138 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207138 美国神经病学学会首页 其他脑血管疾病/中风,所有脑血管疾病/中风,临床试验方法/研究设计、临床试验系统评价/ meta分析,第三类 安全性和有效性Tenecteplase和溶栓的串联病变患者中风:EXTEND-IA秋明石油公司的因果分析试验 2023-03-06 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207138v1
< ![CDATA[发展的专家级的分类在脑电图癫痫发作和节奏和周期模式解释]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207127v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >癫痫和其他seizure-like的大脑活动模式会伤害大脑,导致住院死亡,特别是长时间。然而,专家资格解释脑电图(EEG)数据稀缺。之前试图自动化这个任务已经被小有限或标记样本不足和没有令人信服地证明可概括的专家提供的性能。存在一个重要的未满足的需要自动分类方法发作和其他seizure-like事件的专家级的可靠性。本研究进行开发和验证一个相匹配的计算机算法的可靠性和准确性的专家确定癫痫发作和seizure-like事件,被称为“ictal-interictal-injury-continuum”脑电图(IIIC)模式,包括癫痫(深圳),单侧性的和广义周期放电(LPD加仑日)和单侧性的广义节奏三角洲活动(LRDA GRDA)和non-IIIC区分这些模式的模式。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >我们使用6095头皮脑电图来自2711个患者和没有IIIC事件深层神经网络训练,<我> SPaRCNet < / I >,执行IIIC事件分类。从50697年独立训练和测试数据集的生成脑电图段,独立带注释的20训练神经。我们评估是否SPaRCNet <我> < / I >执行以上敏感性,特异性,精度,校正训练神经识别IIIC事件。Statistical performance was assessed via the calibration index, and by the percentage of experts whose operating points were below the model’s receiver operating characteristic curves (ROC) and precision recall curves (PRC) for the 6 pattern classes.


SPaRCNet matches or exceeds most experts in classifying IIIC events based on both calibration and discrimination metrics. For SZ, LPD, GPD, LRDA, GRDA, and "Other" classes, SPaRCNet exceeds the following percentages of 20 experts – ROC: 45%, 20%, 50%, 75%, 55%, 40%; PRC: 50%, 35%, 50%, 90%, 70%, 45%; and calibration: 95%, 100%, 95%, 100%, 100%, 80%, respectively.


SPaRCNet is the first algorithm to match expert performance in detecting seizures and other seizure-like events in a representative sample of EEGs. With further development, SPaRCNet may thus be a valuable tool for expedited review of EEGs.

京,J。通用电气,W。、香港年代。费尔南德斯,m . B。林,Z。杨,C。一个年代。,,a F。Herlopian,。卡拉奇,我。哈尔福德,J·J。Ng, m . C。,约翰逊,e . L。Appavu, b . L。Sarkis, r。奥斯曼,G。卡普兰,p W。、Dhakar m B。、Jayagopal洛杉矶。酋长,Z。Taraschenko, O。施密特,S。, Haider, H. A., Kim, J. A., Swisher, C. B., Gaspard, N., Cervenka, M. C., Rodriguez Ruiz, A. A., Lee, J. W., Tabaeizadeh, M., Gilmore, E. J., Nordstrom, K., Yoo, J. Y., Holmes, M. G., Herman, S. T., Williams, J. A., Pathmanathan, J., Nascimento, F. A., Fan, Z., Nasiri, S., Shafi, M. M., Cash, S. S., Hoch, D. B., Cole, A. J., Rosenthal, E. S., Zafar, S. F., Sun, J., Westover, M. B. 2023 - 03 - 06 - t12:45:29喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207127 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207127 美国神经病学学会首页 脑电图;看到癫痫发作的/,二类,癫痫发作的/,脑电图 发展的专家级的分类在脑电图癫痫发作和节奏和周期模式解释 2023-03-06 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207127v1
< ![CDATA[在重症监护室癫痫发作和癫痫持续状态:一些悖论和见解]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206897v1?rss=1 年轻,g B。 2023 - 03 - 06 - t12:45:29喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206897 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206897 美国神经病学学会首页 所有感染、癫痫发作、脑电图、视频/脑电图在癫痫中使用 在重症监护室癫痫发作和癫痫持续状态:一些悖论和见解 2023-03-06 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206897v1 < ![CDATA[教学实验:人类的尾巴在婴儿脊柱闭合不全和先天性Clubfeet]] > http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207172v1?rss=1 维埃拉门德斯席尔瓦,a F。、Araujo l . C。 2023 - 03 - 06 - t12:45:29喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207172 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207172 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振成像 教学实验:人类的尾巴一个婴儿脊柱闭合不全和先天性Clubfeet 2023-03-06 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207172v1 < ![CDATA[意见和特殊物品:检查医学院的隐性课程从第一代学生的角度]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207174v1?rss=1 < p >通过/失败结果的合并成许多医学院校的课程,更重视领导,研究,和其他的课外活动。这些活动,以及社会资本的培育,代表了一种“隐性课程”,职业发展提供了显著的好处不经常明确陈述。隐性课程的好处的学生代医学院基础设施和危害第一代的知识和/或低收入(FGLI)的学生,他们需要更长的时间来融入职业环境和经历更多的挑战。FGLI学生增加持久性,他们提供不同的观点,但可怜的表示和缺乏明确的途径狭窄他们进入一些医学专业,包括神经学。首页神经学家和教育家,我们扮演一个角色在医学生职业发展的关键时刻,可以有助于隐性课程进入光。< / p > Fokas, j . A。Coukos, R。 2023 - 03 - 06 - t12:45:29喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207174 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207174 美国神经病学学会首页 包容、多样性、股本、反种族主义和社会公正(想法),宣传、劳动力多样性,所有教育 意见和特殊物品:检查从第一代医学院学生的隐性课程的观点 2023-03-06 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207174v1 < ![CDATA[珍珠和牡蛎:典型的周围神经发现紫杉醇对乳腺癌后]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207175v1?rss=1 < p >神经肌肉超声(NMUS)是一个有价值的工具建立一个诊断腕管综合征(CTS),并且可以特别有用在患者临床CTS但正常的神经传导研究(nc)。这个案例中涉及到的常见表现扩大正中神经与正常NMUS nc在乳腺癌患者化疗引起的周围神经病变发展(CIPN)和CTS紫杉烷后治疗。这个案例表明,CTS不应排除仅基于电诊法的研究,应该考虑和共病CTS病人接受神经毒性化疗,即使在正常的设置nc。< / p > 波特兰,t·E。Strowd, R。卡特赖特,m . S。 2023 - 03 - 06 - t12:45:29喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207175 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207175 美国神经病学学会首页 腕管综合症 珍珠和牡蛎:典型的周围神经发现紫杉醇对乳腺癌 2023-03-06 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207175v1 < ![CDATA[比较孤立的癫痫发作和癫痫持续状态患者在重症监护病房:一项观察性队列研究]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206838v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>目的:< /圣> < p >评估的频率癫痫持续状态(SE)抓住成人危重患者并确定临床孤立的癫痫患者和患者之间的差异SE在重症监护室(ICU)。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >从2015年至2020年,连续所有成人ICU患者在瑞士三级保健中心孤立癫痫或重症SE报道等和/或咨询神经学家被筛选确定的数字医疗、ICU,脑电图记录。Patients <18 years of age and patients with myoclonus due to hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy but without seizures on EEG were excluded. The frequency of isolated seizures and SE as well as clinical characteristics at seizure onset associated with SE were the primary outcomes. Uni- and multivariable logistic regression was performed to identify associations with the emergence of SE.


Among 404 patients with seizures, 51% had SE. Compared to patients with isolated seizures, patients with SE had a lower median Charlson comorbidity index(CCI)(3 versus 5, p<0.001), fewer fatal etiologies (43.6% versus 80.5%, p<0.001), higher median Glasgow Coma Scores (7 versus 5, p<0.001), fever more frequently (27.5% versus 7.5%, p<0.001), shorter median ICU and hospital stay (ICU: 4 versus 5 days, p=0.039; hospital stay: 13 versus 15 days, p=0.045), and recovered to premorbid function more often (36.8% versus 17%, p<0.001). Multivariable analyses revealed decreased odds ratios(OR) for SE with increasing CCI (OR=0.91, 95%confidence interval[CI] 0.83-0.99), fatal etiology (OR=0.15, 95%CI 0.08-0.29), and epilepsy (OR=0.32, 95%CI 0.16-0.63). Systemic inflammation was an additional association with SE after excluding patients with seizures as the reason for ICU admission (ORfor CRP=1.01, 95%CI 1.00-1.01; ORfor fever=7.35, 95%CI). While fatal etiologies and increasing CCI remained associated with low odds for SE after excluding anesthetized patients and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, inflammation remained associated in all subgroups except patients with epilepsy.


Among all ICU patients with seizures, SE emerged frequently and seen in every second patient. Besides the unexpected low odds for SE with higher CCI, fatal etiology, and epilepsy, the association of inflammation with SE in the critically ill without epilepsy represents a potential treatment target and deserves further attention.

瓦格纳,a S。鲍曼,s M。、Semmlack年代。弗雷,我。, Rüegg, S., Hunziker, S., Marsch, S., Sutter, R. 2023 - 03 - 06 - t12:45:29喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206838 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206838 美国神经病学学会首页 急救护理,癫痫持续状态,所有癫痫发作的/,广义发作,部分癫痫发作 比较孤立的癫痫发作和癫痫持续状态患者在重症监护病房:一项观察性队列研究 2023-03-06 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206838v1
< ![CDATA[特征和临床意义的白质病变患者的成人烟雾病]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207130v1?rss=1 < p > < / p > < p >背景和目标白质hyperintensities(负责人)据报道,增加性烟雾病(MMD);然而,他们的临床重要性并不完善的由于其病理生理异质性分布。本研究旨在评估负责人的负担和模式在多党民主运动轨迹及其临床意义。< / p > < p > < / p > < p >方法成人多党民主运动的病人没有重大结构性病变是1:1倾向score-matched性和血管危险因素的健康对照组。总、室,皮层下负责人卷自动分割和量化完全。研究负责人卷被年龄去趋势两组之间的比较。多党民主运动基于铃木阶段和未来缺血性事件严重程度与负责人进行了评估卷。< / p > < p > < / p > < p >结果共有161对患者多党民主运动和控制进行了分析。多党民主运动与负责人总额增加显著相关(B(标准误差),0.126 (0.030);p<0.001), periventricular WMH volume (0.114 [0.027]; p<0.001), and periventricular-to-subcortical ratio (0.090 [0.034]; p=0.009). In the MMD subgroup (n=187), advanced MMD had an independent positive association with the total WMH volume (0.120 [0.035]; p<0.001), periventricular WMH volume (0.110 [0.031]; p<0.001), and periventricular-to-subcortical ratio (0.139 [0.038]; p<0.001). Periventricular WMH volume (adjusted hazard ratio [95% confidence interval], 5.12 [1.26–20.79]) and periventricular-to-subcortical ratio (3.80 [1.51–9.56]) were associated with future ischemic events in medically followed-up MMD patients. However, no demonstrable association was found between subcortical WMH volume and MMD, MMD severity, or future ischemic events.


Periventricular WMH, but not subcortical WMH, may represent the main pathophysiology of MMD. Periventricular WMH may be used as a marker for ischemic vulnerability in patients with MMD.

杨,W。荣格K.-H。康,D.-W。、李E.-J。、宋H.-Y。钟,M。金,Y。,哈,J。、金、人类。、李工程学系。 2023 - 03 - 06 - t12:45:29喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207130 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207130 美国神经病学学会首页 中风在年轻人中,核磁共振,所有脑血管疾病/中风 特点和临床意义的白质病变患者的成人烟雾病 2023-03-06 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207130v1
< ![CDATA[新的遗传性代谢小儿癫痫病治疗方法]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207133v1?rss=1 < p >遗传性代谢的癫痫病的治疗方法正在迅速扩大与分子生物学和基因革命的进步。传统饮食和营养修改,蛋白质和酶的抑制剂或增强剂功能,治疗的支柱,正处于不断修正提高生物活性,减少毒性。酶替代,和基因替换和编辑持有承诺基因靶向治疗和治愈。分子成像和神经生理生物标志物正在成为疾病病理生理学的关键指标,严重程度,和对治疗的反应。< / p > 珍珠,p . L。Tokatly-Latzer,我。李,H . H。罗滕伯格,。 2023 - 03 - 06 - t12:45:29喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207133 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207133 美国神经病学学会首页 代谢性疾病(继承),发育障碍,基因治疗,癫痫发作,所有基因 新的治疗方法遗传性代谢小儿癫痫病 2023-03-06 邀请的文章 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207133v1 < ![CDATA [MOGAD浏览最近的诊断标准:挑战和实用性]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207238v1?rss=1 Ciccarelli, O。Toosy, a . T。汤普森,。Hacohen, Y。 2023 - 03 - 06 - t12:45:29喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207238 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207238 美国神经病学学会首页 浏览最近MOGAD诊断标准:挑战和实用性 2023-03-06 特殊的社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207238v1 < ![CDATA[血液生物标志物在神经退行性疾病:对临床神经学家]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207193v1?rss=1 < p > Blood-based生物标志物提供了重大进展在神经退行性疾病的临床评价。Currently, research studies have reported robust assays of blood markers for the detection of amyloid and tau pathologies specific to Alzheimer’s disease (Aß peptides, p-tau), as well as non-specific blood markers of neuronal (neurofilament light, ß-synuclein, ubiquitin-C-terminal-hydrolase-L1) and glial degeneration (glial fibrillary acidic protein) that can measure key pathophysiological processes in several neurodegenerative diseases. In the near future, these markers may be used for screening, diagnosis or disease and treatment response monitoring. Blood-based biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases have been rapidly implemented in research, and they have the potential to enter clinical use soon in different clinical settings. In this review, we will describe the main developments and their potential implications for the general neurologist.

Alcolea D。犹滴,m . S。罗哈斯,j . C。加德纳,r . C。Lleo,。 2023 - 03 - 06 - t12:45:29喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207193 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207193 美国神经病学学会首页 所有认知障碍/痴呆、阿尔茨海默病痴呆认知障碍/评估 血液生物标志物在神经退行性疾病:对临床神经的影响 2023-03-06 审查 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207193v1
< ![CDATA[模仿肾绞痛发作的疼痛:从泌尿外科神经病学]]>首页 http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207216v1?rss=1 克里斯蒂娜C Dorotan, M。,海耶斯,N。、Tobochnik年代。 2023 - 03 - 06 - t12:45:29喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207216 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207216 美国神经病学学会首页 癫痫脑电图、癫痫监控、符号学、视频/脑电图在癫痫,使用皮质本地化 模仿肾绞痛发作的疼痛:从神经泌尿外科首页 2023-03-06 视频的实验 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207216v1 < ![CDATA[等离子体的潜在效用P-Tau和神经丝轻链作为预防临床试验替代生物标记]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207115v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>目的:< /圣> < p >测试181年纵向等离子体变化磷酸化τ的效用(p-tau181)和神经丝轻链(NfL)作为临床试验替代标记目标认知没有(铜)的人口。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >我们测试所需的样本量估计25%的药物作用有80%的权力在0.05水平上降低等离子体标记的变化从数据库ADNI铜参与者。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p >我们包括257立方的人(男性45.5%;平均年龄= 73(6)年;32% amyloid-beta (Aβ) positive]. Changes in plasma NfL were associated with age, while changes in plasma p-tau181 with progression to amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Clinical trials using p-tau181 and NfL would require 85% and 63% smaller sample sizes, respectively, for a 24-month than a 12-month follow-up. A population enrichment strategy using intermediate levels of Aβ positron emission tomography (Centiloid 20-40) further reduced the sample size of 24-month clinical trial using p-tau181 (73%) and NfL (59%) as a surrogate.


Plasma p-tau181/NfL can potentially be used to monitor large-scale population interventions in CU individuals. The enrollment of CU with intermediate Aβ levels constitutes the alternative with the largest effect size and most cost-effective for trials testing drug effect on changes in plasma p-tau181 and NfL.

费雷拉,P。、Ferrari-Souza j . P。天梭,C。,Bellaver B。Leffa D。西尔,F。Povala, G。塞,J。Benedet, a . L。,阿什顿:J。科恩,a D。洛佩兹,o . L。Tudorascu D。Klunk, w·E。Soucy,公司j。附近,S。Villemagne, V。Zetterberg, H。Blennow, K。Rosa-Neto, P。齐默,e R。Karikari, t·K。Pascoal, T。阿尔茨海默病的神经影像学 2023 - 03 - 06 - t12:45:29喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207115 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207115 美国神经病学学会首页 阿尔茨海默病,认知老化 等离子体的潜在效用P-Tau和神经丝轻链作为预防临床试验替代生物标志物 2023-03-06 临床/科学报告 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207115v1
< ![CDATA[珍珠和Oy-sters:主要分散Leptomeningeal Melanocytosis:诊断难题]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207195v1?rss=1 Priyadharshn Selvarajan, j . M。、Epari年代。Sahu,。达斯古普塔,。,查。古普塔,T。 2023 - 03 - 06 - t12:45:29喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207195 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207195 美国神经病学学会首页 脑积水、核磁共振、脑膜炎、原发性脑瘤,辐射therapy-tumor 珍珠和Oy-sters:主要分散Leptomeningeal Melanocytosis:诊断难题 2023-03-06 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207195v1 < ![CDATA[把在大数据:学习一样(联合国)某些临床医生在脑电图]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207224v1?rss=1 Kaestner E。斯泰西,W。 2023 - 03 - 06 - t12:45:29喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207224 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207224 美国神经病学学会首页 脑电图;看到癫痫/发作,脑电图癫痫监控 把大的大数据:学习一样(联合国)某些脑电图的临床医师 2023-03-06 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207224v1 < ![CDATA[临床推理:急性单眼失明患者侧颅外颈内动脉慢性闭塞]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207167v1?rss=1 < p >我们报告的一个中年男子出现急性无痛单眼视力丧失。他的病史的慢性完全闭塞侧颈内动脉(ICA)和最近的颈动脉内膜切除术(CEA)侧ICA。在逐步多学科方法的评估中,我们审查的鉴别诊断急性视力丧失和调查病人的内部和extra-cranial慢性ICA闭塞血流动力学重组后可能会影响临床推理。东航的早期并发症和最近诊断为双侧瞳孔大小不等的鉴别诊断进行了讨论。< / p > Agrawal)。Lazzarin, s M。Ajello D。Baronetto, N。Civilini E。、Marcheselli年代。Pensato U。 2023 - 03 - 01 - t12:45:24喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207167 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207167 美国神经病学学会首页 中风的预防、其它脑血管疾病/中风,所有脑血管疾病/中风、栓塞、梗死 临床推理:急性单眼失明患者侧颅外颈内动脉慢性闭塞 2023-03-01 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207167v1 < ![CDATA[妊娠高血压疾病协会与认知在晚年]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207134v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >背景和目标的研究妊娠高血压疾病(黄芪丹参滴丸),包括妊娠期或慢性高血压(GH / CH)和子痫前期/子痫(PE / E),建议对幼年时期和中年认知有限但一直自我报告或使用的诊断代码,排除未生育过的女性,并在晚年缺乏认知的测量。我们检查的影响任何黄芪丹参滴丸,GH / CH, PE / E,未产妇在晚年认知。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >方法参与者包括2239名妇女(平均年龄73)参加的梅奥诊所研究衰老与医疗记录怀孕抽象信息。认知电池九每15个月进行了测试。全球认知和特定领域的z得分(内存,执行/注意力、视觉空间的语言)的结果。线性混合效应模型评估怀孕之间的联系历史(血压正常的人,任何HPD, HPD亚型(GH / CH、PE / E),或未生育过的)和调整了年龄和教育的认知能力下降。额外的模型调整的<我> APOE < / I >、吸烟、高血压、血脂异常、体重指数(BMI)、糖尿病、中风和心脏病。怀孕之间的交互历史和年龄或教育认知性能检查。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >结果的2239名妇女中,1854(82.8%)至少有一个怀孕(1607年所有的血压正常的人,100年GH / CH 147 PE / E);385例(17.2%)未生育过的。 Cognitive performance did not cross-sectionally differ for women with a history of any HDP, GH/CH, or PE/E versus women with a history of all normotensive pregnancies; women who were nulliparous had lower global and domain-specific cognition (all p<0.05) in age- and education-adjusted models. There was an interaction (p=0.015) between nulliparity and education such that the lower cognitive performance was most pronounced among nulliparous women with ≤12 years of education (beta = -0.42, p<0.001) versus 12+ years (b = -0.11, p=0.049). Longitudinally, women with any HDP had greater declines in global cognition and attention/executive z-scores compared to women with all normotensive pregnancies. When stratified by HDP type, only women with PE/E had greater declines in global cognition (beta = -0.04, p<0.001), language (beta = -0.03, p=0.001), and attention (beta = -0.04, p<0.001) z-scores. Adjustment for vascular risk factors, BMI, smoking, and APOE did not attenuate results.


Women with a history of HDP, especially PE/E, are at greater risk of cognitive decline in later life.

Mielke, M . M。弗兰克,r D。克里,l·R。字段,j。罗卡,w。、Garovic诉D。 2023 - 03 - 01 - t12:45:24喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207134 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207134 美国神经病学学会首页 所有认知障碍/痴呆、认知老化、认知障碍的评估/痴呆流行病学队列研究、风险因素 妊娠高血压疾病协会与认知 2023-03-01 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207134v1
< ![CDATA[妊娠高血压疾病之间的鸿沟方面和认知下降的老年妇女]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207237v1?rss=1 Prodan, c。I。 2023 - 03 - 01 - t12:45:24喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207237 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207237 美国神经病学学会首页 所有认知障碍/痴呆 妊娠高血压疾病之间的鸿沟方面和认知下降的老年妇女 2023-03-01 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207237v1 < ![CDATA[检查昏迷的病人:基础至上]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207180v1?rss=1 Rabinstein, A。 2023 - 03 - 01 - t12:45:24喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207180 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207180 美国神经病学学会首页 预后、昏迷 检查昏迷的病人:基础知识放在首位 2023-03-01 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207180v1 < ![CDATA[临床推理:一个40岁的女人出现脑病和下肢轻瘫]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207125v1?rss=1 < p >急性亚急性多病灶的神经系统异常患者通常有一个独特的表现,及其诊断和管理可能是一个挑战。我们提出一个40岁的病人的情况下提供为期四天的历史混乱,智力迟钝,对面部下垂,双边下肢无力、尿失禁和体温过低。这种情况下突显出亚急性多病灶的患者神经系统异常,诊断方法的重要性考虑共存的系统性疾病诊断、和他们的管理。读者将探索诊断步骤我们组认为达到我们最终的诊断和管理的重要性,为我们的主要诊断。< / p > AlSabah, a。Brissette, V。奥特曼,r D。 2023 - 03 - 01 - t12:45:24喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207125 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207125 美国神经病学学会首页 自身免疫性疾病,红斑狼疮,脱髓鞘疾病(中枢神经系统) 临床推理:一个40岁的女人呈现脑病和下肢轻瘫 2023-03-01 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207125v1 < ![CDATA[关注细微迹象和运动行为推出意识没有响应从患者:临床的重要性]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207067v1?rss=1 < p >脑损伤病人的认知电动机离解展览缺乏命令后,使用传统的神经行为检测工具,但高水平的意识和语言处理时使用先进的成像和电生理学技术评估。Because of their behavioral unresponsiveness, cognitive motor dissociation patients may seem clinically indistinguishable from those suffering from a "true" disorder of consciousness that affects awareness on a substantial level (coma, vegetative state/unresponsive wakefulness state, or minimally conscious state ‘minus’). Yet, by expanding the range of motor testing across limb, facial and ocular motricity, we may detect subtle, purposeful movements even in the subset of patients classified as vegetative state/unresponsive wakefulness state. We propose the term of clinical cognitive motor dissociation to describe patients showing these slight but determined motor responses and exhibiting a characteristic akinetic motor behavior as opposed to a pyramidal motor system behavior. These patients may harbor hidden cognitive capabilities and significant potential for a good long-term outcome. Indeed, we envision cognitive motor dissociation as ranging from complete (no motor response) to partial (subtle clinical motor response) forms, falling within a spectrum of progressively better motor output in patients with considerable cognitive capabilities. In addition to providing a decisional flowchart, we present this novel approach to classification as a graphical model that illustrates the range of clinical manifestations and recovery trajectories fundamentally differentiating "true" disorders of consciousness from the spectrum of cognitive motor dissociation.

Diserens, K。迈耶,i。, Jöhr, J., Pincherle, A., Dunet, V., Pozeg, P., Ryvlin, P., Muresanu, D. F., Stevens, R. D., Schiff, N. D. 2023 - 02 - 28 - t12:45:16喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207067 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207067 美国神经病学学会首页 所有成像、临床神经学检查,预后,昏迷,所有康首页复 专注于微妙的迹象和运动行为推出没有响应从患者的意识:在临床的重要性 2023-02-28 当代问题在实践中,教育,和amp;研究 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207067v1
< ![CDATA[双语、癫痫和体弹性]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207239v1?rss=1 罗耶,J。伯恩哈特,B。 2023 - 02 - 28 - t12:45:16喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207239 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207239 美国神经病学学会首页 醉酒驾车,癫痫发作 双语、癫痫和连接体弹性 2023-02-28 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207239v1 < ![CDATA[双语和结构网络组织在左颞叶癫痫:弹性在神经系统疾病]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207087v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >有越来越多的证据表明,双语可以诱导神经可塑性和调节神经的效率,导致更大的抗神经系统疾病。然而,双语是否有利于神经健康癫痫是未知的存在。我们测试是否双语患者颞叶癫痫(框架)改善了整个大脑白质结构的网络组织。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >健康对照组和个人的病童,招募了两个专业的癫痫中心完成diffusion-weighted MRI和神经心理测试作为一项观察性队列研究的一部分。整个大脑连接体通过扩散tractography生成并使用图论分析。全球分析比较网络集成(<我>路径长度< / I >)和专业化(<我>动词的< / I >)在框架和控制框架(左和右)x 2(双语和单语)模型。当地分析相比,意味着效率的预定义frontal-executive和语言(即。perisylvian)子网。探索性的相关性研究了网络组织和神经心理性能之间的联系。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p >共有29个双语框架和88单语的人匹配几个人口和临床变量,以及81的同龄健康对照组被包括在内。在全球范围内,一个重要的互动语言地位和癫痫发作的显示更高的网络组织双语者和单语相比,但只在左框架(LTLE)。 Locally, bilinguals with LTLE showed higher efficiency in frontal-executive, but not in perisylvian networks compared to LTLE monolinguals. Improved whole-brain network organization was associated with better executive function performance in bilingual but not monolingual LTLE.


Higher structural network organization in bilingual individuals with LTLE suggests a neuromodulatory effect of bilingualism on whole-brain connectivity in epilepsy, providing evidence for neural reserve. This may reflect attenuation of or compensation for epilepsy-related dysfunction of the left hemisphere, potentially driven by increased efficiency of frontal-executive networks that mediate dual-language control. This highlights a potential role of bilingualism as a protective factor in epilepsy, motivating further research across neurological disorders to define mechanisms and develop interventions.

Stasenko,。Kaestner E。Arienzo D。美国,。雷耶斯,。施,J。舵,j·L。, Połczynska, M., McDonald, C. R. 2023 - 02 - 28 - t12:45:16喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207087 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207087 美国神经病学学会首页 醉酒驾车,所有神经心理学/行为,癫痫发作 双语和结构网络组织在左颞叶癫痫:弹性在神经系统疾病 2023-02-28 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207087v1
< ![CDATA[更新百分位数为宾夕法尼亚大学的嗅觉识别测试在50岁及以上的成年人]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207077v1?rss=1 Background and Objectives:

The University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT) is commonly used to assess olfaction and screen for early detection of disorders including Parkinson’s (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease. Our objective was to develop updated percentiles, based on substantially larger samples than previous norms, to more finely discriminate age- and sex-specific UPSIT performance among ≥50-year-old adults who may be candidates for studies of prodromal neurodegenerative diseases.


The UPSIT was administered cross-sectionally to participants recruited between 2007-2010 and 2013-2015 for the Parkinson Associated Risk Syndrome (PARS) and Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) cohort studies, respectively. Exclusion criteria included age <50 years and a confirmed or suspected PD diagnosis. Demographics, family history, and prodromal features of PD including self-reported hyposmia were collected. Normative data including means, standard deviations, and percentiles were derived by age and sex.


The analytic sample included 9,396 individuals (5,336 females, 4,060 males), aged 50-95, who were predominantly White, non-Hispanic US residents. UPSIT percentiles were derived and are provided across seven age categories (50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, and ≥80) for females and males separately; relative to existing norms, subgroups included between 2.4-20 times as many participants. Olfactory function declined with age and was better among women than men; accordingly, the percentile corresponding to a given raw score varied markedly by age and sex. UPSIT performance was comparable among individuals with vs without first-degree family history of PD. Comparisons of self-reported hyposmia vs UPSIT percentiles indicated a strong association (chi-squared P<0.0001), but minimal agreement (Cohen’s simple kappa [95% CI]: = 0.32 [0.28-0.36] for females; 0.34 [0.30-0.38] for males).


Updated age/sex-specific UPSIT percentiles are provided for ≥50-year-old adults who reflect a population likely to be recruited into studies of prodromal neurodegenerative diseases. Our findings highlight the potential advantages of evaluating olfaction relative to age and sex instead of in absolute terms (e.g., based on raw UPSIT scores) or based on subjective (i.e., self-reported) measures. This information addresses the need to support studies of disorders including PD and Alzheimer’s disease by providing updated normative data from a larger sample of older adults.

Brumm, m . C。Pierz, k。、Lafontant D.-E。Caspell-Garcia C。科菲,c . S。Siderowf,。Marek, K。 2023 - 02 - 27 - t12:45:10喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207077 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207077 美国神经病学学会首页 帕金森病/帕金森症、阿兹海默氏症 更新百分位数为宾夕法尼亚大学的嗅觉识别测试50岁及以上的成人 2023-02-27 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207077v1
< ![CDATA[性激素和降钙素相关基因肽在偏头痛的女性:一个横断面,匹配的队列研究]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207114v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >性激素可能在trigeminovascular调节CGRP怎样释放系统。我们研究CGRP怎样浓度在等离子体和撕裂流体与情景性偏头痛女性参与者(EM)和常规月经周期(RMC),女性参与者与EM和联合口服避孕药(COC),和女性参与者与绝经后期的新兴市场。For control, we analyzed three corresponding groups of age-matched female participants without EM.


Participants with a RMC had two visits: during menstruation on menstrual cycle day 2 ± 2 and in the periovulatory period on day 13 ± 2. Participants with COC were examined at day 4 ± 2 of the hormone-free interval (HFI) and between days 7-14 of hormone intake (HI). Postmenopausal participants were assessed once at a random time point. Plasma and tear fluid samples were collected at each visit for determination of CGRP levels with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.


A total of 180 female participants (n=30 per group) completed the study. Participants with migraine and a RMC showed statistically significantly higher CGRP concentrations in plasma and tear fluid during menstruation compared to female participants without migraine [plasma: 5.95 pg/ml (IQR 4.37 – 10.44) vs. 4.61 pg/ml (IQR 2.83 – 6.92), p=0.020 (Mann-Whitney U test); tear fluid: 1.20 ng/ml (IQR 0.36 – 2.52) vs. 0.4 ng/ml (IQR 0.14 – 1.22), p=0.005 (Mann-Whitney U test)]. In contrast, female participants with COC and in the postmenopause had similar CGRP levels in the migraine and the control groups. In migraine participants with a RMC, tear fluid but not plasma CGRP concentrations during menstruation were statistically significantly higher compared to migraine participants under COC (p=0.015 vs. HFI and p=0.029 vs. HI, Mann-Whitney U test).


Different sex hormone profiles may influence CGRP concentrations in people, with current or past capacity to menstruate, with migraine. Measurement of CGRP in tear fluid was feasible and warrants further investigation.

Raffaelli B。斯托奇E。、Overeem l . H。Terhart, M。、Fitzek m P。兰格,k . S。路透社,U。 2023 - 02年- 22 - t12:45:13喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207114 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207114 美国神经病学学会首页 所有的头痛、偏头痛、性别 性激素和降钙素相关基因肽在偏头痛的女性:一个横断面,匹配的队列研究 2023-02-22 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207114v1
< ![CDATA[定期使用泻药和事件之间的联系痴呆在英国生物库参与者]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207081v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >背景和目标场外泻药的使用在一般人群中很常见。microbiome-gut-brain轴假说表明使用泻药与痴呆有关。我们旨在研究之间的关系经常使用泻药和痴呆的发病率在英国生物库的参与者。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >方法前瞻性群组研究是基于40到69岁的英国生物库的参与者没有痴呆的历史。经常使用泻药被定义为自我报告的使用在大多数天星期过去4周的基线(2006 - 2010)。The outcomes were all-cause dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia, identified from linked hospital admissions or death register (up to 2020). Socio-demographic characteristics, lifestyle factors, medical conditions, family history and regular medication use were adjusted for in the multivariable Cox regression analyses.


Among the 502,229 participants with a mean age of 56.5 (SD=8.1) at baseline, 273,251 (54.4%) were female, and 18,235 (3.6%) reported regular use of laxatives. Over a mean follow-up of 9.8 years, 218 (1.3%) participants with regular use of laxatives and 1,969 (0.4%) with no regular use developed all-cause dementia. Multivariable analyses showed that regular use of laxatives was associated with increased risk of all-cause dementia (hazard ratio [HR] 1.51; 95% confidence interval 1.30-1.75) and vascular dementia (HR 1.65; 1.21-2.27), with no significant association observed for Alzheimer’s disease (HR 1.05; 0.79-1.40). The risk of both all-cause dementia and vascular dementia increased with the number of regularly used laxative types (P-trend 0.001 and 0.04, respectively). Among the participants who clearly reported that they were using just one type of laxative (n=5800), only those using osmotic laxatives showed a statistically significantly higher risk of all-cause dementia (HR 1.64 [1.20-2.24]) and vascular dementia (HR 1.97 [1.04-3.75]). These results remained robust in various subgroup and sensitivity analyses.


Regular use of laxatives was associated with a higher risk of all-cause dementia, particularly in those who used multiple laxative types or osmotic laxative.

杨,Z。魏,C。李,X。元,J。高,X。李,B。赵,Z。(S。Yu, X。布雷恩,C。杨,Z。沙,F。唐,J。 2023 - 02年- 22 - t12:45:13喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207081 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207081 美国神经病学学会首页 所有认知障碍/痴呆、血管性痴呆、所有流行病学队列研究 定期使用泻药和事件之间的联系痴呆在英国生物库参与者 2023-02-22 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207081v1
< ![CDATA[风险因素和预后的癫痫脑脓肿:一个全国性的以人群为基础的队列研究]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206866v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >癫痫患者的大脑脓肿频繁但风险因素和预后仍未确定。本研究调查了癫痫的危险因素在脑脓肿的幸存者和预后有关。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >全国、以人群为基础的医疗注册表被用来计算累积发生率和特殊调整风险率比率(形容词嗯)和95%置信区间(CIs) 30天对癫痫脑脓肿的幸存者从1982年到2016年。与临床细节丰富的数据从2007年到2016年住院病人的病历审查。迟的,调整死亡率比率(mrr)检查以癫痫为时间变量。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p >脑脓肿的研究包括1179 30天的幸存者其中323(27%)最近诊断为癫痫后平均0.76年(四分位范围(差)0.24 - -2.41)。在承认脑脓肿,平均年龄是46年(差32-59)在癫痫患者52年(IQR 33 - 64)相比,在那些没有癫痫。女性的比例是相似的患者和没有癫痫(37%)。轮廓分明的嗯癫痫是2.44 (95% CI 1.89 - -3.15)的愿望或切除脑脓肿,2.37(1.56 - -3.60)酗酒,1.75(1.27 - -2.40)之前神经外科或头部外伤,1.62(1.17 - -2.25),和1.55(1.04 - -2.32)年龄段热带病。累积发生率增加患者酗酒(52% vs 31%),愿望或切除脑脓肿(41%比20%),先前的神经外科或头部外伤(41%比31%),和中风(46%比31%)。 Analysis using clinical details from medical record review of patients from 2007 through 2016 demonstrated adj. HRRs of 3.70 (2.24-6.13) for seizures at admission for brain abscess and 1.80 (1.04-3.11) for frontal lobe abscess. In contrast, adj. HRR was 0.42 (0.21-0.86) for occipital lobe abscess.

Using the entire registry-based cohort, patients with epilepsy had an adj. MRR of 1.26 (1.01-1.57).


Important risk factors for epilepsy were seizures during admission for brain abscess, neurosurgery, alcoholism, frontal lobe abscess, and stroke. Epilepsy was associated with increased mortality. Anti-epileptic treatment may be guided by individual risk profiles and specialized follow-up is highlighted by increased mortality in survivors with epilepsy.

Bodilsen, J。、Duerlund l S。Mariager, T。布兰德,c . T。威斯,L。,彼得森,p . T。,拉森,L。汉森,b R。、Omland l . H。Tetens, M . M。约根森,r . L。赖斯称,S。尼尔森,H。 2023 - 02 - 21 - t12:45:13喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206866 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206866 美国神经病学学会首页 脓肿、细菌感染,队列研究,所有的癫痫发作 风险因素和预后的癫痫脑脓肿:全国性的以人群为基础的队列研究 2023-02-21 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206866v1
< ![CDATA[眼睛周围神经的窗户吗?:最短的神经要说什么最长的]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207181v1?rss=1 Smith, a·G。 2023 - 02年- 20 - t12:45:20喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207181 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207181 美国神经病学学会首页 内分泌,周围神经病变 眼睛是周围神经的窗户吗?:最短的神经要说什么最长的 2023-02-20 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207181v1 < ![CDATA[临床推理:最近诊断为复视和头痛在转移性乳腺癌患者]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206856v1?rss=1 里佐,s。弗拉纳根,e . P。Trejo-Lopez, j。托莱达诺,M。贾:H。 2023 - 02年- 20 - t12:45:20喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206856 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206856 美国神经病学学会首页 继发性头痛疾患、核磁共振、宠物、自身免疫性疾病、转移性肿瘤 临床推理:最近诊断为复视,在转移性乳腺癌患者头痛 2023-02-20 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206856v1 < ![CDATA[珍珠和牡蛎:阵发性运动运动困难由于丙酮酸脱氢酶缺乏症]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207142v1?rss=1 < p >阵发性运动运动障碍可能是由于能量代谢紊乱,如过剩1不足,丙酮酸脱氢酶不足或线粒体呼吸链紊乱。一个4岁男孩发烧痉挛出现阵发性肌张力障碍的历史,由运动引起的,或发生在休息的时候。额外的调查证明pallidal hyperintensities对大脑核磁共振和低CSF葡萄糖。丙酮酸和乳酸升高。临床表现,结合神经影像学异常和生化概要(乳酸/丙酮酸比率)丙酮酸脱氢酶缺乏症的线索,可治疗代谢紊乱,神经系统演示。< / p > •德•古斯芒c . M。Peixoto de Barcelos,我。平托,a·l·R。Silveira-Moriyama, L。 2023 - 02年- 20 - t12:45:20喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207142 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207142 美国神经病学学会首页 线粒体疾病;看到遗传学/线粒体疾病,运动障碍,遗传 珍珠和牡蛎:阵发性运动运动困难由于丙酮酸脱氢酶缺乏症 2023-02-20 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207142v1 < ![CDATA[教学实验:亚急性四肢瘫痪从脊髓髓内浸润神经胶质瘤与叔启动子突变]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207148v1?rss=1 Gritsch, S。Aghajan, Y。Kozanno, L。赵,D。、约旦、j . T。就诊,m . P。Shankar, G。金伯利,w . T。 2023 - 02年- 20 - t12:45:20喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207148 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207148 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振,所有的肿瘤,脊髓肿瘤,脊髓 教学实验:亚急性四肢瘫痪从脊髓髓内浸润神经胶质瘤与叔启动子突变 2023-02-20 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207148v1 < ![CDATA[教学实验:小脑萎缩由于JC病毒颗粒细胞Neuronopathy:临床综合征不同于经典PML]] > http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207155v1?rss=1 Silva-Rosas C。Abudinen, G。Quijada-Riquelme,。Angus-Leppan, H。 2023 - 02年- 20 - t12:45:20喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207155 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207155 美国神经病学学会首页 MRI、病毒感染艾滋病毒 教学实验:小脑萎缩由于JC病毒颗粒细胞Neuronopathy:临床综合征不同于经典的PML 2023-02-20 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207155v1 < ![CDATA[呼吸力量训练在肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症:一项双盲,随机,多中心,假对照试验]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206830v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>目的:< /圣> < p >评估短期生理和一年期功能12周的吸气和呼气呼吸道的影响力量训练(RST)计划在患有肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(ALS)。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >双盲、随机、假对照试验是在45 < / p > < p >个人早期肌萎缩性侧索硬化症。参与者被随机分为12周active-RST(30%负荷,n = 23)或sham-RST(0%负荷,n = 22)。intent-to-treat分析。张后变化的线性回归与组织状态和试成绩进行了预测。主要成果包括最大呼气和吸气压力(MEP, MIP)和次要结果咳嗽肺量测定法和最大肺活量。探索性随访结果包括一年全球和球下降(ALS功能评定量表————ALSFRS-R总规模和球的斜率),口服状态和时间的无创性通气。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p > RST完成率是91%没有RST-related不良事件。12周的RST程序导致议员增加(p <我> < / I > = 0.004)但不是MIP (p <我> < / I > = 0.33)。议员平均增加20.8而言不啻<子> 2 < /订阅> 0后active-RST(95%置信区间CI: + 7.6, + 33.9),下降了1.0而言不啻<子> 2 < /订阅> 0(95%置信区间CI: -9.1, + 7.2) sham-RST。意味着MIP增加8.9而言不啻<子> 2 < /订阅> 0(95%置信区间CI: + 1.5, + 16.3)和4.8而言不啻<子> 2 < /订阅> 0(95%置信区间CI: -0.6, + 10.2)分别为活跃和虚假的团体。<我> < / I >二级结果:RST导致咳嗽吸气流峰值显著增加(p <我> < / I > = 0.02),然而,并不影响咳嗽呼气流量(p <我> < / I > = 0.06)或FVC (p <我> < / I > = 0.60)。 Twelve-Month Outcomes: A significant difference in ALSFRS-R Bulbar subscale slope was observed across treatment groups, with a more than two-fold faster rate of bulbar decline in the sham versus active-RST groups observed (-0.29 vs. -0.12 points/month, p=0.02). Total ALSFRS-R slope, feeding status, and time to NIV did not differ across treatment groups (p >0.05).


RST was well tolerated and led to improvements in some, but not all, short- and long-term outcomes. RST represents a proactive rehabilitative intervention that could increase physiologic capacity of specific breathing and airway clearance functions during the early stages of ALS. Further work is needed to determine optimal training intensity, resistance load specifications, and potential long-term functional outcomes.

庄稼汉,e·K。、灰色、l . T。查宾,J。安德森,。Vasilopoulos, T。古奇,C。Vu, T。、Wymer j . P。 2023 - 02年- 20 - t12:45:20喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206830 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206830 美国神经病学学会首页 肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症,随机对照临床试验协议(配偶),所有的康复,二类 呼吸在肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症力量训练:一项双盲,随机,多中心,假对照试验 2023-02-20 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206830v1
< ![CDATA[基线临床和血液生物标志物Preataxic和早期疾病患者脊髓小脑的共济失调1和3]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207088v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>的背景和目的:< /圣> < p >在脊髓小脑的共济失调,共济失调出现之前可以轻微的临床表现,小脑和/或脑干病变或生物标记的修改。READISCA是一个前瞻性纵向观察研究患者的脊髓小脑的共济失调1型和3为治疗干预措施提供必要的标记。我们寻找临床、影像或生物标记出现在疾病的早期。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >我们注册运营商病理<我> ATXN1 < / I >或<我> ATXN3 < / I >扩张和控制从18岁美国和两个欧洲共济失调转诊中心。临床、认知、定量马达、神经心理措施和等离子体神经丝轻链(NfL)测量突变携带者之间比较有和没有共济失调和控制。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p >我们招收了200名参与者:45运营商的一个病态的<我> ATXN1 < / I >扩张(31共济失调患者(平均莎拉:9[7,10]),14个突变携带者没有共济失调(1(0,2)))和116家运营商病理<我> ATXN3 < / I >扩张(80共济失调患者(7[6,9]),36个突变携带者没有共济失调(1 (0,2)))。此外,我们为39控制不携带病理扩张<我> ATXN1 < / I >或<我> ATXN3 < / I >。Plasma NfL levels were significantly higher in mutation carriers without ataxia than controls, despite similar mean age (controls: 5.7 pg/mL, SCA1: 18.0 pg/mL (P <0.0001), SCA3: 19.8 pg/mL (P<0.0001). Mutation carriers without ataxia differed from controls by significantly more upper motor signs (SCA1 P=0.0003, SCA3 P=0.003) and by the presence of sensor impairment and diplopia in SCA3 (P=0.0448, and 0.0445 respectively). Functional scales, fatigue and depression scores, swallowing difficulties, and cognitive impairment were worse in mutation carriers with ataxia than those without ataxia. Ataxic SCA3 subjects showed extrapyramidal signs, urinary dysfunction and lower motor neuron signs significantly more often than mutation carriers without ataxia.


READISCA showed the feasibility of harmonized data acquisition in a multi-national network. NfL alterations, early sensory ataxia and corticospinal signs were quantifiable between preataxic participants and controls. Patients with ataxia differed in many parameters from controls and mutation carriers without ataxia, with a graded increase of abnormal measures from control to preataxic to ataxic cohorts.

Tezenas du Montcel, S。小E。Olubajo, T。麦嘉华,J。Lallemant-Dudek, P。Bushara, K。珀尔曼S。Subramony, s . H。,摩根,D。杰克曼,B。保尔森,h·L。, Öz, G., Klockgether, T., Durr, A., Ashizawa, T., for the READISCA Consortium Collaborators 2023 - 02 - 16 - t12:45:40喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207088 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207088 美国神经病学学会首页 脊髓小脑的共济失调,病例对照研究 基线临床和血液生物标志物Preataxic和早期疾病患者脊髓小脑的共济失调1和3 2023-02-16 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207088v1
< ![CDATA[教学实验:成像和病理结果SARS-CoV-2-Related急性脱髓鞘性脑脊髓炎]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207095v1?rss=1 Lalla, R。纳史木汗,R。Abdalkader, M。马尼,D。Suchdev, K。摩尔,B。Cervantes-Arslanian,。 2023 - 02 - 16 - t12:45:40喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207095 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207095 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振,感染后,COVID-19,急性播散性脑脊髓炎 教学实验:成像和病理结果SARS-CoV-2-Related急性脱髓鞘性脑脊髓炎 2023-02-16 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207095v1 < ![CDATA[全身麻醉相比,在血管内血栓切除术Non-GA缺血性中风:系统回顾和荟萃分析的随机对照试验]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207066v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >背景和目标< / p > < p >血管内血栓切除术(EVT)大血管闭塞缺血性中风是在全身麻醉下进行(GA)或与non-GA技术如有意识的镇静(CS)或局部麻醉(LA)。先前的小荟萃分析显示优越的血管再通率和提高功能恢复与GA相比,non-GA技术。进一步相关的出版物可以提供指导在选择GA和non-GA技术更新。< / p > < p > < / p > < p >方法进行系统搜索试验中风EVT患者随机遗传算法或执行non-GA Medline、Embase和Cochrane中央登记的对照试验。使用随机效应模型的系统回顾和荟萃分析。< / p > < p > < / p > < p >结果7个相关的被包含在系统回顾和荟萃分析。这些试验包括共有980名参与者(GA, N = 487;non-GA, N = 493)。遗传算法提高了血管再通9.0% (GA 84.6% non-GA 75.6%;或= 1.75,95%可信区间1.26到2.42,P = 0.0009),功能恢复患者的比例提高了8.4% (GA 44.6% non-GA 36.2%; OR=1.43, 95% CI 1.04 to 1.98, P=0.03). There was no difference in hemorrhagic complications or 3 month mortality.


In ischemic stroke patients treated with EVT, general anesthesia (GA) is associated with higher recanalization rates and improved functional recovery at 3 months compared with non-GA techniques. Conversion to GA and subsequent intention to treat analysis will underestimate the true therapeutic benefit. GA is established as effective in improving recanalization rates in EVT (7 Class 1 studies) with a high GRADE certainty rating. GA is established as effective in improving functional recovery at 3 months in EVT (5 Class 1 studies) with a moderate GRADE certainty rating. Stroke services need to develop pathways to incorporate GA as the first choice for most endovascular thrombectomy procedures in acute ischemic stroke with a level A recommendation for recanalization and level B recommendation for functional recovery.

坎贝尔,D。巴特勒E。坎贝尔,r . B。何,J。理发师,p。 2023 - 02 - 16 - t12:45:40喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207066 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207066 美国神经病学学会首页 所有脑血管疾病/中风,临床试验系统评价/ meta分析 全身麻醉相比,在血管内血栓切除术Non-GA缺血性中风:随机对照试验的系统性回顾和荟萃分析 2023-02-16 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207066v1
< ![CDATA[弥合的差距:裁剪的方法治疗发热性感染相关性癫痫综合症]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207068v1?rss=1 < p >细胞因子分析之前在发热性感染相关性癫痫综合征免疫治疗越来越普遍(火灾)。在这种情况下,一个18岁男孩面对来美最初发作后特异性的发热性疾病。他发明了超级难治性癫痫持续状态需要多个抗癫痫药物和麻醉注入。他是用脉冲甲基强的松龙治疗,血浆置换和生酮饮食。对比增强磁共振成像大脑显示post-ictal变化。脑电图显示多病灶的猝发的运行和广义周期痫性放电。脑脊液分析,自身抗体检测和恶性肿瘤屏幕稀松平常的。基因测试显示变量的不确定的意义(VUS开头)CNKSR2和OPN1LW基因。

Initial serum and CSF cytokine analyses performed on days 6 and 21 revealed that IL-6, IL-1RA, MCP1, MIP1β and IFN were elevated predominantly in the CNS, a profile consistent with cytokine release syndrome. Tofacitinib was initially trialed on day 30 of admission. There was no clinical improvement and IL-6 continued to rise. Tocilizumab was given on day 51 with significant clinical and electrographic response. Anakinra was subsequently trialed from days 99 to 103, as clinical ictal activity re-emerged on weaning anesthetics, but stopped due to poor response.

Serial cytokine profiles showed improvement after 7 doses of tocilizumab. There was corresponding improved seizure control.

This case illustrates how personalized immunomonitoring may be helpful in cases of FIRES, where proinflammatory cytokines are postulated to act in epileptogenesis. There is an emerging role for cytokine profiling and close collaboration with immunologists for the treatment of FIRES. The use of tocilizumab may be considered in FIRES patients with upregulated IL-6.

吴作栋,Y。茶,s . H。Litt Yeo, L . L。Rathakrishnan, R。 2023 - 02 - 16 - t12:45:40喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207068 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207068 美国神经病学学会首页 所有的免疫学,癫痫持续状态 消除距离感:裁剪发热性感染相关性癫痫综合征的治疗方法 2023-02-16 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207068v1
< ![CDATA[教学实验:盛开的外皮的迹象Leptomeningeal癌症]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207124v1?rss=1 刘,X。棕褐色,C。、朱、Y。李,S。赖,H。邓,F。陈,L。 2023 - 02 - 16 - t12:45:40喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207124 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207124 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振、转移性肿瘤 教学实验:盛开的皮Leptomeningeal癌的迹象 2023-02-16 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207124v1 < ![CDATA[临床推理:进步的轻偏瘫和白质异常在艾滋病毒阴性的病人))> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207096v1?rss=1 < p >从印度一个61岁的老人被送进医院后被路边发现反应迟钝。他对待双重抗血小板治疗急性冠脉综合征。十天到承认他说有轻微的左路的脸,手臂和腿的弱点,进步显著,未来两个月与进步在磁共振成像的大脑白质异常。这里我们回顾的方法和临床推理导致检测一种罕见的一场毁灭性的神经系统疾病的根本原因。我们也提出一个新颖的治疗方法,取得了持续的临床和放射反应。< / p > Jabbari E。鲁伊斯,F。李,s·f·K。Jabeen F。、Brandner年代。基德,d . P。Manji, H。Batla,。 2023 - 02 - 16 - t12:45:40喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207096 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207096 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振,所有临床神经学,病毒感染,首页所有医疗/系统性疾病、脱髓鞘疾病(中枢神经系统) 临床推理:进步的轻偏瘫和白质异常在艾滋病毒阴性的病人 2023-02-16 居民,amp;amp; FELLOW SECTION hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207096v1 < ![CDATA[颈内动脉颈囊性动脉瘤有舌下神经和迷走神经麻痹]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207145v1?rss=1 李,L。张,Y。徐,Z。咦,X。 2023 - 02 - 16 - t12:45:40喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207145 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207145 美国神经病学学会首页 CT,其它脑血管疾病/中风、血管炎、脑血管疾病/中风,颈动脉解剖 颈内动脉颈囊性动脉瘤与舌下神经和迷走神经麻痹 2023-02-16 科学杂志 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207145v1 < ![CDATA[介绍个人参与者的数据荟萃分析]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207078v1?rss=1

Meta-analysis using individual participant data (IPD-MA) from randomised controlled trials (RCTs) can strengthen evidence used for decision-making, and is considered the ‘gold standard’ approach. In this paper, we present the importance, properties, and main approaches of conducting an IPD-MA. We exemplify the main approaches of conducting an IPD-MA and how these can be used to obtain subgroup effects through estimation of interaction terms. IPD-MA has several benefits over traditional aggregate data meta-analysis. These include: standardization of definitions of outcomes and/or scales, re-analysis of eligible RCTs using the same analysis model across all studies, accounting for missing outcome data, detecting outliers, using participant-level covariates to explore intervention-by-covariate interactions, and tailoring intervention effects to participant characteristics. IPD-MA can be performed either in a two-stage or a one-stage approach. We exemplify the presented methods using two illustrative examples. The first real-life example includes six studies assessing sonothrombolysis with or without addition of microspheres against intravenous thrombolysis alone (i.e., control) in acute ischemic stroke participants with large vessel occlusions. The second real-life example includes seven studies evaluating the association between blood pressure levels after endovascular thrombectomy and functional improvement of acute ischemic stroke in patients with large vessel occlusion. IPD reviews can be associated with higher-quality statistical analysis and may differ from aggregate data reviews. Unlike individual trials that lack power, and aggregate data meta-analysis results which suffer from confounding and aggregation bias, the use of IPD allows us to explore intervention-by-covariate interactions. However, a key limitation of conducting an IPD-MA is retrieval of IPD from original RCTs. Time and resources should be carefully planned before embarking to retrieving IPD.

Veroniki,。Seitidis, G。Tsivgoulis, G。Katsanos, a . H。坐在D。 2023 - 02 - 16 - t12:45:40喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207078 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207078 美国神经病学学会首页 介绍个人参与者数据荟萃分析 2023-02-16 在神经学研究方法首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207078v1
< ![CDATA[教学视频杂志:镜子在57岁的妇女运动KMT2B-Related肌张力障碍]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207144v1?rss=1 林,J。李,C。江,Q。商,H。 2023 - 02 - 16 - t12:45:40喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207144 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207144 美国神经病学学会首页 肌张力障碍 教学视频的实验:镜子在57岁的妇女运动KMT2B-Related肌张力障碍 2023-02-16 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207144v1 < ![CDATA[儿童神经病学首页:可逆痴呆在一个18岁的女人由于确诊Cobalamin-G不足:病例报告]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207146v1?rss=1 < p >氰钴胺素G不足是一个新陈代谢的先天的错误,破坏维生素B12的生化利用隐蔽的同型半胱氨酸remethylation通路中的蛋氨酸。通常,影响患者存在在生活的第一年贫血,发育迟缓,和代谢危机。一些缺维生素b12 G的案例报告引用一个后表型主要由神经精神症状出现。我们报告一名18岁的女人面对的四年历史逐步恶化痴呆、脑病、癫痫、和自适应功能的回归,开始正常的代谢检查。全外显子组测序确定变异的<我>地铁< / I >基因,可疑缺维生素b12 G。额外的生化基因测试后测试支持这个诊断。注射用甲酰四氢叶酸治疗以来,甜菜碱,维生素B12,我们看到了逐步回归正常的认知功能。这个病例报告扩展G氰钴胺素缺乏的表型范围并提供理由的遗传和代谢测试例老年痴呆症的第二个十年的生活。< / p > Gacita, a . M。Bicknese,。金,K。以及中校,F。贝克,J。 2023 - 02 - 16 - t12:45:40喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207146 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207146 美国神经病学学会首页 青春期,认知障碍/痴呆,所有基因 儿童神经病学首页:可逆痴呆在一个18岁的女人由于确诊Cobalamin-G不足:一个案例报告 2023-02-16 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207146v1 < ![CDATA[多米诺骨牌肝脏移植(DLT)和新创家族性淀粉样多神经病(FAP):葡萄牙经验(S58.004)]] > http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207217v1?rss=1 2023 - 02 - 16 - t12:45:40喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207217 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207217 美国神经病学学会首页 多米诺骨牌肝脏移植(DLT)和新创家族性淀粉样多神经病(FAP):葡萄牙经验(S58.004) 2023-02-16 修正&amp; REPLACEMENT hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207217v1 < ![CDATA[肤浅的脑干天赋Hyperintensity和限制扩散导致的检测非小细胞肺癌]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207123v1?rss=1 Zoccarato, M。Ferrati C。D 'Errico,我。 2023 - 02 - 16 - t12:45:40喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207123 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207123 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振,醉酒驾车,所有临床神经学、肿瘤,转移首页性肿瘤 肤浅的脑干天赋Hyperintensity和限制扩散导致非小细胞肺癌的检测 2023-02-16 科学杂志 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207123v1 < ![CDATA[教学实验:可逆Splenial病变综合征与脑出血43岁男子]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207126v1?rss=1 杨,T。陆,毫米,J。刘,X。 2023 - 02 - 16 - t12:45:40喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207126 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207126 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振,脑出血 教学实验:可逆Splenial损伤综合症与脑出血43岁男子 2023-02-16 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207126v1 < ![CDATA[联系邻居们的社会经济地位和30天死亡率和重新接纳患者常见神经条件]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207094v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >患者个人的社会经济地位低的不利健康的风险更大。然而,邻居之间的关系社会经济剥夺和神经系统疾病患者的健康状况并没有研究人口水平。我们的目标是确定社区社会经济剥夺之间的关系和30天死亡率和住院后重新接纳各种神经疾病的药物。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >这是一个回顾性研究2017 - 2019年的全国医疗保险索赔。我们包括病人年龄在65年住院以下大类基于诊断相关组(DRG):多发性硬化和小脑性共济失调(DRG 058 - 060);中风(061 - 072);退行性神经系统疾病(056 - 057);癫痫(100 - 101);创伤性昏迷(082 - 087)和非创伤性昏迷(080 - 081)。感兴趣的曝光是邻居们的社会经济地位,以该地区剥夺指数衡量(ADI)利用社会经济指标,如受教育程度、失业、基础设施的访问、收入等估计地区社会经济剥夺的普查块组。患者分为高、中、低社区SES基于ADI百分位数。 Adjustment covariates included age, comorbidity burden, race/ethnicity, individual socioeconomic status, and sex.


After exclusions, 905,784 patients were included in the mortality analysis and 915,993 were included in the readmission analysis. After adjustment for age, sex, race/ethnicity, comorbidity burden, and individual socioeconomic status, patients from low SES neighborhoods had higher 30-day mortality rates compared to patients from high SES neighborhoods for all disease categories except for multiple sclerosis: magnitudes of the effect ranged from an adjusted odds ratio (aOR) of 2.46 (95% Confidence Interval [CI] 1.60-3.78) for the non-traumatic coma group to 1.23 (95% CI 1.19-1.28) for the stroke group. After adjustment, no significant differences in readmission rates were observed for any of the groups.


Neighborhood socioeconomic status is strongly associated with 30-day mortality for many common neurological conditions even after accounting for baseline comorbidity burden and individual socioeconomic status. Strategies to improve health equity should explicitly consider the effect of neighborhood environments on health outcomes.

Lusk, j·B。霍夫曼,m . N。克拉克,a G。Bae, J。Luedke, m . W。Hammill, b, G。 2023 - 02年- 15 - t12:45:23喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207094 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207094 美国神经病学学会首页 结果研究,所有脑血管疾病/中风、包容、多样性、股本、反种族主义、和社会正义(想法),结构和健康问题社会决定因素,癫痫发作 邻居们的社会经济地位和30天死亡率之间的联系和重新接纳患者常见的神经系统的条件 2023-02-15 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207094v1
< ![CDATA[耐药性癫痫临床推理:一个有趣的情况下在一个61岁的老人与MRI大脑异常的发现和管理与迷走神经的神经刺激器]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206890v1?rss=1 < p > 66岁的男子与癫痫发作,最终从61年开始发达耐药性癫痫和管理药物和迷走神经的神经刺激。病人有剧烈活动,享年61岁,其次是复发性混乱的事件和言论逮捕持续30 - 120秒。他接受了钆增强MRI大脑和血管造影显示软膜的增强在右枕叶,顶叶和颞区域与皮层下萎缩。CSF发现不起眼的。连续视频脑电图显示electroclinical相关的混乱和演讲逮捕与复发性短暂运行节奏三角洲从右侧颞区演化和扩散到整个右半球。病人尝试多种抗癫痫药物包括丙戊酸,托吡酯,苯妥英、卡马西平,levetiracetam brivaracetam,拉莫三嗪没有成功。他最终被放在lacosamide、zonisamide,氯硝西泮,和去氧苯巴比妥,这有助于在一定程度上,但病人继续日常事件和10 - 12 electroclinical随访24小时动态脑电图癫痫指出。随访MRI大脑与对比证实了诊断。二期颅内手术管理监控提供给病人他延期是由于风险。迷走神经的神经刺激器(VNS)也作为姑息治疗的病人的同意。 Gradual titration of VNS settings over 1 year helped to achieve seizure freedom. Presentation of focal seizure with this type of atypical etiology is rare. Typically surgical management is used to achieve seizure freedom in this condition; successful management with VNS has not been reported so far.

Mankad, j . P。Lavingia, j·K。 2023 - 02年- 15 - t12:45:23喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206890 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206890 美国神经病学学会首页 脑电图;看到癫痫发作、癫痫发作、癫痫手术 耐药性癫痫临床推理:一个有趣的情况下在一个61岁的老人与MRI大脑异常的发现和管理与迷走神经的神经刺激器 2023-02-15 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206890v1
< ![CDATA[吡格列酮和更低的患上痴呆的风险:这种变化?]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207182v1?rss=1 麦克斯韦,c·J。Alkabbani, W。、Yasar年代。 2023 - 02年- 15 - t12:45:23喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207182 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207182 美国神经病学学会首页 所有卫生服务研究脑血管疾病/中风、痴呆认知障碍/群组研究 吡格列酮和更低的患上痴呆的风险:这种变化? 2023-02-15 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207182v1 < ![CDATA[科学、伦理、测试和信息披露的实际考虑阿尔茨海默病生物标记]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207199v1?rss=1 McCusker,大肠。阿来,c . T。 2023 - 02年- 15 - t12:45:23喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207199 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207199 美国神经病学学会首页 宠物,所有认知障碍/痴呆、阿尔茨海默病,所有的道德神经病学/法律问题首页 科学、伦理和实际考虑阿尔茨海默病生物标志物的检测和信息披露 2023-02-15 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207199v1 < ![CDATA[白质微结构的变化/ 3年,没有中风患者]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207065v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >脑白质的健康可以通过MRI-derived指数估计微观结构。白质功能障碍越来越被认为是一个贡献者神经退行性疾病影响卒中后认知和功能的结果。白质微结构指数减少了横向比较的中风幸存者stroke-free参与者相比,但纵向卒中后白质结构的变化在很大程度上仍未知。我们旨在描述脑白质微观和宏观结构对卒中后3年和研究协会与白质指标和认知功能。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >首次或复发性缺血性中风患者的病因在任何血管领土比较stroke-free年龄,sex-matched控制。那些患有出血性中风、短暂性脑缺血发作、静脉梗塞,或者重要医学并存病,精神病学和神经退行性疾病,药物滥用或痴呆的历史被排除在外。Diffusion-weighted MRI数据3、12和36个月的分析使用纵向“fixel”的分析,对纤维tract-specific敏感体素内的差异。它被用来检查全脑白质变性控制参与者相比,中风。我们研究微观结构差异,纤维密度和macrostructural纤维束截面的变化,与认知能力。Analyses were performed controlling for age, intracranial volume, and education (FWE-corrected p<0.05, non-parametric testing over 5000 permutations).


We included 71 stroke (age 66±12, 22 women) and 36 control participants (age 69±5, 13 women). We observed extensive white matter structural degeneration across the whole brain, particularly affecting the thalamic, cerebellar, striatal, and superior longitudinal tracts, and corpus callosum. Importantly, follow up regression analyses in 72 pre-defined tracts showed that the decline in fiber density and cross-section from 3 months to 3 years was associated with worse cognitive performance at 3 years after stroke, especially affecting visuospatial processing, processing speed, language, and recognition memory.


We conclude that white matter neurodegeneration in ipsi- and contra-lesional- thalamic, striatal and cerebellar tracts continues to be greater in stroke survivors compared to stroke-free controls. White matter degeneration persists even years after stroke and is associated with post-stroke cognitive impairment.

Egorova-Brumley, N。Dhollander, T。汗,W。Khlif, m . S。Ebaid D。Brodtmann,。 2023 - 02年- 15 - t12:45:23喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207065 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207065 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振,醉酒驾车,所有脑血管疾病/中风,MCI(轻度认知障碍) 白质微结构的变化/ 3年,没有中风患者 2023-02-15 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207065v1
< ![CDATA[使用吡格列酮和痴呆的风险减少糖尿病史的患者缺血性中风]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207069v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >先前的研究已经报道了吡格列酮的保护作用在2型糖尿病(DM)糖尿病痴呆病人。最近的研究表明,吡格列酮也降低了初级和中风复发的风险。理解病人的特点,特别是与吡格列酮的好处将促进其个性化的使用通过指定亚种群在常规临床护理。本研究的目的是检查使用吡格列酮对老年痴呆的影响考虑到中风的发生。


Using nationwide longitudinal data of DM patients from the Korean National Health Insurance Service DM cohort (2002–2017), we investigated the association of pioglitazone use with incident dementia in patients with new-onset type 2 DM. The heterogeneity of the treatment effect was examined using exploratory analyses. Using a multi-state model, we assessed the extent to which incident stroke affects the association between pioglitazone use and dementia.


Pioglitazone use was associated with a reduced risk of dementia, compared with non-use (adjusted hazard ratio (HR) = 0.84, 95% CI, 0.75-0.95); the risk reduction in dementia was greater among patients with a history of ischemic heart disease or stroke before DM onset (adjusted HR = 0.46, 95% CI, 0.24-0.90, adjust HR = 0.57, 95% CI, 0.38-0.86, respectively). The incidence of stroke was also reduced by pioglitazone use (adjusted HR = 0.81, 95% CI, 0.66-1.00). However, when the stroke developed during the observation period of pioglitazone use, such lowered risk of dementia was not observed (adjusted HR = 1.27, 95% CI, 0.80-2.04).


Pioglitazone use is associated with a lower risk of dementia in DM patients, particularly in those with a history of stroke or ischemic heart disease, suggesting the possibility of applying a personalized approach when choosing pioglitazone to suppress dementia in DM patients.

哈,J。崔,d . W。, Kim, , Kim, K. Y., Nam, C. M., Kim, E. 2023 - 02年- 15 - t12:45:23喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207069 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207069 美国神经病学学会首页 所有脑血管疾病/中风,所有认知障碍/痴呆、阿尔茨海默病,所有流行病学队列研究 吡格列酮使用和痴呆的风险降低糖尿病患者的缺血性中风的历史 2023-02-15 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207069v1
< ![CDATA[雌性激素疗法和颅内出血脑海绵状畸形的风险:一项多中心观察性队列研究]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206888v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >背景女性荷尔蒙疗法(口服避孕药在生育年龄的女性患者和绝经期激素治疗绝经后患者)来自脑海绵状畸形患者,尽管这些药物对颅内出血的风险的影响是未知的。我们调查了女性荷尔蒙疗法和颅内出血之间的关系在两大潜在女性患者CCM,多中心、观察性队列研究。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >我们方法包括连续患者CCM。我们比较之间的联系使用雌性激素疗法和颅内出血的发生由于CCM在前瞻性随访5年多变量Cox比例风险回归。另外我们执行一个系统回顾通过奥维德MEDLINE和EMBASE从开始到11月2日2021识别比较研究和评估他们的颅内出血发生率比根据女性荷尔蒙疗法使用。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >结果的722名女病人,年龄在10年或以上的时间脑海绵状畸形诊断,137女性使用激素治疗随访期间任何时候。Female hormone therapy use (adjusted for age, mode of presentation, and CCM location) was associated with an increased risk of subsequent intracranial haemorrhage (46/137 [33·6%] versus 91/585 [15·6%], adjusted hazard ratio 1·56, 95% CI 1·09 to 2·24; p=0·015). Use of oral contraceptives in female patients aged 10-44 years adjusted for the same factors was associated with a higher risk of subsequent intracranial hemorrhage (adjusted hazard ratio 2·00, 95% CI 1·26-3·17; p=0·003). Our systematic literature search showed no studies reporting on the effect of female hormone therapy on the risk of intracranial hemorrhage during follow-up.


Female hormone therapy use is associated with a higher risk of intracranial hemorrhage from cerebral cavernous malformations. These findings raise questions about the safety of female hormone therapy in clinical practice in patients with cerebral cavernous malformation. Further studies evaluating clinical factors raising risk of thrombosis may be useful to determine which patients may be most susceptible to intracranial hemorrhage.

Classification of evidence:

This study provides Class III evidence that female hormone therapy increased the risk of intracranial hemorrhage in patients with CCM.

Zuurbier, s M。桑托斯,a . N。弗莱明,k·D。施密特,B。Jabbarli, R。Lanzino, G。当然,U。Dammann, P。 2023 - 02年- 08 - t12:45:20喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206888 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206888 美国神经病学学会首页 所有脑血管疾病/中风,第三类,包容、多样性、股本、反种族主义、和社会正义(想法),脑内出血 女性激素疗法和颅内出血脑海绵状畸形的风险:一个多中心观察性队列研究 2023-02-08 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206888v1
< ![CDATA[协会的就业状况和症状负担和健康相关的生活质量原发性中枢神经系统肿瘤患者]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207082v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >金融毒性显著影响许多病人,特别是癌症幸存者。我们评估协会失业率作为主要贡献者金融毒性patient-reported结果评估多个疾病经验域(优点)在原发性中枢神经系统肿瘤(PCNST)队列。


Patient and disease characteristics and PROs measuring symptom burden, interference, psychologic distress, functional impairment, and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) from participants enrolled an IRB-approved observational study at the US National Institutes of Health’s Neuro-Oncology Branch were collected between 9/2016-12/2019. Descriptive statistics, tests of association, and comparison of group means were used to describe and evaluate PROs.


Of the 277 participants diagnosed with a PCNST, 57% were male and 43% were female. Participants reported their race as White, non-Hispanic (78%); White, Hispanic/Latino (9%); Asian (7%); Black (4%); Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (1%); other (2%) with 8% missing. The median age of the overall cohort was 45 years (range 18-74). Hispanic participants in the overall sample were 2.3 times more likely, and in the brain tumor group 3.2 times more likely, to report unemployment (p=.043, OR=2.3, 95% CI [1.0, 5.4] and p=.008, OR=3.2, 95% CI [1.3, 7.9], respectively). The 77 (28%) individuals unemployed due to tumor reported more functional impairment with walking, washing, dressing, performing usual activities, and reduced HRQOL (p<.001). More unemployed participants in the total sample reported moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms (25%) than those employed (8%) (X2(1)=13.9, p<.001, OR=3.7, 95% CI [1.8, 7.8]) and more moderate-to-severe anxiety symptoms (30%) than those employed (15%) (X2(1)=7.8, p=.005, OR=2.4, 95% CI [1.3, 4.5]). Unemployed brain tumor participants reported on average 3 more symptoms as moderate-to-severe compared to those employed (t(83)=-4.0, 95% CI difference [-5, -2], p<.001, Hedge’s g=.70).


Being unemployed due to a PCNST strongly correlated with high symptom burden, functional impairment, psychological distress and reduced HRQOL which may be impediments to returning to work that warrant intervention. Lack of employer-based health insurance and reduced earnings are financial sequelae of unemployment superimposed on the physical, social, and cognitive effects of living with a PCNST. Innovations to screen for and address financial toxicity and its contributing factors are needed.

里柏,h·E。维拉·E。,基督。Acquaye,。,,N。崔,。Grajkowska E。Jammula, V。莱文,J。Lindsley, M。雷耶斯,J。,罗氏,k . N。罗杰斯,j·L。Timmer, M。鲍里斯,L。伯顿E。Lollo, N。装甲,M。Penas-Prado, M。皮拉伊,V。, Polskin, L., Theeler, B. J., Wu, J., Gilbert, M. R., Armstrong, T. S. 2023 - 02年- 08 - t12:45:20喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207082 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207082 美国神经病学学会首页 代谢性疾病(继承),新生儿,基底神经节 协会的就业状况和症状负担和健康相关原发性中枢神经系统肿瘤患者的生活质量 2023-02-08 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207082v1
< ![CDATA[考虑使用雌性激素治疗的妇女脑海绵状畸形:一篇社论]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207128v1?rss=1 马德森,t·E。Rexrode, K。 2023 - 02年- 08 - t12:45:20喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207128 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207128 美国神经病学学会首页 所有脑血管疾病/中风,脑内出血 考虑使用雌性激素治疗的妇女脑海绵状畸形:一篇社论 2023-02-08 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207128v1 < ![CDATA[癫痫持续状态和原因不明的猝死在遗传发育和癫痫患者癫痫脑病]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207080v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >背景和目标的基因发展和癫痫脑病(方式)由一大群严重癫痫综合征,具有宽光谱表型。目前,抽搐的癫痫持续状态(CSE) non-convulsive癫痫持续状态(NCSE)和原因不明的猝死在羊角风(癫痫)这些疾病不清楚。我们旨在描述患者的比例经常观察到的遗传方式发达CSE, NCSE,死亡率和癫痫。理解这些严重的风险报告在每个基因迪将使早期诊断和适当的管理。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >在这个方法回顾性分析患者的基因迪,我们估计CSE的比例,NCSE癫痫和整体SUDEP-specific死亡率为每一个基因诊断。我们包括患者致病变种基因:<我> SCN1A, SCN2A, SCN8A, SYNGAP1, NEXMIF, CHD2, PCDH19, STXBP1, GRIN2A, KCNT1, KCNQ2 < / I >和如Angelman综合征()。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >结果队列组成与遗传迪510人;在我们观察CSE 47%, NCSE 19%。比例最高的CSE患者发生在<我> SCN1A < / I >相关方式,包括181/203 (89%;95%置信区间84 - 93%)Dravet综合症患者和8/15 (53%;95%可信区间27 - 79%)non-Dravet SCN1A <我> < / I >方式。 CSE was also notable in patients with pathogenic variants in KCNT1 (6/10; 60%; 95%CI 26-88%) and SCN2A (8/15; 53%; 95%CI 27-79%). NCSE was common in patients with non-Dravet SCN1A-DEEs (8/15; 53%; 95%CI 27-79%) and was notable in patients with CHD2-DEEs(6/14; 43%; 95%CI 18-71%) and AS (6/19; 32%; 95%CI 13-57%). There were 42/510 (8%) deaths amongst the cohort, producing a mortality rate of 6.1 per 1000 person years (95% CI 4.4 – 8.3). SUDEP cases accounted for 20/42 (48%) deaths. Four genes were associated with SUDEP: SCN1A, SCN2A, SCN8A and STXBP1. The estimated SUDEP rate was 2.9 per 1000 person years (95% CI 1.7 – 4.5).


We showed that proportions of patients with CSE, NCSE and SUDEP differ for commonly encountered genetic DEEs. The estimates for each genetic DEE studied will inform early diagnosis and management of status epilepticus and SUDEP and inform disease-specific counselling for patients and families in this high-risk group of conditions.

唐南,a . M。,施耐德,a . L。、Russ-Hall年代。Churilov, L。雅伯,即。 2023 - 02 - 07 - t12:45:27喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207080 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207080 美国神经病学学会首页 发展障碍,癫痫持续状态,所有基因 癫痫持续状态和原因不明的猝死在癫痫患者遗传发育和癫痫脑病 2023-02-07 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207080v1
< ![CDATA[白质纤维束损害语言变化的贡献对颞叶癫痫手术后]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206862v1?rss=1 < p >背景和目标:< / p > < p >在医学上难治性颞叶癫痫(框架),30 - 50%的患者经历大量的语言在语言优势半球切除后下降。在这里,我们调查的贡献白质纤维束损害语言变化3 -和手术后12个月。


We studied 127 patients who underwent TLE surgery from 2010–2019. Neuropsychological testing included picture naming, semantic, and phonemic verbal fluency, performed pre-operatively, 3- and 12-months post-operatively. Outcome was assessed using reliable change index (RCI; clinically significant decline) and change across timepoints (post- minus pre-operative scores).

Functional MRI was used to determine language lateralization. The arcuate (AF), inferior fronto-occipital (IFOF), inferior longitudinal, middle longitudinal (MLF), and uncinate fasciculi were mapped using diffusion MRI probabilistic tractography. Resection masks, drawn comparing co-registered pre- and post-operative T1 MRI scans, were used as exclusion regions on pre-operative tractography to estimate the percentage of pre-operative tracts transected in surgery. Chi-squared assessments evaluated the occurrence of RCI-determined language decline. Independent samples T-tests and MM-estimator robust regressions were used to assess the impact of clinical factors and fiber transection on RCI and change outcomes, respectively.


Language dominant and non-dominant resections were treated separately for picture naming, as post-operative outcomes were significantly different between these groups. In language dominant hemisphere resections, greater surgical damage to the AF and IFOF was related to RCI-decline at 3 months. Damage to the inferior frontal sub-fasciculus of the IFOF was related to change at 3 months. In language non-dominant hemisphere resections, increased MLF resection was associated with RCI-decline at 3 months, and damage to the anterior sub-fasciculus was related to change at 3 months.

Language dominant and non-dominant resections were treated as one cohort for semantic and phonemic fluency, as there were no significant differences in post-operative decline between these groups. Post-operative seizure freedom was associated with an absence of significant language decline 12 months after surgery for semantic fluency.


We demonstrate a relationship between fiber transection and naming decline after temporal lobe resection. Individualized surgical planning to spare white matter fiber bundles could help to preserve language function after surgery.

绑定,l . P。达斯古普塔,D。泰勒,p . N。,汤普森,p . J。奥基夫,a G。,德Tisi, J。McEvoy, a W。Miserocchi,。温斯顿·g·P。邓肯,j·S。Vos, s . B。 2023 - 02 - 07 - t12:45:27喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206862 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206862 美国神经病学学会首页 醉酒驾车、神经心理评估、癫痫手术 白质纤维束损害语言变化的贡献对颞叶癫痫手术后 2023-02-07 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206862v1
< ![CDATA[蛛网膜下腔出血病人改良Rankin规模的相关性研究:国际横断面调查]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206879v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >中有显著的异质性报告结果的测量在动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血(aSAH表示)的研究。改良Rankin规模(夫人)是最常报道的功能结果。夫人着重于身体残疾,但是许多aSAH表示幸存者经历sequalae在其他领域,和夫人aSAH表示幸存者可能因此不捕获的结果重要。本研究的目的是评估的临床相关性夫人作为一个研究结果衡量人们生活aSAH表示。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p > 355年我们进行了一次国际横断面调查aSAH表示幸存者,家人和医护人员评估patient-perceived结果与太太太太是评估之前使用一个基于web的工具进行验证。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p >响应率为60%;受访者来自7大洲aSAH表示幸存者组成的86%和14%的家庭成员/照顾者。自我评价结果之间的协议和夫人很穷(卡巴0.26(可信区间0.14 - -0.39))。172受访者自我评价有很好的aSAH表示结果,122名(71%)0 - 2分在19%的受访者太太一个好结果,基于测量0 - 2分的夫人,自我评价,有一个贫穷的aSAH表示结果。当夫人分数被一分为二为0 - 3对应于一个好结果,分数和自我评价结果之间的协议仍然贫穷Kappa评分为0.40 (CI 0.20 - -0.60)。百分之三十的受访者觉得夫人不应作为衡量未来aSAH表示试验结果。


The findings suggest that there is poor agreement between aSAH survivors’ self-assessed outcome, their actual mRS score and the dichotomization of the mRS score into good/poor outcomes. Patient-centered and -informed outcome measurement tools are needed to guide the aSAH research agenda.

Niznick, N。Saigle, V。马蒂,m . L。Laframboise, J。咋,X。安徒生,C。Presseau, J。快滑步,M。麦金太尔,L。•弗格森,D。鲟鳇鱼,a F。Lauzier F。Mayer, s。、Lahiri年代。拉姆齐,T。、英语、S。 2023 - 02 - 07 - t12:45:27喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206879 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206879 美国神经病学学会首页 结果研究,所有脑血管疾病/中风,急救护理,蛛网膜下腔出血 蛛网膜下腔出血病人改良Rankin规模的相关性研究:国际横断面调查 2023-02-07 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206879v1
< ![CDATA[疾病过程和长期结果与特发性颅内高血压孕妇:IIH前瞻性孕产妇健康研究]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206854v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景:< /圣> < p >特发性颅内高血压(IIH)通常发生在育龄妇女与体重增加的一个关键风险因素发展或恶化的疾病。在这组患者怀孕是常见的。怀孕的长期影响颅内高压症尚未建立,本研究的目的。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >前瞻性队列研究(IIH生活)连续招募患者颅内高压症2012 - 2021年之间和评估结果,包括:视力(LogMAR视力;汉弗莱视野周长的平均偏差(PMD);光学相干断层扫描(OCT)成像)和头痛。四个组进行评估:那些有颅内高压症诊断同时首次怀孕;那些建立颅内高压症怀孕;那些怀孕前的诊断颅内高压症;和颅内高压症从不怀孕。


377 people with IIH agreed to participate in the IIH Life maternal health study. Mean follow up was 17.5 months (standard deviation (SD) 20.5). IIH diagnosed in pregnancy was rare. Patients diagnosed with IIH whilst pregnant had greater papilloedema (mean OCT total retinal thickness +11.59 µm/month (95% CI: 1.25, 21.93)), although they had comparable visual field and acuity measures compared to those with established IIH who became pregnant during their disease course (-1.2 µm/month (95% CI: -2.6, 0.21)). In those with established IIH, pregnancy did not adversely affect visual or headache outcomes over time and the trajectory was akin to those with IIH that never had a pregnancy. Headache outcomes showed variability reflecting the IIH cohort as a whole.


A diagnosis of IIH whilst pregnant was rare but associated with more severe papilloedema. Long term visual outcomes in IIH were analogous irrespective of the timing of the pregnancy. This data is reassuring however close vigilance of IIH clinical features during pregnancy is recommended.

需要,M。荷马,V。、Mollan s P。辛克莱,a·J。 2023 - 02 - 07 - t12:45:27喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206854 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206854 美国神经病学学会首页 特发性颅内高血压、Neuro-ophthalmology 孕妇的孕期疾病过程和长期结果特发性颅内高血压:IIH前瞻性孕产妇健康研究 2023-02-07 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206854v1
< ![CDATA[协会之间的饮食习惯在中年与老年痴呆发病率在20年期间]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207171v1?rss=1 2023 - 02 - 07 - t12:45:27喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207171 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207171 美国神经病学学会首页 协会之间的饮食习惯在20年内中年与老年痴呆发病率 2023-02-07 修正 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207171v1 < ![CDATA[评估角膜共焦显微镜和其他小型纤维措施糖尿病多神经病]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206902v1?rss=1 Background

& Objectives: Damage to small nerve fibers is common in diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN) and the diagnosis of DPN relies on subjective symptoms and signs in a combination with objective confirmatory tests, typically electrophysiology or intraepidermal nerve fiber density (IENFD) from skin biopsy. Corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) has been introduced as a tool to detect DPN. However, it is unclear if CCM can reliably be used to diagnose DPN and how the technique compares with other commonly used measures of small fiber damage, such as IENFD, cold detection threshold (CDT) and warm detection threshold (WDT). Therefore, we assessed and compared the use of CCM, IENFD, CDT and WDT in the diagnosis of DPN in patients with type 2 diabetes.


In this cohort study, the participants underwent detailed neurological examination, electrophysiology, quantification of IENFD, CCM, and quantitative sensory testing. Definition of DPN was made in accordance with the Toronto criteria for diabetic neuropathy (without relying on IENFD and thermal thresholds).


A total of 214 patients with at least probable DPN, 63 patients without DPN and 97 controls without diabetes were included. Patients with DPN had lower CCM measures (corneal nerve fiber length (CNFL), nerve fiber density and branch density), IENFD, CDT, and WDT compared to patients without DPN (p=<0.001, <0.001, 0.002, p<0.001, p=0.003 and <0.005, respectively), whereas there was no difference between controls and diabetes patients without DPN. All three CCM measures showed a very low diagnostic sensitivity with CNFL showing the highest (14.4% (95% CI 9.8;18.4)) and a specificity of 95.7% (88.0;99.1). In comparison, the sensitivity of abnormal CDT and/or WDT was 30.5% (24.4;37.0) with a specificity of 84.9% (74.6;92.2). The sensitivity of abnormal IENFD was highest among all measures with a value of 51.1% (43.7;58.5) and a specificity of 90% (79.5;96.2). CCM measures did not correlate with IENFD, CDT/WDT or neuropathy severity in the group of patients with DPN.


CCM measures showed the lowest sensitivity compared to other small fiber measures, in the diagnosis of DPN. This indicates that CCM is not a sensitive method to detect DPN in recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes.

Classification of Evidence:

This study provides Class III evidence that CCM measures aid in the detection of diabetic polyneuropathy in recently diagnosed type 2 diabetics, but with a low sensitivity when compared to other small fiber measures.

Gylfadottir, S。Itani想知道,M。,Kristensen a G。Nyengaard, j . R。Sindrup, s . H。詹森,t·S。,Finnerup: B。Karlsson, P。 2023 - 02 - 07 - t12:45:27喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206902 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206902 美国神经病学学会首页 周围神经病变,第三类 评估角膜共焦显微镜和其他小型纤维措施糖尿病多神经病 2023-02-07 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206902v1
< ![CDATA[教学实验:原发性中枢神经系统血管炎模仿颅内肿瘤]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206889v1?rss=1 太阳,H。张,S。Yu, T。周,D。李,J。 2023 - 02 - 07 - t12:45:27喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206889 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206889 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振,血管炎 教学实验:原发性中枢神经系统血管炎模仿颅内肿瘤 2023-02-07 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206889v1 < ![CDATA[临床推理:青少年慢性脑膜炎——奥卡姆剃刀应用吗?]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206783v1?rss=1 < p >一个14岁的女孩面对亚急性发作头痛、发烧、呕吐和管理最初用抗生素对疑似细菌性脑膜炎。她的症状进一步发展在未来几周与系统性偏袒慢性脑膜炎症状和体征与颅内压。病因学检查是模糊后,她开始经验性抗结核治疗。经过一段时间的局部改进,最近诊断为局灶性发作症状复发。她的影像学表现进化特征暗示焦软脑膜炎多病灶的异构与出血性病灶增强大脑皮层和皮层下病变,导致脑活检证实诊断。我们的案例突出了实用的诊断患者的活检“慢性脑膜炎“在不确定的情况下,而不是封闭的方法吝啬的法则。决定启动经验治疗应考虑慢性脑膜炎在个案基础上,考虑因素,如临床检查发现,免疫状态,最近曝光,和治疗的潜在风险。典型的MRI特点应该降低门槛meningo-cortical活检时表示。< / p > Pavuluri, H。KV, V。,托马斯B。Vilanilam, g . C。Nair, P。Narasimhaiah, d。Poyuran, R。梅农,r . N。 2023 - 02年- 06 - t14:42:39喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206783 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206783 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振,免疫学,临床神经学,肿瘤首页 临床推理:青少年慢性脑膜炎——奥卡姆剃刀应用吗? 2023-02-06 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206783v1 < ![CDATA[适应进化过程试验技术和治疗指南:定性审查CREST-2经验]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207075v1?rss=1 < p >多重挑战面对过程试验,包括招生缓慢,缺乏病人和医生之间的平衡,以及未能实现足够的屏蔽。尽管如此,随机临床试验提供最佳疗效的证据。技术的发展、技术和标准的护理程序的行为试验期间外部有效性的挑战。在此,我们回顾如何多中心试验无症状的颈动脉血管再生的中风的预防治疗颈动脉狭窄的变化管理和医疗管理atherothrombotic疾病。< / p > Meschia, j·F。拉尔,B。Roubin, G。图兰,t . N。霍华德,诉J。本森,r . T。运货马车的车夫,K。霍华德,G。王硕,t·G。 2023 - 02年- 06 - t14:42:39喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207075 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207075 美国神经病学学会首页 所有的临床试验,所有脑血管疾病/中风 适应不断变化的技术和程序试验治疗指南:定性审查CREST-2经验 2023-02-06 当代问题在实践中,教育,和amp;amp; RESEARCH hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207075v1 < ![CDATA[在人口结构变化趋势、危险因素和临床特征的患者感染性Endocarditis-Related中风,2005 - 2015]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206865v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景:< /圣> < p >有感染性endocarditis-related中风发病率的增高(IERS)承担在美国由于阿片类药物流行病。有必要了解当代流行病学描述阿片类药物流行病的影响在日前发表的临床特征。我们描述和分析人口统计趋势,日前发表的危险因素和临床特征。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >这是一个回顾性队列研究中一个混血人口130万大辛辛那提/肯塔基州北部地区。出血性或缺血性中风患者住院都是识别和医生验证从2005年,2010年和2015年日历年使用ICD-9和-10码。日前被定义为急性中风归因于感染性心内膜炎会议修改杜克标准可能或明确的心内膜炎。未经调整的人口相比,风险因素,结果,临床特点是每个研究日前期限和non-IERS之间执行。调整后的模型比较趋势Cochran-Armitage测试用于分类变量和一般线性模型或克鲁斯卡尔-沃利斯测试数值变量。检查心内膜炎状态交互的趋势进行使用一般线性或物流模型。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p >共有54日前患者和8204没有日前确定研究时期。 Between 2005 and 2015, there was a decline in rates of hypertension (91.7% vs 36.0%; p=0.0005) and increased intravenous drug users (IVDU) (8.3% vs 44.0%; p=0.02) in the IERS cohort. The remainder of the stroke population demonstrated a significant rise in hypertension, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, and peri-operative stroke. Infective endocarditis status significantly interacted with the trend in hypertension prevalence (p=0.001).


From 2005 to 2015, infective endocarditis-related stroke was increasingly associated with intravenous drug use and fewer risk factors, specifically hypertension. These trends likely reflect the demographics of the opioid epidemic, which has affected younger patients with fewer comorbidities.

Non-standard Abbreviations and Acronyms


infective endocarditis-related stroke; IVDU: intravenous drug users; GCNKSS: Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Stroke Study; NIHSS: National Institute of Health Stroke Scale; tPA: tissue plasminogen activator

Ridha, M。费海提,m . L。阿齐兹,Y。面,L。Alwell, K。科,j . C。,哇,D。、Ferioli年代。Adeoye, O。Khatri, P。,德洛里奥斯La Rosa F。Mistry,大肠。Demel, s . L。麦基,J。马提尼,S。科尔曼E。Jasne,。斯莱文,S。沃尔什,K。,明星,M。Haverbusch, M。马德森,t·E。布罗德里克,j . P。,Kissela B。, Kleindorfer, D. O. 2023 - 02年- 06 - t14:42:39喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206865 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206865 美国神经病学学会首页 代谢性疾病(继承),新生儿,基底神经节 在人口结构变化趋势、危险因素和临床特征的患者感染性Endocarditis-Related中风,2005 - 2015 2023-02-06 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206865v1
< ![CDATA [DMD基因型和运动机能在杜氏肌萎缩症:一个多对临床试验的荟萃分析和影响]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000201626v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p > genotype-targeted治疗的临床试验在杜氏肌肉营养不良症(DMD)传统上比较治疗患者未经治疗的患者同样的<我> DMD < / I >基因型类。这可以避免混淆药物功效的基因型效应也萎缩的符合条件的控制,增加挑战试验已经登记在这个罕见的疾病。适用性评价的遗传型的无与伦比的控制模式,我们量化基因型类对1的影响运动机能的改变端点用于临床试验。


Over 1,600 patient-years of follow-up (>700 patients) were studied from six real-world/natural history data sources (UZ Leuven, PRO-DMD-01 shared by CureDuchenne, iMDEX, North Star UK, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, and the DMD Italian Group), with genotypes classified as amenable to skipping exons 44, 45, 51 or 53, other skippable, nonsense, and other mutations. Associations between genotype class and 1-year changes in North Star Ambulatory Assessment total score (NSAA) and in 10-meter walk/run velocity (10MWR) were studied in each data source with and without adjustment for baseline prognostic factors.


The studied genotype classes accounted for approximately 2% of variation in NSAA outcomes after 12 months, whereas other prognostic factors explained >30% of variation in large data sources. Based on a meta-analysis across all data sources, pooled effect estimates for the studied skip-amenable mutation classes were all small in magnitude (<2 units in NSAA total score in 1-year follow up), smaller than clinically important differences in NSAA, and were precisely estimated with standard errors <1 unit after adjusting for non-genotypic prognostic factors.


These findings suggest viability of trial designs incorporating genotypically mixed or unmatched controls for up to 12 months in duration for motor function outcomes, which would ease recruitment challenges and reduce numbers of patients assigned to placebos. Such trial designs, including multi-genotype platform trials and hybrid designs, should ensure baseline balance between treatment and control groups for the most important prognostic factors, while accounting for small remaining genotype effects quantified in the present study.

Muntoni F。Signorovitch, J。Sajeev, G。巷,H。詹金斯,M。Dieye,我。沃德,美国J。麦当劳,C。Goemans, N。尼克,e . H。黄,B。Servais, L。版,Straub写,V。Guglieri, M。de Groot, i . j . M。Chesshyre, M。田,C。Manzur, a . Y。麦古利E。Aartsma-Rus,。 2023 - 02 - 01 - t12:45:14喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000201626 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000201626 美国神经病学学会首页 所有的神经肌肉疾病,临床试验方法/研究设计,队列研究,协会在遗传学研究 杜氏肌萎缩症DMD基因型和运动功能:多一个荟萃分析和对临床试验的影响 2023-02-01 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000201626v1
< ![CDATA[一生生殖因素对中风的累积效应及其亚型在绝经后的中国:一个前瞻性群组研究]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206863v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >背景多种生殖因素与中风有关。对生殖因素的累积效应在卒中及其亚型生殖生命历程,尤其是中国女性。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >客观评估协会终身累积的雌激素暴露生殖因素与中风及其病因亚型在绝经后的中国。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >方法从中国嘉生物(CKB)研究中,绝经后女性事先中风在基线(2004 - 2008)被选中。终生累积雌激素暴露生殖因素评估使用三个复合指标:生殖寿命(RLS)、内源性雌激素暴露(EEE)和总雌激素暴露(三通)。卒中及其亚型,缺血性中风(是)、脑出血(我)和蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)被确定通过连杆疾病登记处系统和医疗保险数据在随访期间(2004 - 2015)。Multivariable-adjusted Cox比例风险回归模型应用于估计调整风险比(aHR)和95%可信区间(CI)的中风的风险RLS的四分位数,分别EEE,三通。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣> < /圣> < p >结果共有122939名绝经后40到79岁的参与者事先中风在基线被包括在内。在一个平均8.9年的随访期间,15139最近诊断为中风病例,其中包括12853,2580我和269 SAH病例。与RLS的最低四分位数(Q1),最高四分位数(Q4)降低中风的风险(aHR: 0.95, 95% CI: 0.92—-0.98),是(aHR: 0.95, 95% CI: 0.92—-0.98),和我(aHR: 0.87, 95% CI: 0.81—-0.94)。EEE和TEE显示与后续下行的风险分级协会总中风(aHR Q4 vs Q1: EEE: 0.85, 95%置信区间CI: 0.82 - -0.89;三通:0.87,95% CI: 0.84—-0.90),是(aHR Q4 vs Q1: EEE: 0.86, 95%置信区间CI: 0.83 - -0.90; TEE: 0.86, 95% CI: 0.83-0.89), and ICH (EEE: 0.73, 95% CI: 0.65-0.81; TEE: 0.83,95% CI: 0.76-0.91), with a P-trend<0.001 for all of these associations.


Patients’ cumulative estrogen exposure due to reproductive factors could potentially be a valuable indicator for risk stratification of stroke events following menopause.

侯,L。李,S。、朱、S。易,Q。刘,W。吴,Y。吴,F。霁,Y。、歌曲、P。拉希米,K。 2023 - 02 - 01 - t12:45:14喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206863 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206863 美国神经病学学会首页 所有脑血管疾病/中风,队列研究,风险因素在流行病学、脑出血、蛛网膜下腔出血 一生生殖因素对中风的累积效应及其亚型在绝经后的中国:一个前瞻性群组研究 2023-02-01 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206863v1
< ![CDATA[测试阿尔茨海默病疾病生物标志物和披露结果连续体]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206891v1?rss=1

Three pathological processes define or are characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease (AD): amyloid-β, hyperphosphorylated tau, and neurodegeneration. Our understanding of AD is undergoing a transformation due to our ability to measure biomarkers of these processes across different stages of cognitive impairment. There is growing interest in using AD biomarker tests in care and research and, with this, a growing need for guidance on how to return these sensitive results to patients and participants. Here, we propose a five-step approach informed by: clinical and research experience designing and implementing AD biomarker disclosure processes; extant evidence describing how individuals react to AD biomarker information; ethics; and the literature on breaking bad news. The clinician should (1) determine the appropriateness of AD biomarker testing and return of results for the particular patient or research participant. If testing is appropriate, the next steps are to: (2) provide pre-test education and seek consent for testing to the individual and their support person; (3) administer testing; (4) return the results to the individual and their support person; and (5) follow up to promote the recipient’s wellbeing and to learn from their experience. We conclude by identifying open questions to guide future studies of biomarker disclosure.

Largent,大肠。烧烤,J。O ' brien, K。,,D。哈金斯K。Karlawish, J。 2023 - 01 - 31 - t12:45:18喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206891 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206891 美国神经病学学会首页 阿尔茨海默病 测试阿尔茨海默病生物标志物和披露结果整个疾病的连续体 2023-01-31 当代问题在实践中,教育,和amp;研究 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206891v1
< ![CDATA[教学实验:鲜红斑痣、眼部黑变病和癫痫发作与Sturge-Weber年轻人和Klippel-Trenaunay重叠综合症]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206901v1?rss=1 Lavanya, K。拉梅什,R。Shanmugam年代。Avadhani D。Hazeena, P。 2023 - 01 - 31 - t12:45:18喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206901 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206901 美国神经病学学会首页 所有临床神经病学,临床神经首页学检查,所有癫痫发作 教学实验:鲜红斑痣、眼部黑变病和癫痫发作与Sturge-Weber年轻人Klippel-Trenaunay重叠综合征 2023-01-31 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206901v1 < ![CDATA[临床推理:成年病人出现脊柱疼痛机动车事故之后]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206880v1?rss=1 < p >一个52岁的女性复杂过去的病史,包括血缘关系的历史,发展耐火材料,无法控制的脊柱疼痛机动车事故之后前两年。没有明确的临床检查结果。她发现有轻度升高血清肌酸磷酸激酶水平和脊柱成像显示脂肪替代和影响主要是腰椎paraspinal肌肉萎缩。最初的EMG采样多个肢体肌肉是正常的。然而,跟进同心针检查抽样paraspinal和躯干的肌肉显示丰富的肌紧张的排放,颤和积极的锋利的波浪,和肌病运动单位动作电位变化。这种模式的神经生理学异常提示痛障碍的寻找,最终随着进一步的研究证实。这种情况下强调了神经生理学的重要作用评价paraspinal消歧和其他躯干肌肉的临床和影像数据,帮助建立一种罕见的但可治疗的肌病的诊断在疾病早期阶段。< / p > 沙玛,V。索托,O。 2023 - 01 - 31 - t12:45:18喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206880 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206880 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振,所有神经肌肉疾病,肌肉疾病、肌电图,所有的基因 临床推理:成年病人出现脊柱疼痛机动车事故之后 2023-01-31 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206880v1 < ![CDATA[神经学科技的未来:神首页经影像可以使用低场,便携式核磁共振]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000207074v1?rss=1 <一口> < p > 20 th < /一口>世纪,神经影像的出现大大改变了神经护理领域。然而,尽管迭代进步发明以来,计算机断层扫描(CT)和磁共振成像(MRI),进展甚微先生将神经影像医疗点。Recently, the emergence of a low-field (LF) (<1 Tesla (T)), portable MRI (pMRI) is setting the stage to revolutionize the landscape of accessible neuroimaging. Users can transport the pMRI into a variety of locations, using a standard 110-220V wall outlet. In this article, we discuss current applications for pMRI including in the acute and critical care settings, as well as the barriers to broad implementation, and future opportunities.


In 1971, the development of CT transformed neuroimaging. For the first time, the brain could be visualized noninvasively1. MRI further revolutionized the field by coupling an external magnetic field with radiofrequency (RF) energy to provide greater soft tissue contrast and more precise anatomic visualization than CT2,3. However, conventional MRI (cMRI) scanners operate at a high magnetic field strength (1.5-3 T), are costly to purchase ($1M per T), and require expensive infrastructure4. Patients must be moved from clinical environments to controlled access remote imaging suites, often causing delays in image acquisition. This transport is associated with cardiovascular and respiratory risks, which are exacerbated by the inability to deploy interventions in transit5, 6. While use of portable CT (pCT) can evade these hazards, it carries the risk of radiation7. Thus, the ability to obtain MR neuroimaging at the point-of-care may reshape neurological care (Figure).

For more information on pMRI background, please refer to eAppendix 1, which includes a discussion comparing pMRI versus cMRI and pCT and an explanation of pMRI specifications. eAppendix 1 also involves a clinical case highlighting pMRI’s utility and a description of similar devices.

Parasuram: R。克劳福德,a . L。Mazurek, m . H。Chavva, i R。现场,R。吉尔摩·e·J。彼得森,n . H。、Payabvash年代。苏,G。伊格莱西亚斯,j·E。Omay, s . B。Matouk C。Longbrake E。de Havenon。希夫,s . J。罗森,m . S。金伯利,w . T。Sheth, k . N。 2023 - 01 - 31 - t12:45:18喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000207074 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000207074 美国神经病学学会首页 磁共振成像、临床神经学检查、首页预后、急救护理、包容、多样性、股本、反种族主义和社会正义(想法) 神经学的未来科技:神首页经影像可以使用低场,便携式核磁共振 2023-01-31 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000207074v1
< ![CDATA[内腔活检的分子分析人类大脑血管畸形]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000201493v1?rss=1 2023 - 01 - 30 - t12:45:15喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000201493 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000201493 美国神经病学学会首页 内腔活检的分子分析人类大脑血管畸形 2023-01-30 修正&amp; REPLACEMENT hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000201493v1 < ![CDATA[教学实验:视神经鞘脑膜瘤表现为Gaze-Evoked黑内障]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000201643v1?rss=1 2023 - 01 - 30 - t12:45:15喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000201643 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000201643 美国神经病学学会首页 教学实验:视神经鞘脑膜瘤表现为Gaze-Evoked黑内障 2023-01-30 修正&amp; REPLACEMENT hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000201643v1 < ![CDATA[珍珠和Oy-sters:利用新的诊断和治疗方法治疗基因耐药局灶性癫痫患者]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206900v1?rss=1 < p >焦点皮质发育不良(FCD)是一种先天性发育畸形和焦癫痫是耐药的主要原因之一(DRFE)。虽然焦癫痫病传统上一直被视为障碍,越来越多的证据表明大量遗传贡献焦结构的癫痫病的发病机理,包括fcd。蓬乱的突变,Egl-10 domain-containing蛋白5 (DEPDC5)最近成为家族焦点的癫痫病的诱发基因突变与FCD 2型,包括底沟发育不良(BOSD)。我们现在的一名20岁男子与DRFE DEPDC5阳性c。1555C>T (p.GIn519*) heterozygous pathogenic variant. Initial 3T brain MRI was unrevealing, but subsequent 7T MRI including 7T edge-enhancing gradient echo (EDGE), revealed a left superior frontal sulcus BOSD concordant with the electroclinical data. The patient underwent treatment with MR-guided laser interstitial thermal ablation of the left frontal BOSD without intracranial EEG monitoring ("skipped candidate"), resulting in a seizure-free outcome of nine months since the last follow-up. Our case highlights the real-world application of summative information obtained through advancements in epilepsy–genetic testing, minimally invasive surgeries, and ultra-high field MRI, allowing us to provide a safe and effective treatment for a patient with a genetic DRFE.

汗一个。麦德,e . H。Javarayee, P。泰特姆,w . O。、Bolurate S。、Grewal编写S。Feyissa,。 2023 - 01 - 25 - t12:45:30喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206900 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206900 美国神经病学学会首页 脑电图、癫痫手术、病灶体积MRI用于癫痫、皮质发育不良 珍珠和Oy-sters:利用新的诊断和治疗方法治疗基因耐药局灶性癫痫患者 2023-01-25 居民,amp;amp; FELLOW SECTION hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206900v1
< ![CDATA [CYP2C19基因分型指导抗血小板治疗腔隙的二级预防中风]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206898v1?rss=1 Sposato,洛杉矶。唐南,g。 2023 - 01 - 25 - t12:45:30喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206898 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206898 美国神经病学学会首页 中风的预防、脑血管疾病/中风梗塞 CYP2C19基因分型指导抗血小板治疗腔隙的二级预防中风 2023-01-25 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206898v1 < ![CDATA[临床推理:一个47岁的男子与一个上呼吸道感染,急性混乱,构音障碍,和共济失调]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206864v1?rss=1 < p >病人呈现急性混乱,构音障碍,四肢的共济失调步态不稳权证微分包括紧急考虑广泛的急性缺血性或出血性卒中发生。此外,在急性亚急性演示一系列广泛的病因包括感染性原因,毒素,或自身免疫条件可能被考虑。这篇文章有一个47岁的男性送给十分混乱,严重的构音障碍,左上肢测距不准,和步态蹒跚。在他的情况下,这些神经迹象之前上呼吸道感染的症状。此外,MRI大脑没有对比演示了一个小型的焦点hyperintensity diffusion-weighted成像在胼胝体压部的表观扩散系数匹配。这篇文章演示了一个诊断方法在评估患者临床和影像学检查的这个星座,以及相关的管理注意事项。A comprehensive overview of other potential causative factors of the imaging findings is described to augment the reader’s differential diagnosis. Lastly, a literature review pertaining to the revealed diagnosis highlights the epidemiological relevance as well as important clinical pearls.

Kubicki, K。巴尔加斯,。'Dwyer阿,R。 2023 - 01 - 25 - t12:45:30喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206864 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206864 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振,醉酒驾车,细菌感染,临床神经学检查首页 临床推理:一个47岁的人的上呼吸道感染,急性混乱、构音障碍、共济失调 2023-01-25 居民,amp;amp; FELLOW SECTION hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206864v1
< ![CDATA[临床推理:一个25岁的女人,眼睛肿胀和头痛]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206836v1?rss=1 < p >文摘:脑静脉窦血栓形成(CVST)是少见。风险因素包括遗传和后天因素。快速诊断和治疗是至关重要的,可以帮助预防并发症,包括癫痫和视觉干扰。< / p > Hehir,。吉尔摩,R。、电力、S。莫纳亨,T。麦格拉思,e R。 2023 - 01 - 25 - t12:45:30喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206836 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206836 美国神经病学学会首页 头痛,所有临床神经学、血液、脑静脉血栓形成首页 临床推理:一个25岁的女人,眼睛肿胀和头痛 2023-01-25 居民,amp;AMP FELLOW SECTION hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206836v1 < ![CDATA [Genotype-Guided双重抗血小板治疗轻微中风或短暂性脑缺血发作与单个小皮层下梗死]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206775v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >单小皮层下梗死(拟建)是一种重要的中风亚型。最优抗血小板药物治疗缺血性中风患者一个拟建尚不清楚。我们旨在测试ticagrelor-aspirin预防卒中复发的疗效和安全性拟建患者Ticagrelor或氯吡格雷与阿司匹林在高危患者急性Nondisabling脑血管事件二世(机会)试验。


In the CHANCE-2 trial, patients with a minor stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) who carried CYP2C19 loss-of-function (LOF) alleles were randomly assigned within 24 hours after symptom onset, to either ticagrelor-aspirin (placebo clopidogrel plus a 180 mg loading dose of ticagrelor on Day 1, followed by 90 mg twice daily on Days 2–90) or clopidogrel-aspirin (placebo ticagrelor plus a 300 mg loading dose of clopidogrel on Day 1, followed by 75 mg daily on Days 2–90). Aspirin was applied during the first 21 days. Patients who had an SSSI (diffusion-weighted imaging lesion diameter ≤20 mm) were included in this analysis and further categorized into two types according to whether they had the responsible intracranial artery stenosis (ICAS): SSSI+ICAS and SSSI-ICAS. The primary efficacy outcome was a new stroke at 90 days.


Among 2,143 eligible patients, 340 had the responsible ICAS and 1,803 did not. Ticagrelor-aspirin reduced stroke recurrence among all SSSI patients (HR: 0.54; 95% CI: 0.38-0.79; P=0.001) compared to clopidogrel-aspirin. Stroke recurrence occurred in 35/901 (3.9%) patients with SSSI-ICAS on ticagrelor-aspirin and in 72/902 (8.0%) on clopidogrel-aspirin (HR: 0.45; 95% CI: 0.29-0.68; P<0.001). In patients with SSSI+ICAS, the corresponding event rates were 14/176 (8.2%) and 13/164 (7.9%), respectively (HR: 1.20; 95% CI: 0.45-3.23; P=0.71; P for interaction=0.08). The risk of moderate to severe bleeding only occurred in SSSI-ICAS patients (5/901 [0.6%] vs. 5/902 [0.6%]).


In this prespecified substudy, ticagrelor-aspirin was superior to clopidogrel-aspirin in reducing the risk of stroke at 90 days among SSSI patients who carried CYP2C19 LOF allele(s). Although there was no treatment-by-heterogeneous etiology interaction, a greater absolute risk reduction of stroke was observed in patients with SSSI-ICAS than in those with SSSI+ICAS.

刘,H。静,J。王,。徐问。孟,X。李,H。李,Z。王,Y。 2023 - 01 - 25 - t12:45:30喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206775 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206775 美国神经病学学会首页 中风的预防、二级、梗塞 Genotype-Guided双重抗血小板治疗轻微中风或短暂性脑缺血发作与单个小皮层下梗死 2023-01-25 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206775v1
< ![CDATA[病理特征Anti-Mi-2皮肌炎]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000201611v1?rss=1 2023 - 01 - 24 - t12:45:21喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000201611 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000201611 美国神经病学学会首页 Anti-Mi-2皮肌炎的病理特征 2023-01-24 修正&amp; REPLACEMENT hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000201611v1 < ![CDATA[非酒精性脂肪肝病协会和纤维化与事件痴呆和认知:鹿特丹研究]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000201689v1?rss=1 2023 - 01 - 24 - t12:45:21喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000201689 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000201689 美国神经病学学会首页 非酒精性脂肪肝病协会和纤维化事件痴呆和认知:鹿特丹学习 2023-01-24 修正&amp; REPLACEMENT hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000201689v1 < ![CDATA[轨迹大脑认知能力下降的捐赠者与Autopsy-Confirmed阿尔茨海默病和脑血管疾病]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000201690v1?rss=1 2023 - 01 - 24 - t12:45:21喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000201690 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000201690 美国神经病学学会首页 轨迹大脑认知能力下降的捐助者Autopsy-Confirmed阿尔茨海默病和脑血管疾病 2023-01-24 修正&amp; REPLACEMENT hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000201690v1 < ![CDATA[自然历史研究STXBP1-Developmental和癫痫脑病到成年]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000201612v1?rss=1 2023 - 01 - 24 - t12:45:21喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000201612 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000201612 美国神经病学学会首页 自然历史研究STXBP1-Developmental和癫痫脑病到成年 2023-01-24 修正&amp; REPLACEMENT hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000201612v1 < ![CDATA[数据驱动的表型出现中央疾病抽动与无监督聚类))> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000201652v1?rss=1 2023 - 01 - 24 - t12:45:21喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000201652 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000201652 美国神经病学学会首页 数据驱动的表型出现中央与无监督聚类疾病抽动 2023-01-24 修正&amp; REPLACEMENT hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000201652v1 < ![CDATA[多基因易感性高血压和血压控制中风幸存者]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206763v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >血压(BP)通常不是在中风幸存者的目标,使个人容易受到额外的血管事件。鉴于英国石油公司是一个高度遗传的特质,我们假设一个更高的多基因易感性高血压(PSH)导致更糟糕的英国石油公司控制中风幸存者。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >我们在英国生物库进行了一项研究评估欧洲血统的人幸存一个缺血性或出血性卒中发生。PSH模型,我们创建了多基因的成绩而且舒张压和收缩压(PRS)使用732的遗传变异。We divided the PRSs into quintiles and used linear/logistic regression to test whether higher PSH led to higher observed BP, uncontrolled BP (systolic BP >140 mmHg or diastolic BP >90 mmHg) and resistant BP (uncontrolled BP despite being on >=3 antihypertensive drugs). We conducted an independent replication using data from the Vitamin Intervention for Stroke Prevention (VISP) trial.


We analyzed 5,940 stroke survivors. When comparing stroke survivors with very low versus very high PSH, the mean systolic BP was 137 (SD 18) versus 143 (SD 20, p<0.001), the mean diastolic BP was 81 (SD 10) versus 84 (SD 11, p<0001), the prevalence of uncontrolled BP was 42.8% versus 57.2% (p<0.001), and the prevalence of resistant hypertension was 3.9% versus 11% (p<0.001). Results remained significant using multivariable models (p<0.001) and were replicated in the VISP study (all tests with p<0.05).


A higher PSH is associated with worse BP control in stroke survivors. These findings point to genetic predisposition as an important determinant of poorly controlled BP in this population.

Acosta, J。,,c·P。Demarais, z S。康伦,c·J。巨大,a . C。、Torres-Lopez v . M。de Havenon。彼得森,n . H。吉尔,t . M。、sans、l . H。Sheth, k . N。要求,g . J。 2023 - 01 - 23 - t12:45:25喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206763 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206763 美国神经病学学会首页 所有脑血管疾病/中风、队列研究、脑出血、蛛网膜下腔出血,遗传学 多基因易感性高血压和血压控制中风幸存者 2023-01-23 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206763v1
< ![CDATA[多基因风险得分在诊所:对于中风幸存者]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206899v1?rss=1 Georgakis m K。安德森,c, D。 2023 - 01 - 23 - t12:45:25喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206899 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206899 美国神经病学学会首页 丛集性头痛 多基因风险得分在诊所:中风幸存者 2023-01-23 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206899v1 < ![CDATA[临床推理:49岁女子与孤立的窦颅内硬脑膜动静脉瘘Perimedullary排水]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206824v1?rss=1 < p >髓鞘脱失是纵向广泛的脊髓病的最常见的病因,其他原因是重要的识别。在这里,我们提出一个案件纵向宫颈病变的一种非常罕见的原因。我们讨论的方法纵向脊髓病的鉴别诊断和检查。这个临床推理的案例也说明了脊髓病变症状之间的解剖关系和non-symptomatic颅内病因。< / p > 陆,H。、马、Y.-j。刘,H。李,H。-F. 2023 - 01 - 23 - t12:45:25喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206824 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206824 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振,所有的脊髓,动静脉畸形、脑静脉血栓形成 临床推理:一个49岁的女人,孤立与Perimedullary排水窦颅内硬脑膜动静脉瘘 2023-01-23 居民,amp;amp; FELLOW SECTION hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206824v1 < ![CDATA[吞咽困难和肺病治疗脊髓性肌萎缩症患儿疾病修改代理]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206826v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景/目的:< /圣> < p >疾病修改代理(直)治疗脊髓性肌萎缩(SMA) SMA表型与改善生存的进化。持续的口咽吞咽困难和呼吸道并发症。吞咽困难的程度和呼吸道发病率在这个人口,因为对于介绍,并没有被很好的描述。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>研究设计和方法:< /圣> < p >整个人口研究涉及到所有的孩子对待SMA类型1 - 3在我们的设施。Videofluoroscopic吞下研究(仅(vfs) 1型),胸部计算机层析(CT胸部)扫描,并收集临床数据。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p > 36个孩子包括(n = 9类型1,n = 14 2型、3型n = 13;年龄范围0.3 - -15.4年)。异常吞咽特征被证明在所有儿童1型(n = 8;100%)。支气管扩张被发现在CT胸部:3 9例(33.3%),2 14(14.3%),和2 1型13例(15.4%),2和3,分别。肺不张、粘液堵塞支气管壁增厚,实质变化很常见。

Discussion/ Conclusion:

Swallow impairments were universal in children with type 1. Bronchiectasis was common in all paediatric SMA types, with a prevalence of 1 in 5. Routine monitoring and management of dysphagia/ recurrent respiratory infection should be implemented for improvement in lung health.

查柯,。马歇尔,J。泰勒,O。McEniery, J。狡猾,p D。Gauld, l . M。 2023 - 01 - 19 - t12:45:22喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206826 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206826 美国神经病学学会首页 CT,所有儿童 吞咽困难和肺病治疗脊髓性肌萎缩症患儿疾病修改代理 2023-01-19 临床/科学的笔记 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206826v1
< ![CDATA[皮肤的{α}-核蛋白签名多系统萎缩患者和帕金森病]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206772v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景:< /圣> < p >多系统萎缩(MSA)是一种进行性神经退行性疾病引起的异常积累α-突触核蛋白的神经系统。临床特征包括自主和运动功能障碍,重叠与帕金森病(PD),特别是在疾病的早期阶段。有一个未满足的需要准确的诊断和预后的生物标志物对MSA,,具体地说,一个关键需要区分从其他synucleinopathies MSA,尤其是PD。这项研究的目的是开发一个独特的皮肤病理磷酸化α-突触核蛋白的签名,可以区分MSA患者PD患者和健康对照组。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >我们研究31 MSA患者和54 PD患者根据当前临床诊断标准达成共识。我们还包括24匹配控制。所有的参与者接受神经系统检查,自主测试和皮肤活检在三个地点。intra-epidermal的密度,催汗的,竖毛神经纤维测量。磷酸化α-突触核蛋白的沉积是量化。结果与临床评估分级和自主功能测试结果。


Patients with PD had reduced nerve fiber densities compared to patients with MSA (P<0.05, all fiber types). All patients with MSA and 51/54 with PD had evidence of phosphorylated alpha-synuclein in at least one skin biopsy. No phosphorylated alpha-synuclein was detected in controls. Patients with MSA had greater phosphorylated alpha-synuclein deposition (P<0.0001) and more widespread peripheral distribution (P<0.0001) than patients with PD. These results provided >90% sensitivity and specificity in distinguishing between the two disorders.


Alpha-synuclein is present in peripheral autonomic nerves of MSA patients, and when combined with synuclein distribution, accurately distinguishes MSA from PD.

Classification of Evidence:

This study provides Class II evidence that measurement of phosphorylated alpha-synuclein in skin biopsies can differentiate patients with MSA from those with PD.

吉本斯,C。王,N。Rajan年代。Kern D。、帕尔玛大学。考夫曼,H。弗里曼,R。 2023 - 01 - 19 - t12:45:22喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206772 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206772 美国神经病学学会首页 自主疾病、帕金森病、帕金森症、多系统萎缩,二类 患者皮肤的{α}-核蛋白签名多系统萎缩和帕金森病 2023-01-19 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206772v1
< ![CDATA[在跑道上的α-突触核蛋白体:皮肤活检诊断Synucleinopathies ?]] > http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206881v1?rss=1 Parnetti, L。Bellomo, G。 2023 - 01 - 19 - t12:45:22喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206881 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206881 美国神经病学学会首页 帕金森病/震颤麻痹 在跑道上的α-突触核蛋白体:皮肤活检诊断Synucleinopathies吗? 2023-01-19 社论 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206881v1 < ![CDATA[儿童神经病学首页:小儿生物素硫胺素响应基底节疾病:病例报告和简短回顾]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206832v1?rss=1 < p >生物素硫胺素响应基底节疾病(BTRBGD)是一种常染色体隐性遗传疾病,结果硫胺素无法穿过血脑屏障。<一口> 3 < /一口>如果维生素补充,被认为是一个治疗的最常见的硫胺素和生物素,提前启动。2 <一口> < /一口> BTRBGD可以作为一种幼稚的形式存在,经典的童年形式,或成人Wernicke-like脑病。<一口> 3 < /一口>幼稚的形式往往是最严重和预示着糟糕的预后与高死亡率尽管维生素补充剂。我们提出一个两个月大,易怒,角弓反张,和眼球运动异常被发现在SLC19A3复合杂合变异体基因遗传转化,其中包括已知的致病intronic变体和小说变体可能致病。因此她被诊断出患有小儿BTRBGD。在这个报告中,我们讨论了微分小儿BTRBGD, BTRBGD的临床和影像学特征,和描述一个快速、积极应对在婴儿早期的维生素补充剂可能致病小说在SLC19A3变体。< / p > 钱,K。Pizoli C。拉斯,j·B。 2023 - 01 - 19 - t12:45:22喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206832 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206832 美国神经病学学会首页 代谢性疾病(继承),新生儿,基底神经节 儿童神经病学首页:小儿生物素硫胺素响应基底节疾病:病例报告和简短回顾 2023-01-19 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206832v1 < ![CDATA [NIH音乐相关干预工具包:音乐相关干预衰老的大脑疾病]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206797v1?rss=1 < p >音乐相关干预措施(可以发行)承诺为管理各种脑部疾病的症状。充分意识到潜在的可以发行和消除过时的误解,可以发行是植根于“软科学”,美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)正在推广严格设计,well-powered MBI的临床试验。The pressing need of guidelines for scientifically rigorous studies with enhanced data collection brought together the Renée Fleming Foundation, the Foundation for the NIH, the Trans-NIH Music and Health Working Group, and an interdisciplinary scientific expert panel to create the NIH MBI Toolkit for research on music and health across the lifespan. The Toolkit defines the building blocks of MBIs, including a consolidated set of common data elements for MBI protocols, and core datasets of outcome measures and biomarkers for brain disorders of aging that researchers may select for their studies. Utilization of the guiding principles in this Toolkit will be strongly recommended for NIH-funded studies of MBIs.

爱德华兹,E。,圣Hillaire-Clarke C。、维尔·d·W。芬克尔斯坦,R。契弗,T。陈,w·G。Onken, L。Poremba,。谜语,R。Schloesser D。b . c, E。,水井,N。弗莱明,R。柯林斯,f·S。 2023 - 01 - 13 - t12:45:20喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206797 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206797 美国神经病学学会首页 帕金森病/帕金森症、脑血管疾病/中风、老年痴呆症、认知老化 NIH音乐相关干预工具包:音乐相关干预衰老的大脑疾病 2023-01-13 当代问题在实践中,教育,和amp;研究 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206797v1
< ![CDATA[教学视频杂志:双边眼睑打开失用症患者的基部的综合症]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206799v1?rss=1 Cimmino, a . T。维塔利,F。人工,R。 2022 - 12 - 29 - t12:45:31喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206799 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206799 美国神经病学学会首页 教学视频的实验:双边眼睑打开失用症患者的基部的综合症 2022-12-29 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206799v1 < ![CDATA[珍珠和Oy-sters:盐和胡椒,PLNTY耐药性癫痫]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206782v1?rss=1 Paredes-Aragon, e . M。,AlKhaldi: A。Burneo, j·G。李,D。Ang, l . C。史蒂文,D。麦克唐纳,M。Herrera-Aramburu, M。Mirsattari, s M。 2022 - 12 - 23 - t12:45:36喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206782 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206782 美国神经病学学会首页 珍珠和Oy-sters:盐和胡椒,PLNTY耐药性癫痫 2022-12-23 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206782v1 < ![CDATA[教学实验:颅内单独纤维肿瘤肝转移]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206822v1?rss=1 韦伯,m . J。Campian, j·L。森,U。 2022 - 12 - 23 - t12:45:36喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206822 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206822 美国神经病学学会首页 所有头痛、核磁共振、宠物,所有的肿瘤,转移性肿瘤 教学实验:颅内单独纤维肿瘤肝转移 2022-12-23 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206822v1 < ![CDATA[珍珠和Oy-sters:癫痫持续状态和脑水肿Hyperammonemia由于传播Ureaplasma和支原体物种]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206778v1?rss=1 < p > Non-hepatic hyperammonemia综合征是一种罕见的神经功能障碍和脑水肿的原因,最常见的被移植后患者的报道。直到最近机会性感染<我> Ureaplasma < / I >物种和<我> Mycloplasma hominis < / I >被发现是病机关键。我们描述的情况下三个免疫抑制患者hyperammonemia综合症与新的难治性癫痫持续状态发作和弥漫性脑水肿。PCR阳性是<我> Mycloplasma hominis < / I >一个病人和<我> Ureaplasma以及其他两个< / I >。尽管早期诊断怀疑和激进的管理经验抗生素,控制癫痫,食盐水,氨清除,没有这种危及生命的感染病人幸存下来。Non-hepatic hyperammonemia可以展示传播的特点和新发作癫痫<我> Ureaplasma < / I >物种和<我>支< / I >移植后感染的病人。免疫抑制的器官移植可能足以触发这个实体,就像在我们的第三个病人。怀疑的时候,应该使用经验结合抗生素由于高电阻的可能性。选择是PCR的诊断测试。hyperammonemia综合症患者与这些感染通常具有不良预后有关。 Early recognition and aggressive multimodal interventions may be key to ameliorating the high mortality and severe neurologic sequelae from this entity.

Bharath, s P。庞,H。Kaderi, T。Rampolla, R。陈,T。Gezalian, M。、Lahiri年代。、Toossi年代。Ayodele, M。 2022 - 12 - 23 - t12:45:36喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206778 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206778 美国神经病学学会首页 珍珠和Oy-sters:癫痫持续状态和脑水肿Hyperammonemia由于Ureaplasma和支原体物种传播 2022-12-23 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206778v1
< ![CDATA [Teaching_NeuroImage: ROBO3突变导致水平凝视麻痹和脑干畸形]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206821v1?rss=1 钱德,G。Reddy, N。Konanki, R。Boltshauser E。Lingappa, L。 2022 - 12 - 23 - t12:45:36喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206821 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206821 美国神经病学学会首页 本篇 Teaching_NeuroImage: ROBO3突变导致水平凝视麻痹和脑干畸形 2022-12-23 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206821v1 < ![CDATA[教学实验:双边颈内动脉狭窄由于激进的巨细胞动脉炎]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206823v1?rss=1 Doncel-Moriano Cubero,。Espigol, G。雷努,。 2022 - 12 - 23 - t12:45:36喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206823 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206823 美国神经病学学会首页 其他脑血管疾病/中风、自身免疫性疾病、血管炎,所有医疗/系统性疾病、脑血管疾病、中风 教学实验:双边颈内动脉狭窄由于激进的巨细胞动脉炎 2022-12-23 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206823v1 < ![CDATA[“玻璃鳗鱼”登录基孔肯雅热脊髓病]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206759v1?rss=1 Nobrega, p R。,初级,p . H。Galdino, g。迪亚斯,d。维埃拉·卡斯特罗j . D。 2022 - 12 - 22 - t12:45:24喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206759 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206759 美国神经病学学会首页 核磁共振,所有感染,病毒感染 基孔肯雅热脊髓病的“玻璃鳗鱼”标志 2022-12-22 科学杂志 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206759v1 < ! [CDATA[在]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206761v1?rss=1 古特曼,L。 2022 - 12 - 22 - t12:45:24喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206761 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206761 美国神经病学学会首页 丛集性头痛 在一起 2022-12-22 人文学科在神经学首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206761v1 < ![CDATA[右脑:齿轮和晶体]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000206798v1?rss=1

"cogwheels and crystals" is a reflection on how difficult it was to see a Parkinson’s patient in the office as the daughter of a man with the same diagnosis. The immediate challenge was maintaining composure and professionalism, fighting the urge to stay blissfully unaware. The poem explores my feelings as I set out to perform a thorough interview like any other: discomfort with confronting potential future realities, reminders of the ways my father’s disease limited his involvement in my childhood, and guilt for perhaps not caring for him enough as I spend my days caring for others with similar struggles.

Sastry。 2022 - 12 - 22 - t12:45:24喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000206798 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000206798 美国神经病学学会首页 帕金森病/震颤麻痹 右脑:齿轮和晶体 2022-12-22 居民,amp;的部分 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000206798v1
< ![CDATA[脑小血管疾病的遗传原因:实用指南神经病学家]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000201720v1?rss=1 < p >脑小血管疾病(CSVD)包括影响大脑和各种实体,通常,全身小动脉、小动脉、小静脉和毛细血管。CSVD的根本原因是不同的,有些是遗传。单基因CSVD负责1 - 5%的中风和其他干扰。尽管许多基因参与,单基因的表型CSVD部分重叠。鉴于不同疾病的基因测试可以挑战和耗时,练习神经学家应该充分了解CSVD的遗传背景,应该能够选择患者进行遗传评估以及基因进行分析。本综述的目的是总结临床、神经和non-neurological,和单基因CSVD神经影像的特性,并提供一个流程图用于临床实践指导神经学家。拟议的流程图和相应的表可以应用到三个不同的设置,根据报告:1)缺血性中风或短暂性脑缺血发作;2)脑出血;3)其他神经,单基因CSVD non-neurological和/或神经影像学特征,在没有中风症状由于梗塞或出血。< / p > Manini,。Pantoni, L。 2022 - 12 - 19 - t12:45:38喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000201720 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000201720 美国神经病学学会首页 中风在年轻的成年人,其它脑血管疾病/中风,所有脑血管疾病/中风,CADASIL,脑内出血 遗传的原因脑小血管疾病:神经学家的实用指南 2022-12-19 审查 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000201720v1 < ![CDATA [Microembolism和其他偏头痛和中风之间的联系:临床和病理生理的更新]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000201699v1?rss=1 < p >偏头痛和中风疾病非常普遍具有高影响生活质量,与多个流行病学、病理生理、临床和预后重叠的地方。偏头痛是中风的一个危险因素。这种风险是由共同的危险因素,migraine-specific机制和non-migraine-specific相关作用机制与先兆偏头痛患者(如心房纤颤,反常栓塞通过卵圆孔未闭)。另一个重要的先兆偏头痛和缺血性中风之间的联系是心脏栓塞。Cardioembolism缺血性中风是最常见的原因,越来越多的证据表明,microembolism主要但不限于源于心脏,是一个先兆偏头痛机制的发展作出贡献。在本文中,我们讨论偏头痛流行病学方面的联系和缺血性中风,偏头痛患者的缺血性中风的临床表现,以及区分偏头痛的non-migrainous梗死灶。之后,我们审查migraine-specific和non-migraine-specific中风机制。然后我们审查更新的临床前和临床数据microembolism先兆偏头痛的原因。在最后一节中,我们总结的知识缺口和重要领域探索在未来的研究。审查包括临床装饰图案与最相关的话题的讨论解决。< / p > 焦点在于,S。,Harriott a . M。Ayata C。Ornello, R。Bagur, R。Jimenez-Ruiz,。、Sposato洛杉矶。 2022 - 12 - 15 - t12:45:18喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000201699 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000201699 美国神经病学学会首页 丛集性头痛 Microembolism和其他偏头痛和中风之间的联系:临床和病理生理的更新 2022-12-15 审查 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000201699v1 < ![CDATA[评分者间信度专家Electroencephalographers确定癫痫发作和节奏和周期模式测量))> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000201670v1?rss=1 <秒> <圣>背景和目标:< /圣> < p >脑监测的有效性使用脑电图(EEG),尤其是指导护理急性或关键疾病,患者要求专家可以可靠地识别癫痫和其他有害的节奏和周期性的大脑活动,统称为“ictal-interictal-injury连续体”(IIIC)。前两分的(IRR)可靠性研究受限于小样本和选择性偏差。这项研究进行了评估的可靠性识别IIIC专家。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>方法:< /圣> < p >这个前瞻性分析包括30与附属专业临床神经生理学专家培训来自18个机构。专家独立得分不同数量的脑电图段十秒:“癫痫(深圳)””,边音的周期性放电(LPD)”,“广义周期放电(加仑日)””,边音的节奏三角洲活动(LRDA)”“广义节奏三角洲活动(GRDA)”或“其他”。脑电图进行临床迹象显示在2006年到2020年之间马萨诸塞州综合医院。主要结果措施成对IRR(平均百分比之间的协议(PA)对专家)和多数IRR(平均PA与集团一致)为每一个类;及以后机会协议()。次要结果校准专家评分小组的共识,和潜在特质分析调查偏差和噪声的贡献得分的变化。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>结果:< /圣> < p > 2711脑电图中,49%是女性,中值(差)年龄为55岁(41)。 In total experts scored 50,697 EEG segments; the median [range] number scored by each expert was 6,287.5 [1,002, 45,267]. Overall pairwise IRR was moderate (PA 52%, 42%), and majority IRR was substantial (PA 65%, 61%). Noise-bias analysis demonstrated that a single underlying receiver operating curve can account for most variation in experts' false positive vs true positive characteristics (median [range] of variance explained (R2): 95 [93, 98]%), and for most variation in experts’ precision vs sensitivity characteristics (R2: 75 [59, 89]%). Thus, variation between experts is mostly attributable not to differences in expertise, but rather to variation in decision thresholds.


Our results provide precise estimates of expert reliability from a large and diverse sample, and a parsimonious theory to explain the origin of disagreements between experts. The results also establish a standard for how well an automated IIIC classifier must perform to match experts.

Classification of Evidence:

This study provides Class II evidence that independent expert review reliably identifies ictal-interictal injury continuum patterns on EEG compared to expert consensus.

京,J。通用电气,W。,,a F。费尔南德斯,m . B。、香港年代。一个年代。法蒂玛,S。Herlopian,。卡拉奇,我。哈尔福德,J·J。Ng, m . C。,约翰逊,e . L。Appavu, b . L。Sarkis, r。奥斯曼,G。卡普兰,p W。、Dhakar m B。、Jayagopal洛杉矶。酋长,Z。Taraschenko, O。施密特,S。, Haider, H. A., Kim, J. A., Swisher, C. B., Gaspard, N., Cervenka, M. C., Rodriguez Ruiz, A. A., Lee, J. W., Tabaeizadeh, M., Gilmore, E. J., Nordstrom, K., Yoo, J. Y., Holmes, M. G., Herman, S. T., Williams, J. A., Pathmanathan, J., Nascimento, F. A., Fan, Z., Nasiri, S., Shafi, M. M., Cash, S. S., Hoch, D. B., Cole, A. J., Rosenthal, E. S., Zafar, S. F., Sun, J., Westover, M. B. 2022 - 12 - 02 - t12:45:30喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000201670 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000201670 美国神经病学学会首页 二类,脑电图 评分者间信度专家Electroencephalographers确定癫痫发作和节奏,在测量周期模式 2022-12-02 金博宝手机版官网首页 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000201670v1
< ![CDATA[协会血管内血栓切除术与功能结果在急性中风患者缺血性大核心]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000201641v1?rss=1 2022 - 11 - 30 - t12:45:33喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000201641 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000201641 美国神经病学学会首页 协会血管内血栓切除术与功能结果在急性中风患者缺血性核心 2022-11-30 修正 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000201641v1 < ![CDATA[在儿童脑损伤发生前症状罹:时机和治疗]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000201440v1?rss=1 2022 - 11 - 29 - t12:45:26喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000201440 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000201440 美国神经病学学会首页 在儿童脑损伤发生前症状罹:时机和治疗 2022-11-29 修正 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000201440v1 < ![CDATA[皮质蛋白质和老年人认知能力的个体差异]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000201623v1?rss=1 2022 - 11 - 29 - t12:45:26喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000201623 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000201623 美国神经病学学会首页 皮质蛋白质和个体差异在老年人的认知能力 2022-11-29 修正 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000201623v1 < ![CDATA[{β}淀粉积累的时空模式:一个亚型和舞台推理模型分析]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000201144v1?rss=1 2022 - 09 - 30 - t12:45:34 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000201144 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000201144 美国神经病学学会首页 {β}淀粉积累的时空模式:亚型和舞台推理模型分析 2022-09-30 修正 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000201144v1 < ![CDATA[未破裂颅内动脉瘤的监视:成本效益分析三个国家]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000201070v1?rss=1 耐腐蚀合金,t Y。、Hunink m·m·G。Dammers, R。,范,a·c·g·M。Volovici, V。伯克,j·F。克雷默,f . C . C。因为,d . w . J。,Roozenbeek B。 2022 - 07 - 18 - t12:45:20 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000201070 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000201070 美国神经病学学会首页 未破裂颅内动脉瘤的监视:成本效益分析三个国家 2022-07-18 修正&amp; REPLACEMENT hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000201070v1 < ![CDATA[皮质蛋白质和老年人认知能力的个体差异]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000200739v1?rss=1 2022 - 04 - 13 - t12:45:49 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000200739 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000200739 美国神经病学学会首页 皮质蛋白质和个体差异在老年人的认知能力 2022-04-13 修正 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000200739v1 < ![CDATA[流程图实现先进的成像和电生理学的意识障碍患者:功能磁共振成像或不fMRI ?]] > http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000200229v1?rss=1 2022 - 03 - 07 - t13:09:04喂饲 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000200229 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000200229 美国神经病学学会首页 流程图实现先进的成像和电生理学的意识障碍患者:fMRI fMRI与否? 2022-03-07 修正&amp; REPLACEMENT hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000200229v1 < ![CDATA [PARK2、PINK1 DJ1型四个欧洲国家的早发性帕金森氏病疾病患者]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000012715v1?rss=1 2021 - 08 - 31 - t13:52:10 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000012715 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000012715 美国神经病学学会首页 PARK2、PINK1 DJ1型早发性帕金森氏病疾病患者在四个欧洲国家 2021-08-31 修正 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000012715v1 < ![CDATA[社论表达担忧:带状疱疹中风和TIA的危险因素:一项回顾性队列研究在英国]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/WNL.0000000000000277v2?rss=1

With regard to the research article "Herpes zoster as a risk factor for stroke and TIA: A retrospective cohort study in the UK" by J. Breuer et al. (Neurology® 2014;82:206–212; published ahead of print January 2, 2014), we are publishing this Expression of Concern to alert readers that errors of data presentation have been uncovered since publication. The authors are preparing a corrected version of the paper.

2014 - 06 - 30 - t14:45:08 07:00 信息:doi 10.1212 / / WNL.0000000000000277 hwp: master-id首页:神经病学;WNL.0000000000000277 美国神经病学学会首页 社论表达担忧:带状疱疹中风的危险因素和蒂雅:在英国一个回顾性队列研究 2014-06-30 文章 hw_mjid:首页神经病学;WNL.0000000000000277v2
< ![CDATA [4-Aminopyridine毒性与多发性硬化症患者意外过量四]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/01.wnl.0000327099.06072.30v1?rss=1 伯顿,j . M。,贝尔,c . M。沃克,s E。奥康纳,p W。 2008 - 10 - 15 - t13:07:29 07:00 信息:doi wnl.0000327099.06072.30 / 10.1212/01. wnl.0000327099首页.06072.30 hwp: master-id:神经病学;01. 美国神经病学学会首页 4-Aminopyridine毒性与意外过量四多发性硬化症患者 2008-10-15 临床/科学的笔记 wnl.0000首页327099.06072.30v1 hw_mjid:神经病学;01. < ![CDATA[皮质髓鞘脱失PML和女士:异同]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/01.WNL.0000284601.54436.e4v1?rss=1 抽象< p > < p > < B > < / B > < / p > < p > < B >目的:< / B >描述病理变化的大脑皮层多发性硬化(MS)患者和渐进多焦点的脑白质病(PML)。< / P > < P > < B >方法:< / B >解剖大脑组织获得了来自13个病人PML, 4 MS患者,2 HIV脑病患者,1没有神经病理学。为髓磷脂蛋白免疫组织化学、炎性细胞和神经纤维细丝进行评估皮质病变的分布,炎症活动,神经炎的病理变化。应用共聚焦显微镜来检查在PML皮层神经突的病理变化。< / P > < P > < B >结果:< / B > Leukocortical,皮层和皮质髓鞘脱失的单纯模式在脑组织女士表示。在PML脑组织皮层和leukocortical但不是单纯病变观察。皮质病变PML和炎症细胞包含少于女士脱髓鞘白质区域。在皮质PML神经炎的病理损伤是由瘠薄和神经突切断。病理神经炎的过程中修改在PML更明显的高度比灰质发炎白质脱髓鞘、让人想起以前的神经炎的病理报告女士JC病毒感染细胞与PML白质,leukocortical和皮层病变。< / P > < P > < B >结论:< / B >皮质渐进多灶脑白质病的病理学代表一个不同的特征。异同对多发性硬化症皮质病理指出,关于疾病的发病机理可能信息。< / P > 莫尔:M。Rietsch, a . M。凯蒂,a·J。、Cossoy m B。黄,D。为,f·S。特拉普,b D。凯蒂,r . M。 2007 - 10 - 03 - t12:59:48 07:00 信息:doi wnl.0000284601.54436.e4 / 10.1212/01. wnl.0000284601首页.54436.e4 hwp: master-id:神经病学;01. 美国神经病学学会首页 皮质髓鞘脱失PML和女士:相同点和不同点 2007-10-03 文章 wnl.0000首页284601.54436.e4v1 hw_mjid:神经病学;01. < ![CDATA[等离子体{β}蛋白质淀粉样蛋白升高在晚发性阿尔茨海默病家庭]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/01.WNL.0000278386.00035.21v1?rss=1


Objective: Plasma Aβ levels are elevated in early onset Alzheimer disease (AD) caused by autosomal dominant mutations. Our objective was to determine whether similar genetic elevations exist in late onset AD (LOAD).

Methods: We measured plasma Aβ in first-degree relatives of patients with LOAD in a cross-sectional series and in extended LOAD families. We screened these subjects for pathogenic mutations in early onset AD genes and determined their ApoE genotypes.

Results: Plasma Aβ is significantly elevated in the LOAD first-degree relatives in comparison to unrelated controls and married-in spouses. These elevations are not due to ApoE 4 or pathogenic coding mutations in the known early onset AD genes.

Conclusions: The findings provide strong evidence for the existence of novel, as yet unknown genetic factors that affect late onset Alzheimer disease by increasing Aβ.

Ertekin-Taner, N。、Younkin l . H。狙击兵,d . M。帕菲特,F。贝克,m . C。,就是为了,年代。赫顿,m . L。、Younkin s G。,Graff-Radford: R。 2007 - 10 - 03 - t12:59:36 07:00 信息:doi wnl.0000278386.00035.21 / 10.1212/01. wnl.0000278386首页.00035.21 hwp: master-id:神经病学;01. 美国神经病学学会首页 等离子体{β}蛋白质淀粉样蛋白升高晚发性阿尔茨海默病的家庭 2007-10-03 文章 wnl.0000首页278386.00035.21v1 hw_mjid:神经病学;01.
< ![CDATA[神经性疼痛的临床试验的结果。关系研究特点]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/01.WNL.0000275528.01263.6cv1?rss=1 抽象< p > < p > < B > < / B > < / p > < p > < B >背景:< / B >最近的一些随机临床试验发现,神经性疼痛的药物的评价没有显著不同于安慰剂的疗效端点,尽管令人鼓舞的结果从之前的临床前和临床研究。目前尚不清楚这些试验没有成功,因为药物真正缺乏的功效还是特征试验破坏治疗示范效益。< / P > < P > < B >目的:< / B >识别与积极的(即相关的因素。,有利于药物)和安慰剂对照试验神经性疼痛的负面结果。< / P > < P > < B >方法:< / B >我们检查研究特点与积极和消极的临床试验结果神经性疼痛治疗中使用提供的信息综合分析和额外的评级在106年的临床试验。< / P > < P > < B >结果:< / B >单变量分析表明,药物与安慰剂比较的结果更有可能是积极的药物治疗反应率大时,安慰剂反应率低,早些时候发表的研究。多变量分析来确定执行独立的贡献的研究特征试验的结果,更大的药物反应,安慰剂反应降低,更大的样本量是每个独特的积极成果。此外,更大的药物反应率和独立平行组设计都与更大的安慰剂反应率有关。< / P > < P > < B >结论:< / B >结果表明研究特征可能有助于治疗神经性疼痛的临床试验的结果,并提供一个动力调查策略减少安慰剂反应率,从而可能增加有效的积极成果的可能性试验治疗。< / P > Katz, J。,Finnerup: B。德沃金,r . H。 2007 - 10 - 03 - t12:59:24 07:00 信息:doi wnl.0000275528.01263.6c / 10.1212/01. wnl.0000275528首页.01263.6c hwp: master-id:神经病学;01. 美国神经病学学会首页 神经性疼痛的临床试验结果。关系研究特点 2007-10-03 文章 wnl.0000首页275528.01263.6cv1 hw_mjid:神经病学;01. < ![CDATA[灌注fMRI检测赤字地区CBF在MCI记忆编码任务主题]]> http://n.首页neurology.org/cgi/content/short/01.wnl.0000294674.24748.01v1?rss=1 抽象< p > < p > < B > < / B > < / p > < p > < B >目的:< / B >如何记忆编码任务引出主题功能灌注变化与遗忘轻度认知障碍(aMCI)。< / P > < P > < B >方法:< / B > 12 aMCI 14与认知正常受试者(CN)为本研究受试者招募。动脉spin-labeling灌注磁共振成像(ASL-MRI)是用来衡量区域脑血流量(CBF)在控制和编码任务条件。< / P > < P > < B >结果:< / B >实验结果表明,低灌注发生在右侧楔前叶aMCI集团和楔片,而不是CN集团在控件状态。在记忆任务的性能,这些地区低灌注区域扩展的差异后扣带。这些区域灌注率与细微精神状态检查和雷伊听觉言语学习考试成绩。此外,CBF比例增加(22.7%)发生在正确的parahippocampus区域记忆编码任务绩效在CN集团aMCI集团大约没有变化。< / P > < P > < B >结论:< / B >主题与遗忘轻度认知障碍有显著区域脑灌注不足和缺乏动态能力调节区域脑血流量响应功能任务的挑战。< / P > 徐,G。、Antuono p·G。琼斯,J。徐,Y。吴,G。病房里,D。李,S。-J. 2007 - 09 - 26 - t12:55:36 07:00 信息:doi wnl.0000294674.24748.01 / 10.1212/01. wnl.0000294674首页.24748.01 hwp: master-id:神经病学;01. 美国神经病学学会首页 灌注fMRI检测赤字地区CBF在MCI记忆编码任务主题 2007-09-26 文章 wnl.0000首页294674.24748.01v1 hw_mjid:神经病学;01.